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Ty Gaston Challenge Games 6 & 7 for Monday!

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  • Ty Gaston Challenge Games 6 & 7 for Monday!

    Due to the postponement on the SF Mont game yesterday, and due to rules of the challenge I must post 2 games today

    Ty Gaston likes Florida Pavano -135 over Arizona 10:05 am pacific time change on Monday!

    Ty Gaston likes Indiana Pacers -4 over Detroit in Monday Night's NBA Playoff action!

    Ty Gaston is 1-4 in the Challenge
    East Coast is 2-4 in the Challenge

    Today looks to be a critical day for me, if I go 2-0 we will have a one game lead in the Challenge as East Coast likes Detroit in the NBA. Anything less than 2-0 would be horrendous with 3 games to play!

    Ty Gaston

  • #2
    U finally got WISE and started playing my PICKS..............send the 500 in the mail for the CODE MONKEY WINNER

    BTW if the PACERS Lose tonight U have to be the BIGGEST BLACK CAT on the Face of the EARTH.

    Im on Florida as well



    • #3
      SHIT, there goes Florida.

      TY, stop screwing all the winners. Pick a different game please. Take arena football or something. Take the over in the Fla. game, anything but Florida.

      TY GASTON IS A JINX........ EDDIE MUSH!!!!!!



      • #4
        Originally posted by RJeremy
        SHIT, there goes Florida.

        TY, stop screwing all the winners. Pick a different game please. Take arena football or something. Take the over in the Fla. game, anything but Florida.

        TY GASTON IS A JINX........ EDDIE MUSH!!!!!!




        • #5
          Once again, TY "chalkeater" Gaston takes the biggest FAVORITE on the board.

          WHAT A LOSER!!!!


          • #6

            Not defending anyone here, but do you see a lot on the board with one hoop game (already picked) and a total of 4 baseball games? Tough to play 2 games out of 5. Easier with a bigger board. Are you blasting East Coast b/c they only had one game to pick or that they had a bigger board yesterday?
            Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
            Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


            • #7
              TY GAGSTON..........

              Ty Gagston......

              If you can read this without getting chapped lips
              from all the movement.....
              You will see that YOU belong to a very sleazy peer group.

              Keep the losers coming for your suckers..
              Found on google:

              How many times have you looked at your favorite sports magazine
              and seen
              advertisements for sports services boasting some outrageous claims.
              Unfortunately this is pretty much the norm. Claims of winning
              of 75%, 85%, and even 90% are commonly advertised as real. If you
              these claims you're destined to be a loser!!

              It is impossible to hit these percentages over an entire season.
              Anyone claiming to do so is simply a liar. I must clarify this,
              there are
              many services that have attained such lofty win percentages for a
              amount of time, or for certain categories, but it has never been done
              an entire season. Many services will advertise their "Millionaires
              Club" or
              their "Super Lock Club" as having these unbelievable win
              percentages. The
              trick is that these services have 20 different clubs and groups of
              selections. Which ever one performs well is promoted in next years
              advertising. They fail to mention the records of all their losing
              A very respectable and attainable winning percentage is between 55%-
              Any service advertising 80% winning is blatantly lying. Many
              services lie
              about their records. Some newspaper ads are designed and due before
              the games
              claimed as winners are even completed. One service advertised in a
              edition of a New York paper that he had gone undefeated (5-0) this
              and to call him for his "Monday night game of the year." Unbeknownst
              to most
              readers, was the fact that the newspaper's advertising deadline was
              on Friday!

              This crook advertised that he was undefeated before the games had been
              played. Anyone can claim anything. What about proof? This brings me
              our next topic.

