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TY GASTON CODE ZEBRA SPECIAL! And Free Play of the Day, Click Now!

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  • TY GASTON CODE ZEBRA SPECIAL! And Free Play of the Day, Click Now!

    Ty Gaston won yesterday with the Lakers -7 over Houston in the NBA! Ballsy call, but the job got done, even though SHAQ scored just 7 points......NICE!

    BY POPULAR REQUEST, Ty Gaston has a one day only Code Zebra special for today only! Call Ty Gaston direct at 1-800-362-3755 or email him at [email protected] and get 2 Code Zebra games in the NBA or MLB for just $500 completely guaranteed! If both games do not cover you get 3 more Code Zebra Games at no additional charge!

    Ty Gaston has been rolling in the NBA Code Zebra Club! The Code Zebra NBA Games have won 21 of their last 22 games, and is 95 wins and just 22 losses on the season!!

    Ty Gaston has won his first 20 Code Zebra baseball games this year! No one is better at vital information than Ty Gaston!

    Now is your chance to see what all the hype is about, can't afford a $7500 or $9500 Code Zebra package? Here's your chance to get them an an affordable price, WITH A FULL GUARANTEE!

    No one owns the NBA or baseball like Ty Gaston, if you would like to inquire about Ty Gaston's Code Zebra Club one day only special in Baseball or Hoops call him direct at 1-800-362-3755! Visa, MC or Western Union accepted! Please call by 3:00 pm pacific time to order at 1-800-362-3755

    NOTE: Ty Gaston likes Cleveland Durbin Pk over Kansas City in Tuesday's Major League Baseball as your free play for the day!

    For another free winner go to and click on free picks for Tuesday's sporting action!

    Ty Gaston

  • #2
    since 3/8

    0-2 (-2.35unit) MLB

    24-22 (-.95 units) overall 52.2%
    2-1 GOM (+1.8 units)
    1-1 (-.3 units) Code Zebra
    24-20(+1.4unit) 54.5% here at bettorschat


    • #3
      $500???Are you kidding me


      • #4
        Kidding me?

        No not kidding, if you can't afford it, no problem, I have this one day only special advertised on 31 websites nationwide, you still have a free play to play for today though, good luck to you


        • #5
          how is this a deal? for a year of NBA Code Zebra you charged $17,500. You gave out 117 games. That means a player with you paid a shade under $150 a play. So you are giving us two of your $150 plays for $500? Sign me up!


          • #6
            Your an idiot TONY

            Tony Vegas;
            enough of your bullshit, put your fricking money where your mouth is big shot!
            You put records up for me daily, I GIVE out the games and I cant even understand your posts is it 24-20 or 22-20? make up your fricking mind you piece of shit!

            Your a scum bag, you bitch and complain you cant get zebras cause it is so expensive, so I made an offer so people can afford to try them out, keep your mouth shut till your spoken too. I didnt speak to you, you didnt need to reply. It don't matter what you post here, people see you daily bash me yet the people who are with me have won a ton of code zebras in baseball and hoops. I am sick and tired of you little pieces of shit like you and dj the bj, (your brother) talking shit when your not spoken to. I AM YOUR DADDY, I own you, dont speak till spoken too

            I have had dozens of people sign up for the special, (its advertised on 31 websites) they put thier money up, now you do it? I will win these games tonight with or without you and the pieces of shit who bash me. Its a jealous world and you have nothing better to do than ADMIRE me!

            Bottom line;
            It doesnt matter what you say, your a pea in a frickin pod, and it pains you inside knowing that I am successful and winning my games and you cant have em cause your so frickin broke you cant afford them. You have never dreamed of hitting as many games in a row as i have. Stay tuned results will be posted here tomorrow, and those that buy will be happy, those that don't didnt follow the train and get on board.

