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Honest but Laughable Northcoast Ad

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  • Honest but Laughable Northcoast Ad

    I got a chuckle today on Northcoast Comp. Line.
    Phil Steele opened by mentioning two of his favorite basketball cappers-JB and Stan Lisowski, both of whom have done extremely well.
    He stated that both of them have big plays going today, but that they DISAGREE.
    After giving the ususal long and boring sermon on both services, he stated that "You will have to decide which one to use based on which one you have more confidence in"(based on their disagreement over the game).
    Yes, I commend Phil for being honest;however lets see what other choices he could have suggested:
    1) "Call both of them,and bet both sides, and that way you will be sure to win."
    2)" Flip a coin to decide which service to call and bet the side which is given out."
    3)"Don't call either one, but instead call Billy Coleman(who was also mentioned in the message) and go with his picks."
    4) "Don't call anyone because chances are all of the picks will be posted for free at Bettorschat, and you can decide on your own."
    5)" Don't call either but INSTEAD call me (Phil Steele) for a very special rate on the PowerSweep Football Newsletter for next season."
    6) "Since there is no agreement between the cappers mentioned, take the night off, don't gamble and have a good time with your family, girlfriend, etc."
    Any further suggestions are welcome.

  • #2
    Savage 1

    1. Ask Phil who he's playing
    2. Take the survey and get credit on your debit card
    3. Since Phil has had such a bad season in the AFL maybe he should try capping the NBA

    With all the other capper's on his service you would think he would have just left that out of his message. Your right he's honest but..............
    Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


    • #3
      GRB-personally I would rather watch Roller Derby than Arena Football.


      • #4
        You Got It! I tried to watch but it was painful, I just gave up I have no desire to watch that BS.
        Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


        • #5
          GR8Life-The only thing worse was that other miserable football league which lasted just one season(I can't recall the name.
          Arena Football-why don't they just play the game inside a fishbowl so that they can have even more scoring?


          • #6
            Wasnt the name of that XFL, I'm not sure but that sucked as well. It appears that people attend the games, maybe it's better in person but I find that hard to believe. I love to go to NHL games but I dont watch them on TV unless I bet on them. But NHL is much better than the AFL. Even when I bet on the AFL I did not watch the game.
            Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


            • #7
              XFL-thats it.
              Watching that garbage reminded me of pro wrestling.
              I have always suspected that there were attempts to fix many of their games and/or totals(another reason why I equate it with wrestling).


              • #8
                You know one is fixed that the guy owned and I wouldnt be suprised if he didnt try to fix a few of those games in the XFL. I love the old standards- NCAA (FOOTS/HOOPS), NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL.
                Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


                • #9
                  I would rather watch a pickup game of football with junior high kids with say 4 or 5 on a side than watch Arena Football.


                  • #10
                    How many years have they been playing (AFL) ? That tells you how much I keep up with that sport.
                    Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


                    • #11
                      GR8Life-I have no idea as to how many years they have been playing.
                      I don't know if you saw this before, but because of all the scoring in this pseudosport, I have changed the name of this sport to Diarre(n)a Football.
                      Last edited by savage1; 04-26-2004, 06:32 PM.


                      • #12
                        Savage, That's a great name for it. I wonder if they didnt post lines on the games how long the league would last?
                        Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


                        • #13
                          GR8Life-The sport might survive with no lines, but I am sure as you say betting is one of the big reasons why people pay to see it and/or at least watch it on tv.


                          • #14
                            Savage do you have any idea what % of AFL action the books get compared to the other sports?
                            Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


                            • #15
                              GR8-I don't have a clue re: your question.

