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Big Al Mc Mordie

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  • Big Al Mc Mordie

    As expected and just 5 days after getting rolled in his Game of the Year with Elmer Dessens and The Rough and Tumble Arizona Diamondbacks ... "Big " Al Mc Mordie disrespects the betting world with yet another " Game of the Year "

    5 days folks !!! ... I guess he truly believes that the public has AMNESIA ... let alone a short memory.

    "Al McMordie has a big play tonight in the National League East Division that's out of one of his VERY BEST Baseball Systems. It's Big Al's NL East Game of the Year. Don't miss this EASY Winner. Get on board right now."

    Check out Marc Lawrence and his gang on the website.

    These mugs should be pinned up on a post office wall .

    Get a gander at Lawrence -

    His teeth are capped,
    His smile is pretty,
    Don't be misled,
    His picks are shitty.

    For your amusement only .

  • #2
    Who was the BC member who posted in that thread from earlier this week that Big Al would NOT have another GOY this season?

    That BC member was clearly misinformed. It only took Big Al 5 days!

    Click here first

    Click here!
    Last edited by frankb03; 07-23-2004, 12:06 PM.


    • #3
      Frankie Totals

      I know ... and this person defended "Big" AL most vigorously as if he were F.Lee Bailey in a courtroom trying to get his client off on a manslaughter beef .


      • #4

        This is his NL East game of the year.....He still has 5 more divisions to go, 2 wild card, 2 division series and 1 world series....Over under on GOY is 10 at -110.........I do use a service, so I am not saying I am better, just seems fishy!
        Joe Thorton for MVP


        • #5

          We're just havin some fun .... I know you have a good service that you use and I hope you continue to do well.

          Best of Luck ... -CB


          • #6
            I say who cares....the more u guys talk about these bums the more attention u bring to them......just my opinion!


            • #7
              You know how it goes fats - if he would have won with that ridiculous D-Backs pick last week, it would be touted on his website in huge letters forever! "Remember I won my GOY", bla, bla, bla... With the fact that he lost, now everything is brushed under the rug - pretend it never happened. Start touting any other GOY he can think of. Teams that begin with the letter "C" GOY, teams with "animal names" GOY, etc. etc.... It's an absolute joke!


              • #8
                Re: Al Mcmoron-now you realize why that blowhard and scandalous idiot was booted off the NorthCoast Community Line:Phil Steele, while loving to toot his own horn about his own service, is honorable and would not put up with the shit of scamdicappers like Big Al, Loser Lawrence and god knows how many others of that crew.
                Last edited by savage1; 07-23-2004, 05:23 PM.


                • #9

                  I heard Mc Mordie bought a suit with 2 pair of pants and that very same night he burnt a hole in the jacket . lol

                  all kidding aside ... Big Al is a self made man ... which just goes to show the results of unskilled labor .

                  Ah what the hell ... one more

                  When Big Al goes to his Shrink he has to get under the couch .


                  • #10
                    CoverBoy-the choice of the word "burn" in your previous post was appropriate, as I am sure that hunk of deceitful lard has burned his customers on may occasions including the dumbest GOY ever last week on Arizona;that pick ought to go in the Guniness Book of World Records as the most stupid and unwarranted GOY ever.
                    Maybe Big Al McMoron McMordie(the Blowhard) ought to go back to accounting;I wonder if he could "account" for all of his failures in handicapping during the past few years.

