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    I know the Lakers are 0-7 against the spread their last 8 games, I know the Lakers shot 32% against Houston in game 1 and won 72-71 as Houston missed a shot at the Buzzer! I know I used Houston as a Code Zebra play (and covered) in game one of the Playoff series! But...................................

    Ty Gaston likes the Lakers -7 over Houston in game 2 of the NBA Playoff series in Mondays NBA Hoops Action!

    I also have the winner of the Memphis San Antonio game today for everyone for free!! No sales pitches, no hassles, no hype, just a solid winner! To get this game go to and click on free picks, once on the free picks page, the FREE winner of Memphis San Antonio will POP-UP Automatically! Go to and check out this winner for free!

  • #2
    ty i actually took 30 seconds to check out your crappy website u are such a bullshitter, your tryin to say code zebra is 21 out of last 22 on hoops, so the only loss in last 22 happened to be one u posted here?....and undefeated in baseball cmon stop the lies u are a least if u are gonna lie bout your record make it believable one hoops loss i know they are your hyped member's picks but u win at 50% comp plays but u win 95% w/ member picks, get a clue no one here believes u!!


    • #3
      DJ THE BJ get a life

      DJ THE BJ;
      Get a life kid, your always barking up the wrong tree! You get what you pay for, you dont pay me you dont get the winners from the code zebra club and once again you cant afford it anyways. I am glad its bothering you how much I have won and how much you are losing, EVERYDAY kid!

      I have over 200 VIp clients and over 100 code zebra club active clients right now! The only club I am not winning at is VIP baseball, if I was such a scam and liar according to you why would I post I am 17-16 in baseball? BECAUSE I AM HONEST, thats why. My clients know I am on fire in Code Zebras in Baseball and the NBA, despite losing one here at bettorschat, that I posted because I loved Seattle and I had won a ton of zebras in a row and was confident it would win and it didnt. I replaced the code zebra here at bettorschat and it won with Houston +8 1.2 over the Lakers. I don't owe you anything, you don't pay, you don't play,

      If you were such a bigshot, like you claim with all your piss ant bullshit posts to not only me but to a ton of other people here at bettorschat, you would open your pocket and buy, instead of talk shit everyday fricking day. Your pissed because I have it all, and you have nothing.

      Get a life kid, your need it



      • #4
        Re: DJ THE BJ get a life

        Originally posted by Ty Gaston
        I have over 200 VIp clients and over 100 code zebra club active clients right now!
        I highly doubt you have 100+ clients at $17k+ each plus 25-35% tip. First, if you did they wouldn't remain clients very long. Second, you wouldn't be at this site posting your mediocre selections. Your selections at this site has further driven and potention clients away. I don't think you've procured one member from this site as a new client.


        • #5

          The real question was the record on your site of 22-1 or whatever.

          Do you stand by that number? With the lone possibility of the last loser in 20 games was given the other night here?

          Or are you referencing the Z's in a particular sport?

          I dont care either way, but it makes you look very bad when you post that record on the website and all here know you lost the only Z you gave up to this point.

          Now dont yell and scream at me, just address the point and clear this up.



          • #6
            23-20(+.4unit) 53.5% here at bettorschat

            23-22 (-1.95 units) overall 51.1%
            2-1 GOM (+1.8 units)
            1-1 (-.3 units) Code Zebra

            0-2 (-2.35unit) MLB


            • #7
              gasman u are dreamin u are a liar just face it...u lose the first code zebra (seattle) u post here and claim its your only loss out of last 22 code zebras?...cmon now, and 19-0 in bases u are full of it quit wastin your time cuz no one wants to hear it!


              • #8
                Re: DJ THE BJ get a life

                Originally posted by Ty Gaston
                If you were such a bigshot, like you claim with all your piss ant bullshit posts to not only me but to a ton of other people here at bettorschat, you would open your pocket and buy, instead of talk shit everyday fricking day. Your pissed because I have it all, and you have nothing.
                Ain't this some fantastic logic... Hey BC posters and readers, why continue to win FOR FREE with all of the great DOCUMENTED handicappers here on when you can PAY THROUGH THE NOSE for Ty Gaston's unmonitored coin flip plays.

                The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!


                • #9
                  More of the same eh?

                  Thanks Tony Vegas for keeping those stats, they make me laugh more and more everyday; keep it up.

                  Hey guys look, Ty Gaston actually learned how to speak in the first person in the beginning of his original email. He says "I" instead of his always stupid and irritating way of referring to him by his own name. Ty Gaston likes this play; Ty Gastons on a roll!!! Ty Gaston covered the past 2000 plays; BULLSHIT!!!

                  ~~~ Tigger


                  • #10
                    Of Course He's a Liar!

                    Scumbag Scammer! He also said he'd replace that loss (his only 1 of the year.. Ha Ha Ha) with another Zebra play... which he never did!! He's gutless & ball-less and he'd never take the chance on losing another Zebra... then he'd have absolutely no chance of convining anybody he's legit (not that he has anyway)! It's funny how he claims all these winners AFTER the game is over! Why doesn't the Liar come on here shortly after tip-off with EVERY play to show us what he's got for the night! This is the only way to make these guys legit... but as you can see, these ball-less scum-bags would never to that! that way they can't continue their lies!


