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Guerrilla Handicapping?

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  • Guerrilla Handicapping?

    Does anyone know what this is? I saw it on another forum.


  • #2
    Guerrilla Handicapping.............

    is affiliated w/ AAA Sports and they are not highly recommended.

    Click on this link for more information on AAA Sports:

    AAA Sports sent me this e-mail. I have no idea how they got my e-mail address. I don't even subscribe to any sports services and haven't since the late eighties (long before the internet).

    Subj: Guerrilla Handicapping
    Date: 7/28/2004 8:24:57 PM Central Daylight Time
    From: ******[email protected]
    To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
    Sent from the Internet (Details)

    Guerrilla Handicapping

    We have finally worked out the last of the details for what we feel is the best opportunity that you could possibly invest in to win very consistently at Sports Handicapping. We call it Guerrilla Handicapping because that is exactly what it is. This new concept does not replace the Regular AAA Sports Service but can be used in place of it or in addition to it. I promise you that this is the most exciting thing that we have ever done.......

    Some Background

    As many of you already know, most handicappers in this world do some things better than others. Year in and year out we see this trend. There are some services and individual professional handicappers that fair much better in the NFL than they do at college football. Some only are successful with College Hoops. Others tear up Major League Baseball every year and can't seem to put together winning years at any other sport. We have done quite a bit of research the last 6 months and we have come up with a plan that is totally infallible. What if you had access to the very best handicappers in the sports they specialize in?

    The Plan

    We have researched over 300 Handicapping Services and Professional Handicappers with monitored results for the past 6 years. Every handicapper on our list must have met certain criteria to become part of our plan. The #1 criteria is that they must have had winning seasons in any sport that they were considered for. Not only did they need to be successful every year but they had to be very successful as compared to the rest of the pack. The #2 criteria is that had to agree to be part of our program. Of course, they will be compensated on a pro rata basis based on their performance and we have finally put together the final couple of pieces of the puzzle........

    The Program

    We are so sure of the success of this program that we have been able to set it up with absolutely no cost to you except for an initial startup fee. I know that this sounds way to incredible to be true but I promise that it is. We have narrowed down the list of possible handicappers to just 11 individuals or individual groups. As a new member to Guerrilla Handicapping you will receive all plays by these 11 professional handicappers.......

    ** We have a baseball Handicapper that has averaged over 55 Units per year for the past 6 years based on 1 unit plays

    ** We have 3 NBA Handicappers that have averaged over 42 Units per combined the last 6 years based on 1 unit plays and neither handicapper has had a losing year during that period.....

    ** We have 2 College Hoops Handicappers that have averaged over 32 units per year based on 1 unit plays.

    ** We have 2 NFL Handicappers that have averaged over 26 Units per year based on 1 unit plays.

    ** We have 2 college football handicappers that have averaged over 31 Units based on 1 unit plays

    ** We have the best hockey handicapper in the land and he has averaged over 29 Units per year based on 1 unit plays.

    As you can tell, we are very excited about the possibilities. If you would like to know more about how to get started with this program contact us for full details.......

    AAA Sports
    Last edited by Bennojd; 07-29-2004, 12:06 AM.
    Quote from author Peter Marshall: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."


    • #3
      Yea, I saw that but this sounds too good right? What about the costs? Has anybody actually done this here?


      • #4
        It's a brand new program so it is unproven.
        I would steer clear and follow the FREE cappers on BettorsChat.

        Quote from author Peter Marshall: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."


        • #5
          I already get some good handicappers and post them in the service thread. Always looking for a better way thats all. Thanks for the info. Maybe I will email them myself.


          • #6
            I just emailed them

            This is what I got........I have heard a few good things about these guys so I might give it a try. Only $500? What the hell!!

            I have included some questions below from one of our signups.....

            Here are the details. We have agreed to compensate all of the Handicappers $1750 per year. That comes to total of $19,250. I promise you that we have the very best. We need 39 Guerilla Handicapping Members to pay for this initial cost. If we can get close to the amount needed we are going to do it. I don't think that will be a problem. We are asking for a $500 setup fee from each member. This will be a one time yearly fee.....

            Now, this is how we make our money. We basically run the program. We gather the Picks and distribute them. All results will be monitored and based on the results here is how we get compensated. After each month we will determine how many units our members have profited and each member will pay us $20 per unit earned. All plays will be judged on 1 unit bets. All Plays will be posted with what we feel are accross the board lines. If there are no units earned in a month we make no money and the negative units are carried over to the next month......There is even some talk to setup a account for easy monitoring

            We are positive of the success of this program and obviously we must be to take on such a major undertaking with no possible revenue unless we all win. Also, when the list of members becomes greater than 39, we will start rebating each member. We are not making money on the initial startup fee and we never will.........

            We did this just as much for us as we did for the potential money we might make. I can assure that we will be betting these plays as well.........

            Jim Summers
            AAA Sports

            Also, here are some questions that was asked and we answered....It might answer some of yours......

            1) Do you have a list of the Handicappers and their Records for the sport that they are participating in to look at? For legal reasons, we cannot do a list of handicappers. They operate their own businesses and the non-service handicappers want to remain anonymous. There will be no designation on who
            picked what. Just all plays on all sports when any handicapper makes a play in his sport.....

            2) When would the program start, would it be for the beginning of the football season or whenever you guys get enough people together? When would you guys like an answer on whether we are in or not? It will startAugust 1st if we have enough people. Weare getting close to the target now. I would hope you would want to start from day one but you can join anytime....

            3) As far as the level of the plays are they all going to be 1 unit plays (is this just for recordkeeping) or does it depend on the handicapper and what level of plays they have? Or is the suggestion just to play are the plays the same? All will be 1 unit plays.......

            4) How would the members have access to the plays (i.e. would there be a website page, email , and/or phone access)? When would the plays be ready each day? We are building a webpage and they will also be emailed and on a phone call. Most plays will be ready in the morning but some handicappers release and or handicap in the afternoon so there will always be a late afternoon post too......

            5) Just so that I have the fees straight it would be $500 a year if you get 39 people or for example $250 if you had 78 people plus $20 a unit earned each month (so if you were up 10 units, each person would pay you $200 for that month)? Yes on both questions.......

            6) What is your guys suggestion as far as this concept along with the normal AAA plays (will these still continue?). Do any of your plays (AAA) make it into all of the plays? AAA Regular Service will continue...No plays will be AAA Plays......

            7) Based on the results you posted on the member's page you would be up 215 units for an average year with this program - is that correct? That is correct although that is an average and will probably vary greatly from year
            to year........



            • #7
              I am skeptical and personally would not send $.10 without some kind of documentation to what they claim.
              I would something legally binding that I would get my money back if something happens to this service or the claims are not what they say.
              Personally, I don't think they can do better than those who post for free and for those pro cappers whose plays are posted daily for NOTHING.
              Let this outfit post all of their plays first for nothing for a few weeks, and lets see if these guys are as good as they say.


              • #8
                You are probably right Savage

                If done right this is a great idea, but trusting them, or anybody to do it right is probably not worth it. I will just stick with what I got already.


                • #9

                  The owner of that site owe's me $400 and has for years now.

