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Mark "Loser Lawrence's Latest Trick"

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  • Mark "Loser Lawrence's Latest Trick"

    Interesting-on "LOSER" Lawrence's website it is stated that his highest rated NBA pick of playoffs goes on Wednesday night.
    Did "LOSER" Lawrence forget that his Game of Lifetime was played just a few days ago and LOST?
    As I stated after the game lost, folks like LOSER Lawrence are like a bus-if you miss one(in this case one his plays), don't worry there will be another one along shortly.
    Of course LOSER Lawrence's pick tonight is backed by some undefetaed system that only LOSER Lawrence knows about.
    At least if I miss my bus, I know when the next one comes, it will take me to my destination.
    The only place where LOSER Lawrence's plays will take you to your local bookmaker and not on the receiving end.
    ps maybe I am wrong and the highest rated play of the playoffs as advertised by LOSER Lawrence by some stretch of the definition does rate higher than LOSER Lawrence's Game of the Lifetime.
    Last edited by savage1; 05-27-2004, 02:19 AM.

  • #2

    What would the over/under total be if Lawrence played Gaston in a handicapper challenge? 2? I would still take the under


    • #3
      These fucking scumbag scamdicappers have a very short memory when they lose but a very loooooooooooong memory when they occassionally win.

      They ALL suck. They are all scam artists.


      • #4
        I see now where LOSER Lawrence's son, the Cincinnati kid, has a 15-0 system play going in tonight's NBA game.
        Wouldn't it be something if LOSER Lawrence and LOSER Lawrence's son had different sides on tonght's game considering how big the play is for both of them?


        • #5
          Loser and Son

          Two incompetents who are just scamming they way through life . The Old Man had to make a buck to feed his family .. but now he gets his nit - wit son to become a thief also. That's piss poor.
          No forward progress in the Lawrence family .
          Best to ignore them altogether .... The cappers on BC are better by far.


          • #6
            You got that right.
            Apparently father taught son well, as LOSER Lawrence's son uses the same tact with non existent systems to try to lure would-be suckers to pay for the picks.
            Ah yes-LOSER Lawrence and his son;perhaps they should do a documentary on this "fine" father and son team.


            • #7

              The Cincinnati Kid .. lol ... realizes that he's an imbecile .... then he figures .. " Let me take the easy road and tag along with my old man .... screw it ... there's a good buck to be made and I'd starve if I had to stand on my own 2 feet . "


              • #8
                Re: Loser and Son

                Originally posted by CoverBoy
                Two incompetents who are just scamming they way through life . The Old Man had to make a buck to feed his family .. but now he gets his nit - wit son to become a thief also. That's piss poor.
                No forward progress in the Lawrence family .
                Best to ignore them altogether .... The cappers on BC are better by far.
                Loser and Son? Wasn't that an old TV series? LOL


                • #9
                  Frank and Coverboy-you have me in stitches.


                  • #10
                    Frankie B

                    That was Sanford and Son ... They collected garbage ... Loser and Son sell garbage .


                    • #11

                      Frankie B and I IM each other all day long .. Are we funny? Maybe we'll take our show on the road ... Kmann Frankie and Cover .... We'll call ourselves " The Fish Market Trio " ... " We tell jokes for the Halibut "

                      LOL that was bad ....


                      • #12
                        We'll take the show to Vegas. Maybe, we can meet up with our pals EC and Ty? They'll have lots of extra cash - 100k. Yeah right! and I was born yesterday.

                        Speaking of garbage. It doesn't get much worse than the garbage EC and Ty have throw-out or is it thrown-up in the BS contest.


                        • #13
                          Frankie B

                          I know Partner ... TRAGIC ... Absolutely TRAGIC


                          • #14
                            Hey Frank and Cover(the spread)Boy, maybe I could qualify as the "warmup" standup who comes out to loosen the audience up before you guys appear.
                            Maybe the three of us could have a $1 challenge or so to see who can get the most laughs in 10 minutes.


                            • #15

                              Anytime .... the more laughs the merrier.

                              I hear that Frank does a mean cha cha cha .

                              Kmann does bird imitations.

                              I do nothing ... just type all day long.

                              Let you in on a secret though ... My favorite thing is to read pornographic literature in Braille . I LOVE touching the dirty parts .