                    • #11
                      frankb why you bashing me?

                      Frankb why you bashing me?
                      I dont have over clients at 17k, each!
                      I have over 100 clients who have paid 9500 for the NBA Playoffs, 80% of which have been with me all season and they paid me and tipped me prior to paying me for the playoffs. My company is a huge organization, I advertise everywhere, I am 3-0 in Code Zebra games in the playoffs. I get 30,000 hits a day to my website, people go to get free plays daily and they see how well the code zebra games progress daily and they eventually sign up for VIP or code zebra games. My VIP baseball is 17-16 on the season, but people paid me for the VIP Club and since the VIP's aint doing that great I have been giving them Code Zebras at no charge to make sure they win as well, to counter balance the VIP losses as the zebras we bet 3 times the amount of the VIP's. You can doubt whatever you want its your perogative, but since I have been at bettorschat for over a year I have had 41 people sign up with me, its not alot but for the most they are still with me.

                      SO your procurement guess was wrong!

                      my code zebra record was 74-21 at one point in the NBA, its now 95-22 with Minnesota's win on Sunday, I stand by that, my lone loss was Seattle before the playoffs started, and I still stand by that game, I LOVED seattle that day, they were down 20 and got back into it but still lost ther final home game to the Rockets by 111-107, If it happened again today I would still have used Seattle over Houston.

                      Posting that record on the website doesnt make me look bad, my clients check the site everyday and get thier free plays and read up daily on whats going on in the VIP and Code Zebra clubs, if they are in the VIP Club (3-0 in NBA playoffs) they want to see what the Code Zebra (3-0 in Nba Playoofs also) is doing, and the people who go to get my free plays everyday, look to see how the VIP and Zebras are doing as well. I dont have a code zebra today in the NBA but I do have one in baseball, check my site daily to see the progress.

                      And besides that I did not lose the only Zebra, I posted here at bettorschat, I lost the first one, Seattle on April 12th, but I won the replacement game with Houston +8 1/2 over the Lakers a few days ago, go back and check the threads to see?

                      Hope I have addresses the point

                      Ty Gaston


                      • #12
                        Re: Of Course He's a Liar!

                        Originally posted by slappy's son
                        Scumbag Scammer! He also said he'd replace that loss (his only 1 of the year.. Ha Ha Ha) with another Zebra play... which he never did!! He's gutless & ball-less and he'd never take the chance on losing another Zebra... then he'd have absolutely no chance of convining anybody he's legit (not that he has anyway)! It's funny how he claims all these winners AFTER the game is over! Why doesn't the Liar come on here shortly after tip-off with EVERY play to show us what he's got for the night! This is the only way to make these guys legit... but as you can see, these ball-less scum-bags would never to that! that way they can't continue their lies!
                        actually he did replace the code zebra w/ the rockets +8 against the lakers so he kept his word on that...but on his site he claims his code zebra is 21-1 in last 22 meanin his only loss happens to be the one here, yea right!!!....hey ty i'm 151-4 on nba this year and its monitored on my site by my webmaster so hey it must be true....damn u smell funny gasman!!


                        • #13
                          My Bad!

                          If the Scammer replaced his "only loser" here on this site, well than My Bad! I retract that part of my previous post! But that's all I'm retracting!! 22-1 ha-ha-ha!!


                          • #14
                            slappys son out of

                            Slappys son comes out of nowhere talking the smash, bash, trash, wow 2 posts, is this the IP for Quick silva again? or the IP of DJ THE BJ putting in another 2 cents worth?

                            Cmon' fellas?

                            Slappys son bappy the jappy the unkown cappie, got the clappy in his gappy from a cabbie, it didnt make bappy the jappy the unknow cappie, happy, after getting the clappie and running his trappie, he went to the doctor to check on his gappie cracky, and was told the results of his pappy smear will be available Tuesdee!

                            Have a nice day, slappy



                            • #15
                              Re: slappys son out of

                              Originally posted by Ty Gaston
                              Slappys son comes out of nowhere talking the smash, bash, trash, wow 2 posts, is this the IP for Quick silva again? or the IP of DJ THE BJ putting in another 2 cents worth?

                              Cmon' fellas?

                              Slappys son bappy the jappy the unkown cappie, got the clappy in his gappy from a cabbie, it didnt make bappy the jappy the unknow cappie, happy, after getting the clappie and running his trappie, he went to the doctor to check on his gappie cracky, and was told the results of his pappy smear will be available Tuesdee!

                              Have a nice day, slappy

                              wow tie u are the winner of the worst post ever but u are used to bein associated w/ the worst...yea thats my other login name genius, i post as slappy sayin u dont post a second code zebra but then i re-log as this name and say u did keep your word, gosh u are an ass-hence the title ty's donkey dick code vip...keep postin your dumb comebacks i'm sure any potential new members (man i hope no one is really considerin signin from here cuz stop now) see what a piece of garbage u are and would never wanna pay thousands to a lowlife jerk like u....i'll have the penguin in vegas come get u gaston and if u know who i mean then enough said!

