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Million $$$ Program Free

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  • Million $$$ Program Free

    Not only is the Net Program like none other in the country, but here's how to get started for Free...

    Tonight's MILLION $$$ Game is a beauty.

    If you're interested in the Net Program, you can bank tonight's winner for Free.

    Then take a portion of that win to get started in the Net Program.

    Email me and I'll front the game. It could not be any easier than that to get started. Go to my site for the email address. Really. It's on me...

    David K. Toop

    Net Winners Only
    Net Winners Only

  • #2
    Million $$$ Program Free

    Not only is the Net Program like none other in the country, but here's how to get started for Free...

    Tonight's MILLION $$$ Game is a beauty.

    If you're interested in the Net Program, you can bank tonight's winner for Free.

    Then take a portion of that win to get started in the Net Program.

    Email me and I'll front the game. It could not be any easier than that to get started. Go to my site for the email address. Really. It's on me...

    David K. Toop

    The Net Progam MILLION $$$ Games chalked up a 2-0 SWEEP last night with Easy Winners on the Braves and Rangers, upping its mark to 3-1 since kicking off on Tuesday, May 18th.

    But that shouldn't surprise you if you kept up with the MILLION $$$ Games right here at bettorschat. Including the 5-week FREE promotional picks the record is now 12-6/+3.40 Net Games for a return of 11.09%.

    If you're serious about winning, check out the site. Here's tonight's complimentary plays...


    The D'Rays have not won two straight games all year long, chalking up a miserable 0-10 record off a win thus far this season. To make matters worse, they now face Sabathia who has won 5 straight against the D-Rays and is having a career year to date with an era under three.

    Tampa Bay flat stinks. And with the Injuns coming off two losses to the ChiSox including a 15-3 thrashing, you can expect them to take it out on the cellar dweller D'Rays using their Ace in Sabathia.

    This game almost made MILLION $$$ GAME STATUS, but I opted out for a better play and decided not to dilute tonight's underdog winner by risking a split with the favored Indians...

    *INDIANS -145

    ROYALS @ A'S

    The A's have won 17 of the last 20. At least. Don't look for that to change with Mulder on the mound against Anderson. Royals horrible on road...

    *ATHLETICS -200


    Could be the best pitchers duel of the day, Buehlre vs. Silva. We'll play it that way...

    UNDER 9.0 +100

    David K. Toop
    Net Winners Only


    • #3

      thanks for the play dave.. lets get them


      • #4

        Take 500 from your million and get a legit website.

        Not being a tough guy, but how can you be serious with some ad ridden, popup bullsh!t free place like tripod?

        That is the tip of the day.

        Good luck!

        ps I have a site for my real estate..costs me 150 a year for the URL and webhosting.


        • #5
          No problem bk.


          I had a site last year but there was some confusion at bigguy. My site name was only one letter's difference from another well-established capper's site. I conceded to change my name and site since Mike (the other capper) complained to Dave (bigguy).

          Although I've posted at bigguy dating back to April of '98, I conceded anyway to avoid trivial confusion.

          I'm at tripod right now until I work up a different site. I've actually had my tripod site for three years but have not always used it. I am open to suggestions and any professional help regarding a site. Thanks...

          Net Winners Only


          • #6
            Net Winners Only


            • #7
              Up for games.
              Net Winners Only


              • #8
                I see we have a new Union Man.

                You just going to bump your service all day long.

                Here I will help you

                1 of 1 Morons


                • #9
                  Thanks Homer that's funny! Yes, really pressing the MILLION $$$ Game tonight and the service; along with bumping the four comps which should hit good...

                  Taking advantage of what little spare time I have! Not every day I can spend to myself. Baby needs a new pair of shoes...

                  Net Winners Only


                  • #10

                    You are one funny guy..keep the sarcasm comming!!


                    • #11
                      Elvis has left the building...

                      Been on the computer since 7a cental. I'm tired and heading home. Thank you for all the posts and response, and good luck every one. You can still check out the site for instructions on getting tonight's game...


                      ps- I hope to have all my Casino pages completed sometime next week.
                      Net Winners Only


                      • #12
                        btw, if anyone will bump these comps around 5:45 cental time I would appreciate it...thank you...

                        Net Winners Only

