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Wayne Root Story

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  • #16
    i mean to stick this under the sean michaels

    millions of stars plays...but i guess it still fits


    • #17
      Art-that would be a great and probably true line!
      Ats-thanks for your well thought out response.
      ps Root makes his money by his slick marketing;as we all learned in school, there is one (sucker) born every minute.
      Root has gotten to be to big for his britches, although I remember years ago on the old financial news network, even then he had the same arrogance and the same "My sh-t don't stink" attitude.
      He wins and loses like everyone else over time, and that is the bottom line no matter what he and his flailing arms, hands and fingers say.


      • #18
        Wayne Root, his attitude is the same in life as on TV!

        was reading your posts as to Wayne Root and I had to make a comment!

        Several years ago I did a show on USA Network as a fill in for Chip Chirimbes. The show was called Proline! On the show that week was Jim Feist, Wayne Root, Jack Snow hosted etc etc.

        These two guys didn't know me from adam, Feist made a comment he saw me on Gameday Report a few times and told me they do everything by teleprompter and to give my script to this lady and she will load it for me so I can just read my SCRIPT. I didn't have anything to load as on previous shows I have done, I just winged it and followed the course of where the show would go.

        Root made a comment about a rookie being on the show trying to make fun, and Jack Snow told him he had done Tv SHows with me and Vince Ferragamo and Marcus Allen in Los Angeles and that "Ty aint no rookie and could hold his own"!

        The show went on and I was third up, Fiest pitch was boring, Root was his normal cocky self and he had to relay from out of his pitch into mine! He said "wow we got a new guy this week" Ty Gaston from Pro Scouts what do you think of this Ram and 49er game! Before I answered I asked root "hey wayne did you hear about the girl that shaved her legs and wrecked em"? He with a straight face said No I didn't and then I said "it was a horrible site" I then said i Like the 49ers with Jeff Garcia over the Rams! Gave my 800 number for a free winner on Green Bay and Tampa and my 900 number for a Game of the Month, and moved on.

        The funny thing throughout the entire show these guys read their scripts, hyped their 800's and I just started each of my rounds with a pun or two. They NEVER even after editing caught what I had said about the girl joke which I opened the show with.

        On Monday my 900 number had 11,250 calls fromt he show at $25 bucks a whack and Feist called me and asked how I had done, he told me he had 3200 calls and root had about 3400 for the Sunday show! He also said he never would have let that joke go if he had caught it in time but it aired and that USA network people were on the floor laughing when they heard the tape, USA never edited it out and let it air since it was cable.

        The next day I called Feist and asked if their was an opening on the show and he said no Chip was back and they didnt have any seats to sell on the show. I paid 15 grand for the seat that week but made more than my money back on the 900 number (plus the game won), and have never been back on the Proline show even though they have asked me several times to do thier spinoff show

        After the show we taped we all went to a strip club for drinks in Las Vegas and I was there for about 20 minutes before I couldn't stand listening to them anymore about all the money they make blah blah blah. I only wish I knew then that I had 3 times the calls either of them had and twice as many as them both together! I wouldn't have been as quiet in the strip club conversations. But my point is, Wayne Roots personality in real life is the same as on tv, NOTHING!

        Ty Gaston


        • #19
          Ty-we finally agree on something. Funny story!

