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Still Waiting for the Proof!!!!! EC/TY

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  • Still Waiting for the Proof!!!!! EC/TY

    Ty Gaston vs. East Coast Challenge Question

    Just was wondering since you guys are going to go head to head for the "200,000" and gain alot of interest from this sight and the others that you both post at; if it was possible for "us" the betting public and the people who pay for your services to actually see that you deposited the money and this isn't just some publicity stunt to drum up some more business. I like you East Coast and believe you are an honest businessman. Ty, although I don't know you I can't prove anything you say is wrong. But it would make it fair for all of us here in Bettorschat and anywhere else you post to see with our own eyes an honest contest to the finish.

    Just a thought.

    Good Luck to Both


    Posted this a week ago. Still waiting for the Proof.

    Was talking to a Vegas resident and Sports Handicapper who's been in the business for several years and been a sports handicapper for over 20 years and he has never even heard of Ty Gaston. Also told me the whole contest is a probably a scam and not to even waste my time trying to prove otherwise. He was probably right.

  • #2

    Ty has posted on here that East Coast and him met in Vegas and deposited their money with Brinks. There has to be paper work signed off on in that deal. It would be easy for one of them to post a copy of that here to answer your question. If they were worried about Uncle Sam, this whole wager would not have taken place on such a public forum. Therefore, I agree, post some proof on this forum for all your potential clients to see. A reasonable reguest for any potential business associate don't ya think?


    • #3
      I told you guys that TY was a scamdicapper and I exposed him last week. You guys a falling into his trap. He is not legit. I exposed him from personal experience and I don't want anyone to follow this "LOSER"


      Don't expect to see any proof from Ty the FLY!


      • #4
        HOKIE Bird:

        IRS! Don't let him play that card. If in fact they deposited 200K in an account at Brinks in LV the IRS would know about it because Brinks has a resposibility to report deposits ove 10K. Ty will feed you all a line of Shit! Don't buy into it!


        • #5
          Who cares!

          Both are 0-2 what a flop this has been thus far..



          • #6
            I agree wallstreet and the posts about it are getting really old.

            Move onto something else :angryfire
            1 of 1 Morons


            • #7
              i'm still waiting for somebody to win a game


              • #8
                Zebra got eaten by a lion and the crippler is crippled! I do like the POD thread however, can we keep that going?

                Joe Thorton for MVP


                • #9
                  Originally posted by fats12
                  Zebra got eaten by a lion and the crippler is crippled! I do like the POD thread however, can we keep that going?

                  I agree there uses to be one a while back and I think that would be a great idea

                  We can get a lot of awesome info from a thread like that :D
                  1 of 1 Morons


                  • #10
                    We stopped the Play of the day thread because nobody was posting on it for quite awhile. We can start it up again and give it another try.


                    • #11
                      Awesome wayne thanks Buddy :D
                      1 of 1 Morons


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Homer
                        Awesome wayne thanks Buddy :D
                        do it up wayne!!!! that would be awesome!


                        • #13
                          hope nobody is playing their games.....



                          • #14

                            show me a thread that says we posted money with brinks? NEVER HAPPENED, its Well Fargo ya moron!

                            Flipper; a publicity stunt? neither of us have nothing to gain by a publicity stunt, I am posting some of my Code Zebra Plays which none of you people are paying for, EC is posting some of his cripplers which none of you are paying for, all you hecklers are seeing this go down for FREE! How is this a publicity stunt? I update my website daily with my previous days picks, I DONT NEED TO LIE, when I win I win, when I lose, I lose they get posted as well!

                            I am sure no one on this site is gonna show you thier personal banking records. Me and Angelo deposited 200k total in Wells Fargo in Las Vegas just down 2 blocks on Eastern and Tropicana, not Brinks like some idiot said in one of the posts. We have no reason to bullshit, I knew this would turn into a fuck story from the worthless pieces of shit who are bashing us for stepping up and doing this! Like I said me and EC have nothing to gain, as far as I am concerned, I would prefer me and EC to finish this off in private and FUCK everyone else, it's our money not anyone elses on this site! It wouldnt have mattered if we went 10-0 each, we have nothing to gain but the bet between ourselves! I won 10 in a row twice here at bettorschat and it wasnt worth a thing but bragging rights and my EGO!

                            I can't believe anyone would actually think this is a publicity stunt, when we have everything to lose including the money.

                            ME AND EC have nothing to gain from anyone on this site! Except bragging rights, and it don't matter if we both run off 8 in a row it aint gonna bring us any business from these jerkbait 10.00 bettors!

                            THIS WAS A BAD IDEA TO ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE! i DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE MONEY! It's these jerkoff big mouths that aint got a pot to piss in, who put in their 2 cents everyday with this story and that story, and Ty does this, and Brinks does that, and Ec does that, it is a eyesore!

                            Ty Gaston


                            • #15
                              well then come here post your pick for the challenge each day and shut the fuck up and leave....u just throw fuel to the fire, if u dont care bout anyone and what they say then u wouldnt have to respond at all and if u could actually pick a winner u might be able to quiet some of the haters....u are right u shouldnt have done the contest cuz it will show u suck and it will cost u 100k

