Im also going to post what i feel is the dog of the day! I will keep a record and for this dog play i will trac units. For this i will consider this as betting 1 unit/game.
Win #1-yanks and astros both ml (-115)-WIN
Win #2-yanks and jays under 9,5 (-120)-WIN
Loss #1-dodgers ml (-150)-LOSS
Freebie #1-Tampa Bay DRays (-155)-WIN
Freebie#2-Atlanta Braves RL (-150)-WIN
Freebie#3-San Diego ML (-130)
Dog of the day: -0.4 units(3 days)
Freebie: Cleveland/Chicago over 10 -110
Dog of the Day: Philadelphia Phillies RL -1,5(+110)
FOOTBALL IS HERE!!!!! I enjoy betting preseason and have my early packages for football ready!!! Email [email protected] for all the details!!! Maybe even a free winner for those who email soon. Hall of fame game already sent out for tonight! DO NOT miss another great football season!!!!