congrats all duck backers I told you don't sweat it and relax after waves lose last night. Nobody gets revenge better as forecasted. What a comeback by knicks as they outscore hometown lakers 42-17 in 4th as you know the fix must have been on and the public gets hammered again oh to be a fly on the wall. Can't say we played the game but hate hometown fakers. NBA sizzling as we head to break and 10 dime destroyers now 9-2 to end break after twolves hammer rockets other night. Don't miss out big weekend in store mountain west monster and sunday play what you want to win on a let down situation no b.s. just win baby consistent and on the plus side at end of each week. By the way nice call sam on the bowlling green not! ask yourself why kent was 3.5 favorite to begin with on the road as you just don't know the tricks of the trade but like I said nobody wins every night but I am sure you will bounce back. One more thing check my post on ducks and all games way before it started and before anyone posted it on this site. good luck. lets blow your man away this weekend. [email protected] 213-804-2773 serious ballers.
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Oregon rocks books coast to coast bounce back as promised congrats
Golddust crushes bookies and sets fire to vegas with an easy win by BIG O in Pac 10 play like the man said noone wins every night but check his posts 65% winners night in and night out win big win consistent no b.s.
Watch for this weekends blowout bonanza as goldfinger goes for two bookie crushing wins one team circled the game back in August and the other team is laying low with inside info fly on the wall don't lie as you no winners are easy at golden pond!Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!
Good Job Goldylock
Hey Guys,
Good Job tonight on the Big O game goldhead!!
Must have seen my pick!!
-Sam The Man
P.S. Dispite all the flack I recieved on the Denver Under Game, It goes under big-time
Sam The Man