Big Mike --by saying it never fails i think u re-jinxed it Lol
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ONE DAY SALE! Sweep the Board! 2-0 Today...INSIDE!
We went 2-0 as we thought we would sweep tonight. Please don't doubt us! I'm gonna keep my mouth open and doubters can keep theirs shut! -Just kiddin - Good Day
Good Luck!
Thanks -Kurt PLSports
www.purelinksports.comWe Make the Connection for You!
I have never seen a more blantant ad that has the owner of this service (KURT) PURE-LINK either getting caught in a classic "shilling" with TOMMYH893(and maybe more) or just downright giving clients or prospective clients different plays?
Kurt starts out in this thread telling us all that he and his clients havte a had a "BAD" last few days but his boy TOMMY has asked and I quote
Tommyh893 why did u cancel my trial? u guys have been makin me money past 2 days , thought it was a scam, ur defitley the real deal GL anyway
Either TOMMY was not getting the same plays that KURT was paying or the BS is flying very high!? Another thing that puzzles me is KURTS tells us that he has 2 plays from a list of 4 possible games NYY/BALT or TEX/CWS but tells us he will be back later with the plays, in the very next post RJEREMEY and i quote says
Love the 2 plays!!!!
They WILL GO 2-0 today!!
and lets us all know the the 2 plays WILL GO 2-0 ,now either he is a client and got the plays right then and there from KURT or another "SCHILL" has taken place to decieve us all! BIG MIKE into the action as well as he got a FREE day from KURT and THANKED him even though we know from KURT that he and his clients had lost the last few days!!??
For those of you who do not know what a SCHILL or SCHILLING for someone is let me enlighten you all. At a site like this a so-called sports service like PURE-LIKE will first try to win the hearts and minds of all the members of the site, being a nice guy and NEVER complaining about anything at all, then once he makes a few friends its off to the races. he will give this guy this for saying this and that guy this for saying that, all the time never telling anyone about anyone. In some cases he will be the same person uses different e-mail addresses and different sign-in names to self promote his services as being the NICEST-KINDEST-FRIENDLIST and of course the WINNINGEST of them all. It also helps when KURT comes up and gives out his games for the 2-0 sweep once they are apparently both salted away as wins for the night, as per KURTS own admission, proclaiming in a message that it looked like a 2-0 sweep.
I see many people pointing the finger around here and being a long time watcher I decided tonight to become a "vocal" member and let all of you what possible evil learks out there. i am not saying that PURE-LINK is a SCAM but reading KURT tell me that he has had a bad few days and then in the next few responses there is a guy who has made money over the same course of time that KURT and his clients have LOST MONEY was the first read flag, then it was just a matter of sitting back and reading the next set of posts.
You will all have to make up your mind on this one but please do not think I am some disgruntled ex member of PURE LINK or anything to do with KURT or the others mentioned, all i was doing was pointing out some old tricks of the trade that yes I may have used myself once or twice in my PRIOR LIFETIME!!(LOL) In ending I will say that there are some very good SPORTS INFORMATION sources out there today that i have used as a everyday gambler and will continue to use during the course of a long sports season, none that i will get into in print as I would not want to be accused a s a SCHILL myself.
High Above The Green Monster
For your information, I have used this service here and there, and it is ONLY the 2nd service I have ever used in my life. I am VERY good at what I do, and have been doing it for a very very long time. I use these guys just to confirm what I already think to tell you the truth.
The 2 plays that I bought today were the exact same as I already had picked. That's why I said they will definately go 2-0 tonight.
These guys are VERY honest, and I NEVER say that about any service.
Think what you want, but their record is accurate.
I had a huge night myself.
All I can say is you are certainly a classic, a classic schill that is who is getting what he needs from KURT, or a classic BS artist that is so full of it that it is turning my screen brown!?
You bought plays from them tonight to confirm that the 2 plays that you had in your mind where the right ones, and low and behold they where the EXACT 2 -140 and -170 plays as yours. That is simiply amazing, that and the fact that you have only used 2 services in your life and these guys are 1 of them. If you are THAT GOOD why do you have to use anyone, in fact why are you even wasting your time hooking up with any service at all and hanging around a SPORTS SERVICE COMP PLAYS thread?
Are you RJEREMY the PORN STAR? because it seems that we have quite a few big namers around here. MARC LAWERANCE is getting some ink, negative but ink still the same and I see TY GASTON as well who it seems is involved in a big showdown match 20K with some guy name GIANI. the only problem that i can find is that the TY GASTON I know has NEVER even heard of this site or has ever visted it. Next we may have the return of STU FIENER and his brother KEVIN DUFFY coming over the horizon. i should have signed in as JACK PRICE and told everyone that i just broke out of jail and that i need some cash to stay on the run so i am offering everyone my JAILHOUSE BLUES MLB DOUBLE HEADER SWEEP OF THE DECADE for only 1000.00 per game!! I am sure i would have gotten at least a few responses!!
PLEASE guys and gals be carefull at who you think you are and who you think you may be talking with because chances are in this business you are not who you are or who you think you are talking with!!
High Above The Green Monster Where Jason Variteck Alomost Hit Me Last night!!