              One way to insure that any claim made by a service is legitimate is
              to check
              for documentation of the sports service. Of the approximately 1500
              services only 75 are documented and monitored by a legitimate
              Why is this? The main reason is; to be documented by a legitimate
              monitor; one cannot run any false or misleading ads. This eliminates
              of the services from being monitored. The truth is they don't want
              to be
              monitored. When monitored, all potential customers have to do are
              call the
              monitor and get their real record. Two known legitimate monitors
              THE SPORTS MONITOR (405) 721-5018 & SPORTS WATCH (702) 791-3938.
              "scamdicappers" will claim that monitors are corrupt. I know for a
              fact that
              the above mentioned are not. It would seem highly unlikely, since the
              records of the services being monitored are readily available and any
              discrepancies would be discovered by the service's clients.
              Furthermore if
              records could be bought or falsified, it would seem that services
              by the above mentioned monitors would do better than the 55%-65%
              percentages generally associated with the leaders. If records were
              for sale
              you would see records of 75%, 80%, and 90%.
              One word of caution, many services make up their own monitor.
              above two mentioned monitors are the legitimate monitors in the
              If a service tells you that they are monitored by someone else other
              the previously mentioned monitors, it is likely that it's not
              You must thoroughly investigate. Finally, some services that are
              monitored claim to be in their ads. Always verify any claims with the

              Sports Watch, (702)-791-3938.
              The Sports Monitor (405) 721-5018.

              BOILER ROOMS
              In the world of sports services, it sometimes seems that the most
              obnoxious, and deceitful guys out there get the majority of the
              Some have been known to use intimidation, threats, and blackmail to
              get what
              they're after--your money. Many services don't even do any
              handicapping. They don't even try to give out winners. They simply
              are a
              telemarketing firm that employs a group of high pressure salesmen who
              say anything to get your cash. Any service that employs a boiler
              room full
              of high-pressured salesmen should not be trusted. Phone solicitors
              will lie
              about records, tout "fixed" games, and even authorize phony charges
              to your
              credit card.
              These high pressure salesmen are nothing but bad news. It
              amazes me at the amount of abuse gamblers will put up with. Once
              you've paid
              your money there is absolutely nothing you can do. That is why it is
              important to research a sports service before you buy. You wouldn't
              legal, medical, or investment advice from someone who tried to
              pressure you
              in to purchasing. You wouldn't think of using their advice without
              checking their credentials and claims. Yet, thousands of times a
              day, people
              do just that in seeking a sports service. As a general rule stay
              away from
              any sports service that solicits business through telemarketing. For
              most part services that employ this technique are only interested in
              your money. The last thing on their mind is providing you with
              sports information.

              The dishonest sports services will stop at nothing to separate
              you from
              your cash. The following are some of the scams they use. A favorite
              is the
              "Fixed" Game. Here is how the scenario works. A salesman from a
              boiler room will call and say they've gotten some inside information
              on a
              game that is fixed and is certain to win. He goes on to say "I'll
              give you
              this game absolutely free. All you have to do is bet a "nickel" on
              this game
              and after it wins you send me $100." His offer seems reasonable, and
              agree. The only problem is that this scamdicapper is making the same
              to hundreds of people, giving out both sides of the same game. They
              1000 people with this offer of a fixed game. For example, lets say
              Ohio St.
              is favored by 5' over Indiana. They give 500 people Ohio St-5' and
              give the other 500 people Indiana+5'. No matter which team ******,
              people ere given a winner and the sports service now collects
              There are no such things as "fixed" or "lock" games! There is no
              such thing
              as a sure thing. Another scam involves the use of aliases and
              ownership of
              multiple services. A "scamdicapper" can operate dozens of services
              all under
              different names. When one service is losing, they will call using a
              different name, the losing clients and sell them on a different
              It's just a matter of time before this service will lose as well.
              "Scamdicappers" don't care whether they win or lose. They
              are basically running a telemarketing scam. Some services will
              invent a
              monitor, and claim to be documented. Some of these services are so
              or stupid, that they use the same phone number as their office.
              Others will
              advertise being documented by one of the legitimate monitors. But
              when you
              actually call the monitor to verify, you find that the service has
              been monitored. These "crooks" get away with this because seldom do
              check to verify their claims.

