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Here is a challenge for TY...

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  • Here is a challenge for TY...

    Since you're to much of a pussy to post your plays on a legit sports monitor before the game, or after the start of the game for that matter, why don't you shut everyone up and post your plays on a site like ********* for the remainder of the baseball season. Everyone knows *********.com, there are others that my buddy eddie mush knows about, but I wouldn't even tell ty about that b/c his name there alone would ruin the uncontaminated handicapping that goes on there. Actually, he would be banned from there in about 24 seconds anyways. Anyhow Ty, You could bend us all over and prove how great you really are. Honestly, you would pick up hundreds of clients. Think of the publicity you would get. Hitting 70 or 80% with everyone here following you. You would be on all the gambling chat forums, you could make millions!!! I don't know why I'm helping you out, but I mean, you're just such a great guy, this idea is bulletproof. You're gonna be a gambling legend.
    Although, remember when your ncaa tourney "packages" were almost "sold - out"? HAHA, what a fucking idiot, like your packages can sell out. Like anyone here could see you saying, "Hey, i'm not going to sell anymore packages b/c they're sold out. He tried to tell me that I had to get on his ncaa package soon or it would be sold out b/c his phone lines couldn't handle anymore than a specific number of calls.??!!?!?! What the hell is that, for $10,000 a package (it may have been more), why don't you buy a new fucking phone system if your service is in such high demand. The stuff that comes out of your mouth is hilarious, the only reason I even bother reading these is you're truly amusing to argue with. It just makes you look so fucking stupid though. Sorry buddy, until you get your head out of your ass and actually back some plays up by posting them, everyone is going to know you're a douche. It's basically lose, lose for you. If you post, you look like the lying tool that you are b/c you're going to lose, and if you don't post, everyone knows you're full of shit. Pick your poison fat ass. Peace, Z

  • #2
    There's no point in starting new threads regarding challenging TY as he's already been challenged on being monitored & he won't do it. I've tried to get him to post his plays 5 or 10 minutes after the games start on here and he won't.


    • #3
      Bettors Chat

      You're right, I don't know why we bother with that douche anymore, I just want to expose him completely for the liar he is. What better way than to call him out. I know if I was getting the shit that he has, I would be wanting to post my plays so that everyone could kiss my ass, if they were winning plays of course. Later, Z


      • #4

        i can't stand ty. but he has a reason for all this. he could care less about being able to pick the games. he just wants people to click on his thread, then they click on his website. it is all a marketing ploy. i bother with him because some newbie will pay for his picks and i rather ty get money off of clicks to his website filled with his ugly face than for anyone to send him money. the guys is amusing to argue because he doesn't make any sense. he won't post his plays because he would rather argue with all of us. that is why he is posting Code Zebra dicks as his plays. he can still cause everyone to talk and bash him by not posting them every night then saying they won. good luck z-man!


        • #5
          Tony V

          If your out looking to help the newbies out, why not point out the cappers on here that are not affraid to post their plays and are not charging astronomical amounts for their plays.......Go to the positive side and leave TY be then he won't get the press he's looking for if everyone would just not bother with him, we all know about him from all the bashing and exposing all ready. Chances are a newbie isn't gonna pay TY's prices the newbies out by pointing out the reputable and honest cappers that give out FREE plays or only charge very reasonable prices.



          • #6
            help the newbies out by pointing out the reputable and honest cappers that give out FREE plays or only charge very reasonable prices.
            Every service on here is required to give free plays and for the most part, they are all reasonably priced (with the exception of Gaston) so not quite sure of your point. Documented winners is what newbies should be looking for while free plays mean absolutely nothing if they lose.
            Matt Fargo Sports
            Check our website or the promotion forum for current specials


            • #7

              pay me more money and you can get the games before they start, I wouldnt pay a MONITORING service a fucking dime to post my plays, they are all crooks anyways,

              besides that why would I put my games on *********, I advertised there and it was a fucking joke, I could get more leads yelling out the window than I could at *********

              Your guys responses and challenges continute to amaze me I am quite amused by it all, KEEP CLICKING

              Ty Gaston


              • #8
                Ty u are such an

                azz wipe,u need to stay away as no one wonts to play your plays or pay for LOSERS!!


                • #9
                  zmann the lying assbag...

                  Heres a challenge for you, go back to your records at and pull the games you wagered and post the actual transaction page and show everyone how fucking disciplined you are! You a lying piece of shit, pull your records and print em and I will show you which games you won with me you prick.

                  Dont challenge me EVER if you cant bring your (A) game and your proooooooof! you went 10-3 and lost your money on your own, and if your so called disciplined right now, you learned it from me because I told you you were an idiot for blowing all the cash I made you 15-21 dimes, someone loses 15-21 dimes it sure the fuck will make em more disciplined, you were an idiot when you paid me and your still an idiot

                  Back my ass up? Who put up the 100 grand ya assbag, me and EC did not you or anyone else on these threads.

                  I was challenged I took it, I have bigger balls than you ever dreamed of having ZMANN, but your challenge is the stupidest thign I ever heard in my life

                  Close this thread it aint going no where

                  Ty Gaston

