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Day 6 - Challenge

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  • Day 6 - Challenge

    MINNESOTA TWOLVES +2.5 (5 stars)
    (1-4) in the challenge

    Expos had bases loaded with 1 out in the 10th, terrible time to hit into a doubleplay!!!
    anyways no excuses, but thought we had it at that point.

  • #2

    Please post units won for week and month! Thankyou! hc


    • #3
      good luck
      i think this is the game minn has to have or they will be swept
      Don't be afraid


      • #4
        GOOD LUCK

        in the challenge today. You've had some bad breaks.


        • #5
          Haz, i will post exact amount tommorow

          i believe we are down 25 units this month, will be exact tommorow, i dont have it now

          Haz, i believe your membership expires tonight


          • #6
            Gianni, didn't all members get extended for 10 days because of this contest?


            • #7
              BigMike, we always said we can take back free days to people who dont respect East Coast as is the case with Hazsupport

              BigMike, you membership will expire also

              we have rules

              we stated plenty of times to you that we would not allow another post or e-mail with foul language

              it was your third chance with us, and tonight your membership expires

              sorry, but we have to believe in what we do!!!

              good luck

              we know we will look like bad guys here, but we are taking a stand in what we believe!!


              • #8
                Are you serious?

                What bad language are you referring too?


                • #9
                  good luck tonight buddy!!! i agree with you 100%


                  • #10

                    you know what i am talking about, and we warned you a couple of weeks ago that we do not accept foul language!!

                    I also sent you an e-mail this morning

                    why stay with a service that you question all our plays???

                    not trying to be mean but i am seriously asking this

                    anyways, i made this decison and as of tonight we are dismissing 3 members in all, 2 from this board and another from another board



                    • #11
                      That's to funny, now I can't ask a service that I pay money to why they are picking a certain team. You have to be joking. You should stick to your own rules because 2 of your emails in the last couple of days have had f bombs in them and if you need me to I can send them back to you when I get home after work. I mean really what do you expect?? You have put all of your clients on the back burner for this stupid contest. You are doing me a favor, thanks for saving me money! You really are in the wrong business buddy if you can't take a couple of emails questioning your plays after a god awful week that you have had. Sorry that the truth hurts, pal!!


                      • #12
                        the f bombe were not directed to you as yours were to me

                        good luck to you!!!


                        • #13

                          Not sure what membership your referring to? Do remember you saying something about winning back the money we lost but that was before we lost some more! If thats the way you treat clients and do business thats up to you? What goes around comes around. I was always taught to treat others like you want to be treated. I guess that doesn't apply here. So take your lousy membership and shove it where the sun doesn't shine! I hope i am politically correct by not using any bad language. You little Prick! hc


                          • #14
                            East Coast

                            I can not believe that you are getting rid of your customers at a time when you are losing them money! When you lose people money they in turn may get mad or even use foul language and you say that can not be tolerated. This contest is becoming a total farce and IF you truly put up all that money and you go 1-4 through the first 5 you should be using foul language or thinking about changing your service name because you will ruin it at this rate. Ty can not write anything without foul language in it and you are so sensitive to it GIVE ME A BREAK! The comment in the thread about the cripplers going 6-6 I would not write and I bought them twice from you and lost both times. I will not use any foul language with you and I will not use your service.


                            • #15
                              Nice fucking pick Gianni......oops I mean great pick Sir. Have a wonderful day!:D

