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TY GASTON DOMINATES REGIONALS 4-0, Here's another winner for FRIDAY!

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  • #16


    PEACE....uggh.......sorry I MEAN



    • #17
      Ty went 4-0, hahahahahaha

      I give credit where credit is due, and yes you did post UConn as a winner. BUT that equals 1 winner, not 4, if you're not going to post all 4 than you can't take credit for all 4. You're 1-0, and that's all you can claim for yesterday. Why doesn't Ty Gagston just get 10 of these 471 Upper Clients of his to come to this free site and post all the winners he gave out since he won't give his card out.

      Come on Ty, I'm just asking you to find 10 people of your 471 claimed Zebra/VIP clients to come here and vouch for you, nothing mean, just asking. Can you do that? For the record, I don't think you can

      ~~~ Tigger


      • #18
        not 471...

        I'm sorry 571 clients, get 10 of them to come here and vouch for you.


        • #19
          S49erman and Quick Silva exposed!

          S49erman you continue to make your stupid remarks and claim I am a fraud yet, you were uncovered yesterday backing quick silva and his great claims with the other quick silva imposters who all send from the same IP? Come on I aint stupid. FRAUD? How about that Kansas yesterday as well as UCONN the day before, OPEN your suck now ya wally!

          And ezwinners you keep on blabbing about your 54% winners now they immediately go to 65.7% c'mon dude, quit using quick silva's game, it don't work here!

          Ultimate warrior a new guy with just 2 new posts, must be another of quick silva's or s49erman's IP's!

          Jballs as well says i won less than 46%, and am hitting 48.7% with documented numbers by an independent source, yeah ok 12 posts! Another douchebag from quick silva and s49erman's frauds IP use! My records for football are at PERIOD! You gotta come up with a better independent source than an idiot who posted for the 12th time? I bet his other 12 posts are backing quick silva and s49erman?

          Tony Vegas; here ya go again 25-11 is the actual record of posts here at bettorschat the last 36 games, why don't you do the homework and check all my posts and we will compare, that way I can expose you for the lying piece of shit that you are as well! Oh yeah I suck? keep fading my plays and you will be broke, remember the posts you wrote several weeks ago about how you fade all my plays, well KANSAS got your ass last night as well as UCONN the night before, comon boooooy!

          S49erman, take it up the butt club? C'mon you and quick silva can do better than that? Where's geraldine? Oooooops that the other IP you guys use!

          Tigger we, (I) did not count UCONN as 4 winners, the rest of the games I put on their (after the fact) was an ad to show I have been on fire, thats all! None of my clients will post my games, I know all their IP's and if anyone let out my VIP or Code Zebra without my approval, they would be cut off. They don't pay me to post to others for free! But anytime they want to come on here and say what they want they can about their plays they have been getting! If they want to vouch they can, alot of them think this is funny, but the bottom line is winning PERIOD!


          • #20
            Shut UP BottleNOZE

            Id PISS on U if I ever saw U anywhere U Piece of SHIT



            • #21

              You dumbass. What I was saying why only go back for the last 36 posted games if you are so worried about being correct about your record go back and add up all the games you posted? If you don't feel like doing that then shutup. You only want to go back to your hot streak. Why is that? Have you only posted 36 games here? I doubt it. You won't answer these questions but everyone knows that.


              • #22
                Tony Vegas

                I answered your questions you moron, how stupid are ya, can't ya read? I posted the record from when i hit 10 in a row, because you neglected to do it, and you were only showing when I went 2-7 when you started, so your posts werent the total truth, just like now you post 11-10 but neglect to post 9-3 last 12, so however you want people to look at, I want to make sure they get the whole picture, I started posting in august and during the football I had a 15 post win streak, a 12 post win streak and a 10 post win streak so go back to august and check all the games, do your homework if you are so intense on TRYING to make me look bad, if you do your homework you will see your picking on the wrong guy and I win a hell of alot more than I lose!

                So keep trying to bash me but it aint working!


                • #23
                  not trying to make you look bad........

                  I told you when I started, why I started and why I started where I did. Why are you so intense about your record being posted? Keep winning and you have nothing to worry about. So stop crying you little bitch.


                  • #24
                    Do u have any price packages?

                    For example, how much would it cost me for:

                    1 year
                    2 years
                    5 years



                    • #25
                      ty you piece of shit,

                      I have only one handle here mother fucker. I signed up for quick's plays because I won't have the time to do it myself for very much longer and it seems like he is a good capper, I have made money with him. It's a good thing that people don't accuse your members of the things you do otherwise there would be a bunch of frauds running around. I'm not saying what he did was right whatsoever, but you in your accusation of being a part of that is incorrect, as people will tell you here.

                      I post "FREE COMPED" plays everyday here at bc, and I have a hell of a lot better record than you do buddy .

