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Thursday Winnings.....DO NOT MISS OUT!...

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  • Thursday Winnings.....DO NOT MISS OUT!...

    2-0 Yesterday....2 Huge Plays Today.....We are going on a tear as we have righted the ship and aren't looking back! Get on board today and roll into the winnings. We also have a huge promotional deal going on that is posted under its own thread here. Check it out...It has a 110% money back Guarantee. Also...We want your feedback....What would you all like to see out of our Service....What kind of deal would strike you all as very interesting? Just curious....Maybe we could work something out....Thanks, Kurt PLSports

    Comp. Play: T'Wolves
    We Make the Connection for You!

  • #2
    Let me shed some light on what you folks have not been seeing as this guy KURT is playing a classic con game and thinks no one can see or nows how it works. Please follow the steps and you will see for yourself what i am talking about. FIRST CON, KURT is telling you a day in advance that he is going to go 3-0 on THURSDAY, call it what you want but the first post tells you just that 3-0 on THURSDAY and he does do just that. NO ONE IS THAT GOOD!!SECOND CON KURT leads us to beleive that he posts his games played for that day each and every day, it took me at least 7 days from yesterday THURSDAY to find any such posted games with the exception of COMPS. Just KURTS word and his fabricated standings on his web site. No daily games just his lies THIRD CON, MAIN - What KURT posts is not a defined game(s) yet a combination of TEAM/TEAM, check the 2nd post down with both teams listed as possible plays, not the first game posted or the second game posted just a HOME/AWAY schedule. So in this case each game has to have a winner so in the FOURTH CON- KURT tells us that he is 2-0 so far with the BRAVES and MARLINS in the 3rd post, this is the FIRST TIME we hear of what his games are for real and that SEATTLE is the FINAL to make it 3-0, this is where KURT is a FOOL!! FINAL CON, The time stamp on the 3rd post where he tells us about the 2 winners

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    BettorsChat Veteran

    Registered: Apr 2004
    Posts: 151
    Thursday Details!!! Get on Board!!!
    2-2 day on Wed. and Thurs we will sweep the board. 3-0 is what you are looking at if you get on board today. The few games that we have been losing have been very close, and they wont be able to hold us at bay for much longer. Roll with the best. We make the connection for you!

    Comp. Play:


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    05-20-2004 01:29 AM

    BettorsChat Veteran

    Registered: Apr 2004
    Posts: 151

    Todays Card:




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    05-20-2004 03:26 PM

    BettorsChat Veteran

    Registered: Apr 2004
    Posts: 151

    2-0 so far with braves and marlins.....Seattle is our game pending!!!

    We Make the Connection for You!

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    05-20-2004 10:42 PM

    Philly Sports Guy

    Registered: Oct 2003
    Location: Jersey
    Posts: 811

    Let's get it in for the 3-0 sweep!! Nice day so far!

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    05-20-2004 10:46 PM

    BettorsChat Veteran

    Registered: Apr 2004
    Posts: 151
    3-0 Day (+12 Units).....Big Day Tomorrow....Get on Board!!!! Here comes ANOTHER RUN!!!!!

    We Make the Connection for You!

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    05-20-2004 11:39 PM


    • #3
      I don't know Kurt, the dude don't like you for some reason! I can't even figure out what he is trying to say???


      • #4
        Mike, it makes no sense....This is simply someone trying to ruin us here and its total BS...We post our games as often as we can after they go off and you all see it. We are going to concentrate on winning...Hopefully you and some others will back us. Thanks
        We Make the Connection for You!


        • #5
          Does he not see that there are times on these posts and doesnt he know people would not let those kinds of stupid easy to see actions go on? Wow, this makes no sense....Anyway....Thanks...Good Luck!
          We Make the Connection for You!


          • #6
            Get monitored and you wouldn't have to deal with it.
            Matt Fargo Sports
            Check our website or the promotion forum for current specials


            • #7

              There's always going to be ASSHOLE haters in this business. You're doing good, and someone is jealous.

              GO AWAY TOOLBAG!!!

              They post their plays right after the games go off.

              AND YES THEIR RECORD IS ACCURATE. Don't worry about them, just concentrate on your own picks.

              TY GASTON IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!

              Go bash's actually quite fun!!

              P.S. Here's TY sucking EC's DICK!!!!! 8==> () :


              • #8
                Haha...Ain't that so very true Mike.....Lets get em' Today!
                We Make the Connection for You!


                • #9
                  i know of sports monitors that are just as full of shit as NSA and VSI. if he posts who he bet on right after the game starts and others on this board back it up that's more reliable as far as i'm concerned.


                  • #10
                    Maybe someone can explain this to me in a nice calm way to try and clear a few things up. The consensus of supporters for Kurt say that he posts his games about 10-20 minutes after they start of the games but according to this thread and in defense of Fenway Fanatic's claims its looks like according to the time stamp that the games in question were orginally posted at 3:26pm est on 5/20, well before the start of any of the games in question which would be great if in fact he told us what he was playing for sure, not put out 6 teams and say that 3 are his plays. The only time i can see when he in fact named 3 teams of his liking was after the first 2 where over at 1042pm est according to the time stamp on the thread. I do not know who or what to beleive as i have seen many things done in this business so who can really say. My advice to Kurt is to either post nothing at all or post things so all can take a taste of the honey and not waffle on who or what you are playing?

