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Two minute warning inside move west coast game

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  • Two minute warning inside move west coast game

    don't miss this one players it will be wire to wire to just the other one's as you know. Our team is ticked and wants respect and public will be on wrong side as usual. Get back to me [email protected] for serious players. Shame on you who missed out and stubborn. the run is 22 out of last 30 going into tonight as we assualt books coast to coast. Play on your own and continue to lose for joe public. I will build anyone's bankroll I don't care. Get serious get cash and lets roll you to high stake players elite club. talk is cheap back up everything and nobody does west coast hoops better and there is a reason for it if you get the drift. Big weekend in store prime time baby can't wait.

  • #2
    Isn't there another place for these crappy add car salesman posts????????


    • #3

      Not sure what you mean as this section is devoted soley to sports services.

      Gold Club please post a comp play with your posts.



      • #4

        You want cash or not? get serious and win. I back up everything. 65% winners all fact all legit posted tons of winners galore. Don't be a fool and be stubborn and miss out again. I pay a ton of cash to my contacts and release to my high ballers from entertainment business and beyond and thats no b.s. Play on your own and listen to forum people and continue to lose your shirt each night. No games, no locks, just results that hit and win big and consistent and make my high rollers a boat load of cash. You would be amazed if you new who played these special top notch games win or lose that you joe public have no clue about. Let me know if serious and want cash. I employ no sales people, no marketing no b.s. just deal with me and thats fact. Don't miss the action. The sky is the limit if serious and listen.


        • #5
          You guys are funny, I'm not as stupid as your clients that pay for your "contacts" knowledge. You could have saved all that cash you paid your "contacts" and just given your clients my picks in college which are 70-46 which is 60.3% and they are all posted for free then look at how much money you would save by not having to pay all those "contacts" that you have. Let me guess on a saturday when there are 100 games do you have 2 "contacts" at local gym's or 100, one at each game cause you don't get info unless your there right???? Your "contacts" don't exist and you probably do the same thing i do which is research so why again would i pay you when my picks are doing fine and oh ya don't forget i post picks here everyday so you really should fire those "contacts" cause on saturday's they are costing you too much!Why don't you at least prove yourself on this site with some freebies to show your worth after all that's what everyone else does here or are you afraid your picks might guarantee that no one would visit your site??????????That's funny you can visit this site and get 60 to 70 % winners or follow guys like this that give out both sides of a game so half his people are happy.


          • #6

            I am not hear to argue with you. I told you how I operate if you are serious and want cash you will win plain and simple. The resulst speak for themselves and everyone in here knows I speak the truth you should have been with me over the super sunday weekend board sweeper. I pay a ton of cash to my top contacts known as Two minute warning for various reasons and get 1 game a night known as a layaway game you the public has no clue about. I release to my high ballers from all facets of life and win big and consistent and thats fact. 65% winners. no games, no locks, just results that hit and win big and consistent as people can attest to. You don't want cash thats your choice. These people pound these games win or lose. It takes money to make money in this business. Its quality not quantity that makes so successful. Play 6 games a night you will be lucky to hit 4 . You want cash you will win. No sales people, no marketing b.s. no website people in the know know who they are and I am rest asure.


            • #7
              Again since you didn't understand the last reply i am making a ton of cash already and people can come here and get it FREE with no strings attached all they need is the internet and are charging money to do the same exact thing....HELLO....Anyone there? I'm pretty sure that i'm serious when i spend hours on end researching games as i do but you wouldn't know about that cause you sit back and let your "contacts" do all the work right????It's funny you left alot of questions unanswered in my last reply you came on here again to tout your service. You think with your top secret big money service that you could at least afford spell check for your computer.....well maybe you could just go back and edit it, ya know if your "contacts" can help you find your mistakes.


              • #8

                Good luck to you. I think the frigid cold in CT has gotten to your brain. If ever serious want to join the elite live in luxury play with high ballers let me know. bases/madness weeks away.


                • #9
                  Are you seriously retarded????CT that's only about 6 states from where i live, did one of your "contacts" have to get a map and find a state in New England for you??? Tout this, my tournament picks will be FREE, I know I know and get this i just signed on with some new "contacts" well alright they work for espn but they will give me info and i can promise that the whole month of march is FREE ! I also promise a game of the year every 15 minutes for FREE during tournament hours........Please! The offer still stands fire your "contacts" i will give you the rest of the year for FREE!

                  Get the point yet GOLDMEMBER?


                  • #10
                    Hey Goldmember or are you Ted? Where are your plays documented? Please let me know so I can monitor.
                    Hey BC, can we get the assholes out of here that want to just harass people? Let them plain and simple give comp plays and advertise and not argue with the regulars?
                    You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


                    • #11
                      Thank God for people like Goldmember, they keep me in stitches. Just think, boys, if we didn't get this critical info, we would be in serious trouble. Youhavejobyouhavecaryouwant$youwinbig! Or something like that. Look, the way this works is thus;
                      You give a few comp plays. You give out your website or contact #. If your comp plays do well (i.e. they aren't crap picks), then people pick up on that and maybe purchase your service. If your website looks interesting then even if your comp plays just do OK, you'll get a few bites. But mocking one of us does not work. We can fuck with you. But if you fuck with one of us, then Phil jr.'s uncle Guido comes looking for you!
                      If your plays do well in the next few days, you'll draw interest. If you act like an asshole, like some have, you'll draw flies!
                      Good luck to ALL services who post here, for it is welcome and we are all in this together.
                      Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                      • #12
                        Good shit


                        • #13
                          I seldom come to the service section...I got a laugh out of this one, though.


                          • #14
                            Leave it to Wayne ... hahahahaha

                            even 5 years ago .... awesome work as usual ...


                            • #15
                              that dude sounds like a complete idiot, good to know Wayne was a straight a hole that long ago
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]