PS. Its amazing at 130AM EST now all of a sudden after the PORN STARS post I now see BIG MIKE and PURE LINK back at the site? All we need now is TOMMYH and we can have the long over due company pinic!!Wonder what they will they will say about me now?? Only time will tell but you people have to read between the lines, the BIG LINES!!Last edited by Fenway Fanatic; 05-27-2004, 02:32 AM.
RJeremy, Thanks for the support. Nice Day Buddy!
Fenway Fanatic, Actually we wondered the same exact thing and you are very wrong about your claims. All we do on here is be honest and people like you have to pull this. We were very nice and gave TommyH a free trial membership. Today when we saw that post of his, we wondered what exactly he was talking about, but after e-mailing him, I take it that he missed a few of the losers and got on some of the winners. Thats the only thing I can think of. Either that or someone is setting us up.....This is exactly why we do not like to give out free trials as this obviously was a mistake. It won't happen again, and unless TommyH comes on here and defends the problem he created in your mind, then his trial will be voided also. Ok, another thing is that there is no way for us to give out multiple or false plays. We have a member area that many here log into every day. There is no 800 number or anything like that. ** Bottomline is you are WRONG and this is absurd. I guess this is what we get. I hope our members will back us up on this as one of our most loyal ones....RJeremy has done already, and I thank him greatly. HEY WHAT ABOUT THIS!!! Maybe you are TommyH...Maybe you are another service....Did you think of that....I'll bet some people already have!!....WOW, LOOK ITS YOUR FIRST POST!!! THAT COULDN'T BE A PLAIN INDICATOR OF WHAT IS GOING ON HERE COULD IT? Man take your complaints elsewhere. This is total BS, and I am sorry people even have to read this. THANKS TO ALL OF OUR SUPPORTERS.....WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT....Let's Get back to business and thats winnings....2-0 Tonight....Watch our for a Huge TEAR coming up! Good Luck! -KurtWe Make the Connection for You!
What the fuck is this dude talking about??? Idiot you must not have been lurking very long because if you have you would know that I have exposed a couple of services in here. I'm not going to kiss some guys ass for free plays or any of that bullshit. The guy gave me a free day and I thanked. What is the harm in that? Mind your own business jerk off!Last edited by BigMike; 05-27-2004, 03:21 AM.
Pure Link
Read your post at 6:42 AM and you had
People thought you gave out Yankees and the Rangers. But then you said you will divulge the plays after the games start and at 10:29 and 1:07 you gave out Yanks and the WSox. What I am trying to say is--it is easier to comprehend if the above games were stated as Yankees vs. Orioles and Rangers vs. WSox.
Thanks and congrats
Your the man BIGMIKE....Put him in his place....I can definitely see what he is saying, but still it makes no sense. Oh well...Hey you have mail my man...
Meteor if you are interested in tomorrow's plays let me know!
Thanks, KurtWe Make the Connection for You!
Let me shed some light on what you folks have not been seeing as this guy KURT is playing a classic con game and thinks no one can see or nows how it works. Please follow the steps and you will see for yourself what i am talking about. FIRST CON, KURT is telling you a day in advance that he is going to go 3-0 on THURSDAY, call it what you want but the first post tells you just that 3-0 on THURSDAY and he does do just that. NO ONE IS THAT GOOD!!SECOND CON KURT leads us to beleive that he posts his games played for that day each and every day, it took me at least 7 days from yesterday THURSDAY to find any such posted games with the exception of COMPS. Just KURTS word and his fabricated standings on his web site. No daily games just his lies THIRD CON, MAIN - What KURT posts is not a defined game(s) yet a combination of TEAM/TEAM, check the 2nd post down with both teams listed as possible plays, not the first game posted or the second game posted just a HOME/AWAY schedule. So in this case each game has to have a winner so in the FOURTH CON- KURT tells us that he is 2-0 so far with the BRAVES and MARLINS in the 3rd post, this is the FIRST TIME we hear of what his games are for real and that SEATTLE is the FINAL to make it 3-0, this is where KURT is a FOOL!! FINAL CON, The time stamp on the 3rd post where he tells us about the 2 winners
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Thursday Details!!! Get on Board!!!
2-2 day on Wed. and Thurs we will sweep the board. 3-0 is what you are looking at if you get on board today. The few games that we have been losing have been very close, and they wont be able to hold us at bay for much longer. Roll with the best. We make the connection for you!
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05-20-2004 01:29 AM
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Todays Card:
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05-20-2004 03:26 PM
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2-0 so far with braves and marlins.....Seattle is our game pending!!!
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05-20-2004 10:42 PM
Philly Sports Guy
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Let's get it in for the 3-0 sweep!! Nice day so far!
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05-20-2004 10:46 PM
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3-0 Day (+12 Units).....Big Day Tomorrow....Get on Board!!!! Here comes ANOTHER RUN!!!!!
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05-20-2004 11:39 PM
This guy is either drunk or just plain retarded. All he says is here's the games I'm playing.
he's OBVIOUSLY not going to give which team he's playing douchebag. And if you didn't know that those two teams were playing each other, then you shouldn't be gambling in the first place.
Holy Shit, I feel like I'm talking to my little sister and explaining how betting works.