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Memorial Day Free Weekend To All!!

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  • Memorial Day Free Weekend To All!!

    In the memory of those men and women who have given up the ultimate sacrifice for their country with their lives and to those who are fighting still so that we may all live without harm to our homeland we saltue you all!!

    CONSENSUS USA in conjunction with the "CAPPERS CREW PLAYS" are giving the next 4 days out absolutely FREE! All you need to do to take advantage of this great deal is e-mail us at the address provided below and we will add you to our play list for the next 4 days. Normally are plays are sent via e-mail daily BUT we can and do call the plays into those of you who cannot be around a PC on a particular day or time. This is strictly a FREE PROMOTION and you have no obligation to us at all we simiply want to show you want we are made of and let our plays to the talking! Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have as well with our rating system or who the members of the CAPPERS CREW are and what their particular specialies are and in what sports they may excel!

    Its time to get away from all of the BS that we have found ourselves wraped up in over the last few days and get back to what we do best and show all the good folks here that there is some good and honest people out there who really want to help!


  • #2
    YOU CANT WIN UNLESS YOU GET IN!! So if you ever wanted to check us out for FREE this weekend is the time to do it!!ALL PLAYS-ALL SPORTS FREE THIS MEMERORIAL WEEKEND!! Simiply e-mail me at the address below and see what CONSENSUS USA and its CAPPERS CREW is all about!!FREE!!

    Its nice to see the members of this board taking notice to exactly what and who is going on around them when it comes to services. We promised ourselves the other day that regardless of who wants to say what against our service, both good or bad, that we would do our best to stay out of any literal content with members of this board as each person is entitled to their opinions of us and we will try to do our very best.

    As for services being monitored by others services or service monitoring companies we firmly DO NOT beleive in this practice at all. Believe me there are just as many scam monitoring services out there as scam sportservices.We have and always will be an open shop and if anyone ever wants to take us for a TEST DRIVE to determine if we are what they are looking for and want the door is always open and will always stay that way.

    What is a scam service?Bogus records, unfounded claims, never seem to lose? many people have various definations of a scam service but to me a service that gives out plays on a regular basis and loses even on a regular basis should NOT be considered a scam service just as long as they are TELLING THE TRUTH about their records! That is why to us keeping an OPEN DOOR POLICY is the only way that we will operate in a business where most of the time people want money upfront!

    We would also like to thank a few special members of this board as well for being truthful in their responses to us. The "WIZ" and "BETTORSTALK" both of whom have given feedback to the board members and us respectively! THANKS

    Remember we are asking for any and all members to give us a FREE RIDE over the course of the next few days. You make the determination if we are a what we say we are!!






    • #3
      Just post them on here instead of trying to collect e-mails.


      • #4
        BETTORSCHAT, I can purchase e-mail addresses a dime a dozen if I choose to do so, thats not my motive. By giving out a chance to let people see what we have for plays its alot eaiser for us with alot less BS putting them on our mailing list and delivering plays in 1 shot to all clients, this is how we do it with our clientale and we like to show them all how we do business and in what form the plays are in. Then there are the clients that we will have to call the plays into ourselves which takes more time, by the time all is said and done a handfull of games have gone off and if we post our plays on this site AS WE HAVE DONE IN THE PAST we open ourselves to all sorts of criticisms, such as being late with games, not winning enough,having to many plays(services), rating system, all sorts of unwanted aggravations. By having people e-mail us we usually put a handle on the people who first of all WANT THE INFO and in most cases are looking for a service to use and would rather do it privately rather than a forum. We posted our plays with you folks for about 2 weeks staright, all plays all sports and with the exception of WIZAROFODDS having some nice things to say about us, we where met with quite a bit of displeasure and unwant from the members. I hope you understand why we are doing this the way we feel will be good for everyone as we do not want to listen or be the cause of any bitterness with the members.




        • #5

          You can purchase e-mails, but they are worthless unlike the ones you would collect on here. I mean shit you must have the plays ready for the day so why not post them on here. And if you don't add them to your e-mail list then its a lot harder to e-mail them 1 by 1 than posting them on here.


          • #6
            I emailed twice requesting the plays and still haven't heard back??:confused:


            • #7
              No offense but when a service makes every excuse not to be monitored I have real doubts.

              Bettorschat I would encourage you to get these service to post their free picks here (or 4 free day trial) without the e-mail because if they are so good post here and prove it or get lost.


              • #8
                Add Consensus USA to the FRAUD List

                Dont use these fakes. they are right along the lines of fakes and frauds like east coast, gaston, fiest, joe wiz. I used these fucks a couple years ago and all that happened was i lost money and the lies and excuses kept coming. they lied about inside information....having a "quarterback in the bag" and shit like that.

                they were already BANNED from ##### which is now ##### so I think that this place should follow sort to prevent from newbies losing money with these fucks and continue to clean up the shit from this site.

                Let's not even post that site here since they've threatened me before etc.
                Last edited by BettorsChat; 05-29-2004, 12:48 PM.
                Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!


                • #9
                  Sports I have heard nothing but bad things about Consensus USA so I agree with you 100%.


                  • #10

                    thanks for confirming the story. these fucks float from forum to forum looking to make some money off the newbies before they are found out.

                    but hopefully the people at the forum that have delt with these forums can stop this shit from running down hill before it gets too deep.
                    Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!

