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4realyo & Windy City Sports are the SAME GUY!

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  • 4realyo & Windy City Sports are the SAME GUY!

    I have been a long time viewer but normally keep my opnions to myself, but I have to step in on this. Windy City Sports is Windy City Sports Review and has gone by other names. I purchased a package off of him for a month, he won 3 in a row then got a call saying the same old scam...I needed to pay more. I refused and he still sent me the plays. A week later I get an e-mail from windy city sports review telling me I could have a free trial, so i said sure. This e-mail was sent by 4realyo!....Windy City Sports and Windy City Sports Review had the same exact picks every day! I even got them both not even 5 minutes apart from one another. I do not know much about Seagull Sports, Hoosier Sports or theedge but I know that Dave and Windy City are scam artisits.

    I checked his plays for last night

    He chose the WHOLE Card! and only went 4-9! Show me any capper that chooses the whole card that is legit.

  • #2
    kyle, you have some mental problems. get some help, son.
    "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


    • #3
      try to hide but I have proof, I signed up with you guys and i'm not going to let you try to screw anyone else! You keep blaming other sports this "Kyle" guy if he even you keep blaming on someone else....bettorschat log my IP please and show that I am noone but me


      • #4

        Is this true??
        If it is, I know this forum does not want scammers like that around!!

        Some explaining needs to happen real SOON, 4realyo!!

        Quote from author Peter Marshall: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."


        • #5
          -----Original Message-----
          From: Sent:[email protected]
          Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:13 PM
          To: ---------------
          Subject: RE: Hey


          >>I am glad you are enjoying our month of service but I
          have a special
          >>offer for you. I have 4 big wiseguys plays for only
          $2,000. Please get
          >>back with me or call me soon as these plays will start

          Windy City Sports Review

          look it says windy city sports review!


          • #6
            Re: 4realyo:

            Originally posted by Bennojd
            Is this true??
            If it is, I know this forum does not want scammers like that around!!

            Some explaining needs to happen real SOON, 4realyo!!

            look at all the past posts where he defends windy city and is always there right after he posts. It's funny how his $100 guarantee blew up in his face and now the real Windy City shows up. Give me a break


            • #7
              HAHA OMG this is getting way out of control....but this is what you get when you try to hide your lies!


              • #8

                of course, it's not true.

                This guy is a real nut job.

                Personally, I don't care if you use Windy City Sports or not. I just happen to know that he's a legit service and doesn't deserve to be scammed.

                If you go back to the archives, you can read how this whole issue started:

                Kmann (you trust him, right?) asked if Windy City Sports Review had a documented record. I only knew of one "Windy City" and that was the Windy City Sports on Procappers. Then that douche bag Kyle realized that he named his service practically the same name as somebody else so he swicthed to Seagull Sports and then tried to pass of his phomy $100 scam to the real Windy City Sports.

                Bottome line is: only the stupid people will believe Kyle (Football Capper, Seagull, Cubs04, Hoosier, WSCR, The EdgeWins, etc.), so feel free to send him your money but don't come back here crying when you get scammed.

                By the way, if I was Windy City, why would I be on here the last few months contributing to the Service Forum---right Spark, Kmann, Umberto, etc
                "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


                • #9
                  Re: 4realyo & Windy City Sports are the SAME GUY!

                  Originally posted by FootballCapper
                  This e-mail was sent by 4realyo!.....

                  FC... How do you know the e-mail came from 4realyo??? What am I missing???


                  • #10

                    you aren't missing anything. This guy is really stupid. He doesn't think anything through. For example, he claims he was not Windy City Sports Review yet Seagull Sports and WCSR use the same 50*, 20* and 10* rating system. Also, you can check the archives that shows that he says he is going to change his name from WCSR to Seagull.
                    "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


                    • #11


                      Nice call as I just checked the IP #'s for this guy and the following posters all posted under his IP#.



                      • #12

                        "Innocent until proven guilty."

                        And you are obviously innocent; it's nice when the truth comes out!
                        The nerve of some people! :angryfire

                        FYI: I don't use any services here or anyplace else since I handicap CBB, CFB, and Pro Football myself. For the sports that I don't handicap myself; there are plenty of GOOD cappers in the All Sports Discussion forum that post for free!
                        I just had to say something after seeing Football Capper's post! What a sad display of humanity that this clown showed us!!!!!!!!!!

                        My apologies for coming across like I was against you; it's just that Football Capper made an accusation that made me sick to my stomach! I wasn't judging you; I was only standing up against con artists that pull crap like that!

                        Scammers: get lost! You are not welcome here! You know who you are, SCUMBAGS!!!!!!!!!

                        Last edited by Bennojd; 06-02-2004, 10:17 PM.
                        Quote from author Peter Marshall: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."


                        • #13
                          thanks for checking that BC...this guy was full of it from the start. we got on his ass pretty much right away but he hit a few plays and so some guys didn't see it.

                          in addition to all the other stuff, he tried to start a baseball scam called "the game " last year. also had a web site supposedly posting top service plays which was horseshit too. he's a real piece of work.


                          • #14
                            BC & others,

                            Thanks guys, nice to be vindicated.

                            Now that we are probably rid of that scum we can concentrate on winning some money.

                            GL today
                            "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


                            • #15

                              EVERY one of those names mentioned, you can backtrack, at one time or other I politely requested records...You know the answer from there...Evasion....I can't prove anything about the links to one another, but had my suspicions long ago....

                              All those listed, I don't even bother to look at...Did my own take on posted records, and decided my 6 year old grandson, picking teams by mascot, e g , an INDIAN cant beat an ANGEL, a PIRATE would cut a CARDINALS head off, etc, his % is way higher than theirs....

                              For what its worth to you, You are a contributor to this forum, and thats what we look for....You're welcome aboard my ship anytime matey, till ye starts a mutiny, than ye walks the plank like all the rest of the scurvy

                              Pay no mind to the UNDERMINING BS, we're smarter than these guys give us credit for....IMO only....

                              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