              Real Expectations
              With all the false advertising and lying it's hard to know what
              to expect
              when using the expertise of a legitimate sports service? First and
              you have to set some realistic goals, and determine a money
              strategy. Most people fail in betting sports because they fail to do
              In setting goals you should determine what you want to accomplish for
              upcoming season. Here are some things to think about in setting your
              There are approximately 22 full weeks of action, including the pre-
              If you bet an average of seven games a week you will have bet on
              approximately 150 games during the season. The following is a
              breakdown of
              percentages and net winners based on betting 150 games:
              60% 90-60 24.0 net winners
              58% 87-63 17.7 net winners
              56% 84-66 11.8 net winners

              With that in mind you must determine your goal based on the amount
              you will
              bet per game. The following lists the potential profit based on 60%.
              $100 per game $2400
              $200 per game $4800
              $300 per game $7200
              $500 per game $12,000
              $1000 per game $24,000

              To set your own realistic goals, you must determine three things:
              1. Estimated amount of games bet.
              2. Estimated winning percentage.
              3. Amount wagered on each game.
              Any legitimate sports service can help you in determining your own

              In this report we have just scratched the surface in discussing the
              service industry. The following is a step by step plan for choosing
              honest, reliable, and effective sports service. There are plenty of
              services that can help you win. If you follow the plan you should
              have no
              problem finding a good sports service.

              -----Steps For Finding A Good Sports Service---

              The Elimination Round Eliminate any service that does any of the

              1. Advertises or claims an unbelievable winning percentage
              2. Solicits your business, claiming to have inside
              information or a
              "fixed game"
              3. Has numerous clubs or gives different selections to
              4. Owns or has an interest in numerous services
              5. Uses high pressure tactics to get the sale
              6. Will not take your call, but rather, insists on getting
              number to call you
              7. Advertises picks as "Absolutely Free," but when you call,
              requires you to first buy picks
              8. Lies or misleads you about anything
              9. Makes you feel uncomfortable
              10. Can not provide you with a documented record
              11. Will not take the time to talk to you personally

              If you eliminate the "scamdicappers" by following the criteria set
              out in the
              "elimination round," and ask the listed questions below you will find
              honest, reliable, and effective sports service.

              Ask Questions of the sports service
              1. What is your complete record ? What was your record
              last year ?
              2. What winning percentage are you setting for your goal
              this year ?
              3. How many selections do you give out per week ? Are they
              rated ?
              4. When do you give out your selections ?
              5. What guarantees do you make ?
              6. Ask about handicapping philosophies.
              7. Ask for money management advice and strategies.
              8. Discuss current happenings in sports, listen for
              informed and
              confident opinions.
              9. Ask what information sources are used. (newspapers,
              books, on-line services, etc.)

              When asking the above questions, be sure to make notes. Afterwards
              the information in your notes and address any points that you are
              about. As with any purchase you must decide which service will best
              your needs. Be informed.

              This is a partial list of sports services that are known to operate
              unethically. Those listed have falsely advertised or employed scams
              mislead the unsuspecting into buying their service.

              Mike Warren
              Stu Finer
              Kevin Duffy
              Jeff Allen
              Hot Sports
              ****** DeMarco
              The Professor
              ATS Consultants
              John Stryker
              Greg Silvera
              Gordon Michaels
              Jack Price
              Ron Bash
              Dan Pastorini
              Jack Newport
              John West
              Mr. T
              BG Football
              David James
              Lombardi Sports Wire
              Mike Zimbo
              Curtis Reed
              Duke's Action Line
              Ty Gaston<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
              Skip Peterson
              Polar Bear Sports
              OTL Sports
              Spot Play
              Millionaire Sports


              • #8
                fastbreak nice......