            My train don't stop for you, cause you aint got the cash to get on it. Bottom line

            Ty Gaston


            • #7
              150 bucks

              Tony Vegas;
              one more thing I dont charge 150 per play I charge by the season, I dont sell the games individually or day by day, week by week, I put this offer up for those to try, and I backed it with a guarantee, when you stop BASHING me and figure out the GAME, you might make a few bucks



              • #8
                wow :confused:
                Success will be the best revenge


                • #9
                  ty, ty, ty

                  calm down you big bitch. i wasn't bashing you. just asking a question. why are you so uptight and whiny all the time? i mean christ, you cry more on this site than anyone else. face it, you don't like my posts (and i know they are so hard to read) b/c they expose you for what you are. if you do the math, you will see that $17,500 divided by 117 Plays = a little under $150. Was that so hard? if you do get business from here good for you. but whoever would buy picks on this site after reading your childish bullshit is a bigger dope than you. Now calm down and think of some more snappy things to post negatively about me. you are just upset. if you were my father i would have slit your throat when i was born. but i don't have to b/c when i look in the mirror i realize i am not that ugly.


                  • #10
                    What a line of S---! There are only three NBA games today and Ty the FLY has two Code Zebras! Who in the f--k does he think he is kidding. Plus he has two in baseball today. That's 4 total so if his players are big time like he states; they would be wagering more than 500K. This guy blows big ones and needs professional help. I know everyone is going to stay away from this LOSER! I' m OUT! Ty isn't shy! He loves to fly and I think he is surely HIGH because he says he don't lie!!
                    Last edited by buzzer beater; 04-20-2004, 03:10 PM.


                    • #11
                      tony vegas

                      Tony Vegas;
                      I am your daddy, my health is fine (no slit throat) and I am going 4-0 in Code Zebras tonight and you will see tomorrow that your daddy, yes, me, spanked you once again! I am uptight and whinny and I do math fine, 9500 for the NBA playoffs dont come out to 150 a game ya moron, plus the 17,500 for the regular season ya moron, like I said I dont sell by the game or week but by the season, people invest with me because they make a hell of alot more than they invest and that is the GAME. Got it? I have 26 new people from all the websites advertised today for my 4 CZ's tonight, I know your at church praying that I dont win tonight, so be it, I have spoken. Bigger dope than me? huh obviously people who came in to work with me today, see through what you guys write (bettorschat people) and that is why for the most part the ones that sign up with me rarely return to your guys bullshit over here. Once a Code Zebra client always a client! The prrof is in the pudding, they win with me BOTTOM LINE.

                      ANd Buzzerbeater; Yeah there are three games today and my people love two of them, plus two baseball games as well. As usual running your mouth, without a wallet to back it up! You bash everyone on here not just me, but you too, may wake up one day and realize this is all a GAME, its about the GAME, and the way to beat the GAME, some people do it with money like myself while others do it (and continue to lose) with the guessing? This is not a guessing game tonight, all I am saying is make sure you watch the games tonight in the NBA, my baseball games are cinches, not even a worry, JUST WATCH the NBA and it will materialize before your very eyes and you will say to yourself holy shit? Your the loser, you couldnt even afford a measlie 500 bucks to see for yourself. ya bet a dime each on all 4 games in a round robin, you could have made a fortune, but he who laughs first, ha ha, laughs last!

                      Cha Ching, its money in the bank, I am as confident with these games tonight as I was when I met your mother, (peeter beater)!



                      • #12
                        Go away and count your "PENNIES" you LOSER. You have to be one of the biggest scamdicappers in this business today but by no means the wealthiest. You have nothing else to do but tout yourself on this site. You said you only have approximately 130 CZ a year and it happens that 4 are this week. You are a f----n blowhart! Get lost you pimp!! You are all talk and by no means walk the talk. Go play in the street or better yet place a bet with your money instead of your BIG MOUTH!! I'm OUT!! Go Find Ron Davenport and Lee Sterling (aka Richard Chang) They both scam big time like you!
                        Last edited by buzzer beater; 04-20-2004, 06:49 PM.