                    Todays Card:




                    I would propose to Kurt and the members of Pure-Link a open challenge on this forum. I have had a time of it myself showing the good folks here that I(we) are for real and the furthest thing from a scam job. Needless to say it has been a upward climb but have had some good folks take notice. Therefore if you guys are up to it and want to set the record straight, as Michael buffer says so very well "LETS GET IT ON"!

                    Please feel free to e-mail me or go public with your answer and the forum you want to run with if it is a go. Maybe a impartial 3rd party could get this thing going as ALL members of this site would benefit from it!

                    THANKS MIKE

                    CONSENSUS USA


                    • #11

                      Consensus....Wow, it isn't too hard to understand how we do it here...We post our math-ups, for example Today we have plays in the games below:



                      Angels/Blue Jays

                      Now for those of you who can't plainly see what the above means..Here you go.... It means we have 2 plays today. One of which is in the Mariners v.s. Indians Match-up and one of which is in the Angels v.s. Blue Jays Match-Up. Do you see? There is no deception there at all. No tricks...No Trade...Nothin....We just think it is nice to show the customer an idea of what they are getting beforehand. Now after the games start, we come on here and post who we actually have taken in these match-ups. This is so that you all can CLEARLY see we are not lying the next day when we say "Hey we went 3-0 or Hey we went 2-0." We are not monitored officially by anyone due to the fact that we have not found a place we like and also because the majority of our posts are on this site and YOU ALL CAN EASILY MONITOR US! Wow, I didn't think this all was so hard to understand. It's not brain surgery. Fenway's comments make no sense and I agree with Mike when he says it looks as if he must of been drunk.

                      As far as your challenge goes, my answer to that is no. We post our plays here and have plenty of customers that we would like to spend our time worrying about. We don't need the distraction of a stupid challenge when we prove ourselves anyway everyday on here. There is nothing left to prove. You say you are better than us...Ok, well good....We don't think so....Let's Move on....It wouldn't be fair to our customers and on top of that we have no interest. I was not at all impressed by the Ty/East Coast challenge on here and we would not like to participate. Thanks anyway Sir. Let's get ready for a huge day! Thanks Again...I hope I cleared things up. -Kurt, PLSports

                      We Make the Connection for You!


                      • #12
                        Good Explanation Kurt, I was just going to explain it myself.

                        It's not rocket science here people. He doesn't have to list the games he's looking at or who they took right after it starts. They do this out of good faith.

                        Again, I am the most honest person you will ever meet, and I have NO reason to lie for anybody, especially a service. If anyone wants to call me directly please let me know.

                        Ty, that doesn't go for you!!

                        Kurt, don't listen to these people, they're pissed 'cause their hitting at 40% and losing their asses and customers at the same time.

                        Keep doing what you do!!!! Winning money!!


                        If anyone wants my afternoon card, here it is:

                        Fla. -140 (300)
                        L.A. und. 8 (200)
                        Pgh. ov. 9.5 (200)
                        Det. ov. 9.5 (300)
                        Milw. -150 (300)
                        S.D. ov. 13.5 (300)
                        Pgh. +160 (100)
                        Fla. und. 8.5 (300)

                        GL EVERYONE!!!


                        • #13
                          Well your answer to the challenge was as i fully expected it to be, NO BALLS and as for your response to my question about the plays you again danced around the time stamp issue. So i will ask you a POINT BLANK question... At what time did you let us know that SEAT-FLA and ATL where your plays for that day, according to the time stamp? Very simple and to the point and i would expect your answer to be the same.

                          As for a challenge, my intention was not nor did i say that we where better than you at anytime. What i tried to do was to give the both of us a chance to have a little fun and show each others stuff in a nice civil way, in this great forum, but because you have so many clients you do not have the time even though by your own omission you put many of your plays up here and that quite if not all of your advertising is done right here as well. Messy but beleiveable bullshit? now according to you your plays for the day are have already been decided so your clients will not suffer in that way as they will or should already be wagering on the plays for the day. I to like to get my plays out no later than 2PM EST daily to let me clients have time to get down on them and unlike you I really never try to "worry about my clients"because they are big boys and girls and generally can take care of themselves, but you being a newbie in this business have yet to discover that you are dealing with adults/gamblers, and they always find a way to get things done! As far as this challenge being a "distraction" and "stupid" my question to you is WHY or both counts. If you had just said no thanks for the challenge that would have been fine and well but adding your salesman like bullshit makes it harder for me as a strong minded adult male to swallow. Either way the answer was recieved loud and clear and from here we shall go!!



                          • #14
                            i have played these plays for the past few days and i know first hand purelink is the real deal. and Kurt's reasoning for not accepting the challenge logical. you say--- if he just said no it would have been fine--- ok i think everyone will agree that if he just said no you would still be sayin shit like he has no balls. lay the fuck off

                            GL Kurt, Keep it up


                            • #15
                              Tonight we are on:


                              We Make the Connection for You!