                Fastbreak nice the way you added Ty Gaston on your own ya jerkoff
                I read that article several years ago, It was in a book done by a sports service out of long beach california, it was called The Sports Betting Guide and listed 6 other services which were supposedly the only LEGIT companies out there! The book was put out by the company in Long Beach and mailed to databaes of clients and sports bettors, the book was a farce just as you are a farce for adding my name to the list, in the original writeup ty gaston was not listed on the list. Besides that, the article in the book was just to bash AT THE TIME the most popular services, if you look at the names in the bashing more than 3/4 of them are not in the biz anymore.

                Longevity is what people are looking for and with every jerkbait magazine that comes out, people can believe what they want but you to add names to the list, your a bigger idiot than i thought previously!

                Ty Gaston


                • #9

                  jack price, stu feiner and duke are the only ones on that list still in business. I know all 3, and like i said before LONGEVITY is the key, while others come and go, those 3 are all still in business and I commend them for that, they must be doing something right since they have all been around for at least 17 years!
                  Ty Gaston


                  • #10
                    Again, not defending anyone,(before Wiz and Pimp have heart attacks), but I do remember that Guide and it was published by the same company that was named as the best service. Rather self-serving.
                    Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
                    Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


                    • #11
                      Joe Wiz on is another scammer!!

                      he is one not to deal with


                      • #12
                        TY GASBAG/BEN.............

                        TY GASBAG/BEN...

                        Whatever you call yourself...You can simply call yourself..
                        "THE LOSER" ....because that's what you're showing the world
                        with your FEEBLE Code Peckerwood picks!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
                        It cuoldn't happen to a bigger dirtbag scamdicapper!!!!!
                        You're a fraud thruogh your own volition!!!!


                        P.S. You wish I had added your name to the list. Alas..You
                        were in the published list. Keep lying!!HAHAHAHAHA!!!
                        Where do I send the money???? HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!


                        • #13
                          the past is on our side......

                          Before pimp and them get jumpy about me being on the Pistons and they have the same side, history is on our side.

                          DID YOU KNOW?

                          That Detroit has lost 9 straight Conference Finals games dating back 14 years!

                          The last win by the Pistons in the Conference Finals was in 1990 vs Chicago in game 7!

                          Of course these are different teams, different players, different coaches and attitudes etc, but history speaks for itself

                          and do you think Indiana will shoot 33% two games in row?
                          do you think Rasheed's GUARANTEE wont fire up the Pacers?

                          Stay tuned

                          TY GASTON


                          • #14

                            your true colors are coming out, typical slimeball, you couldnt fight your way out of a wet paperbag, its guys like you coming to my threads with your daily lies, it never ceases to amaze me, how you guys rant and rave with the bullshit, but have never done business with me.

                            Code Zebras (FOR PAYING CUSTOMERS) are doing just fine, I might add. so either open your wallet or go sit in your turnip truck with a garden hose from your exhaust pipe and do all the shots ya want, because between that and the dope ya smoke your brain cells have been dead for years

                            Ty Gaston


                            • #15
                              Came across this online, pretty funny. A review of the handicapper shows on TV. This one got the only F.

                              PIGSKIN PICK'EM, COMCAST SPORTSNET AND OTHER STATIONS---Ty Gaston hoststhis piece of crap show and Bobby Della Rocca, Jimmy Spats and MarkBradshaw are accomplices in this mugging of the viewers' sensibilities.Wait, there's more. Ads by Jack Price, Mr. Evil himself, run on theshow. You remember Price, don't you? HBO exposed him as the crookedesttout in the country a few years back on their investigative show "RealSports" and the U.S. government followed up last year when it bustedPrice (real name: Mark Megrouni) in connection with fraud and taxevasion surrounding Price's now-defunct offshore sportsbook, ParadiseCasino in Curacao. Price narrowly avoided jail by paying huge fines.Nice to see he's back in business. Not. Rating: F

                              Matt Fargo Sports
                              Check our website or the promotion forum for current specials

