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who closed that thread (TG)...

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  • who closed that thread (TG)...

    My point exactly, Ty puts his last word in, and then magically the thread becomes closed. Obviously Ty has some involvement there or there would be some responses to his stupid statements. If you new how to decipher between a bet being placed and settled you dumbass you would have noticed on that sheet that my total went up and only 3 games were placed on the 14th, the other 3 were the settlements. You are such a moron, make sure you think next time before you talk dumbass. Also, when the total goes from 4 to 6 dimes, thats an increase, not a loss, you really are an idiot. Also, I'm not sure if you have 3 bikes all worth $60,000 each, unless you got scammed worse than you've been scamming everyone else. Maybe it was a custom job, I think I saw american choppers the other day and they were making one for a man with three asses. I thought it was odd, but I should have put 2 and 2 together. Yeah, I'm sure your stereo system costed that much too, unless you got ripped on that. You still made no offer to post a bet sheet, always redirecting attention away from yourself. Step up to the plate fat ass. I posted something and all you could do is make yourself look stupid by proving to everyone you couldn't even read a damn account summary. Come back when have something worth reading dipshit.

  • #2
    I closed it along with another one of his. It also was closed when i got in here and read it, not after he had the last word.

    It is really time for ALOT of people to grow up here. Enough bitching,whining, and moaning about each other. Services or not....... Their exposed and everyone has their own thoughts, good or bad. Let's move on for crying out loud!

    Z how many times,threads, etc. do you need to get your point across? That question is for rjeremy too. It sucks but get over it, live & learn!

    Guys let's worry about the "GAMES" and not the drama that continues to be created daily. 99% of the people here are gamblers and serious about it. That's what this site is about and "WE" need to get back to it........ PLEASE!


    • #3
      Come on with the conspiracy theories already.

      BC closed the thread because it is useless.

      I am shocked he doesnt have a few people on "auto lock" because all they do is bash, cuss and make no sense.

      Get over Ty and you will be a happier person.

      Ty owns this site?? geezzzzzzzz


      • #4

        You are right, I apologize, I'm sure you can see though how it is difficult to not sometimes point out how much of an idiot ty fagston is. You have to admit to a certain extent though that the responses are amusing, though childish I agree. I try to keep mine strictly to the facts, were as ty prefers to keep his more so in an imaginary dream world were people don't think before they speak (or write in this case). I will do my best to keep the insults to a minimum. Thanks, Z


        • #5
          I couldn't agree more. Certain people complained and bitched about Ty over a week ago. Fine!! But get done with it then don't be starting the same argument over and over again. Give it a break. If I have an issue about something I state my peace and go on.

