There is a way to make money EVERY WEEK by sports wagering on MLB.
You need to know WHERE to get the information on what games to play.
I have found 10 sport services that if you wager on their Plays of the Month,
which you can get for FREE, 5 minutes AFTER the game starts, you will win
After you get the plays, you go to your sportsbook, Fanduel, Draftkings, or
whatever sportsbook you play, and enter a wager for that game, in the "LIVE"
plays wagering section. Always get the same or better lines the sport services post.
I give you the link to go to every day to see if any of these sport services have a
Play of the Month going that day.
You scroll down looking for POM for the 10 sport services I recommend.
You write down the sport service name, game, and find the start time.
I give you the link to go to get the play 5 minutes AFTER the game has started.
The link has a list of ALL the sport services.
You scroll down to the sport service you want & click on that sport service.
The POM will be posted in the "ONGOING PICKS" area.
The nice thing about this system is you can verify what I am saying by looking
at previous weeks. (Mon-Sun) I give you the link to enter the information to verify this system.
Below are the results for the 1st 4 weeks of this season starting week of 5/31:
5/31 - 6/6 11-6
6/7 - 6/13 13-3
6/14 - 6/20 16-4
6/21 - 6/27 13-2
Remember the goal is to make money EVERY WEEK.
Bet 4% of your starting bankroll at the beginning of each week on each play that week.
I also give you the link to verify this system in previous year 2019. Forget 2020. That year was too weird.
You start using this system starting the 1st week of June.
That gives the sport services time to "get a feel" for each team
You will normally play 14-20 plays per week.
If you have ANY questions, you can email me & I will answer your questions.
There is a ONE TIME charge of $75.
If you enjoy sports wagering, why not MAKE MONEY.
Email me at: [email protected] to buy the system or if you have any questions
I will post a FREE play today 7/3 AFTER the game starts at 2:15 pm cst