Ty you said that you and EC deposited $200.000 at a Wells Fargo in Las Vegas on 5-18-2004. This bank has 25 locations in that area where it would be possible for you and ec to do that. I do have family members who work for this bank and I asked for information on this. When you make a transaction like this there are several rules and regulations that apply both from the government and the bank. You could deposit $200.000 in a bank but there is going to be a major paper trail with this amount of money. Wait you must have put the cash in a safe deposit box right or thats right you have someone on the inside like your boy scouts. You said that you did this after 2:00 p.m. which made it even easier to figure out. There was no money at the Bank like you said so give up your lies because you lied about this.
P.S. Ty Game 1 Lakers/Pistons take the under I know you can use the help!!
P.S. Ty Game 1 Lakers/Pistons take the under I know you can use the help!!