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Calling out Ty Gaston for a handicapping challenge

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  • #16
    Actually, Ty I only posted to address your never answered your true winning percentage. I am quite a proficient capper myself and look to earn between 5-10 cents wagered for every dollar I play in baseball and the past 3 seasons in football I have maintained a respectable range between 54-58% depending upon the season............................................ .......................I don't need a tout, but I enjoy looking at this site to make sure I am not loaded up on a side that too many touts are don't have scouts looking at teams and you aren't a long term winner...........................................y ou wouldn't have your picks monitored as you would be out of could always post your picks on your site right at tip off if you really wanted to demonstrate your proficiency or knowledge......................and that is free for a cheapskate like you...............I've got plenty of coin cupcake and there is no way for you to prove you are a winner unless either your picks are monitored or they are posted at a site(as mentioned you can do this on your own site, right at tip-off so nobody would get a free ride)............................................. .................................................. ....bottom line is you are a liar. For the last time, what is your win percentage?.........................I just feel bad for some stupid guy ignorant enough to give you a cent.

    You don't even know how to make a line I am sure.........all you have is a bunch of salesman working a boiler room pal. List your picks at a line that is obtainable and document it over several hundred plays and if you are any good people will stand in line to buy your picks.................otherwise we don't buy any of your nonsense for a second.


    • #17
      I never said it was fair?

      I never said it wasn't fair for me to take on buzzards challenge, I said the odds were not fair, give me the odds and I will post the money in escrow on my end and he or whomever post the equivalent of the 2300 to 1 odds! It's not a problem I'm game someone step up and back buzzurd.

      Once again savage1 here ya go, go to and click on VIP picks, and tell me they are all over 70% winners, I never claimed they were over 70% its you once again assuming or slanderign me with your absurd posts of me saying I hit 70% in everything.

      Daugherty11; why didnt you post the code zebra record in college hoops or the vip records of the NBA and College from my website, just pick and choose whatever you want, in trying to make a point. People that bet 5000 a game and pay 25 k for my service are glad to tip me 25-35%. if you were plus 40 units at 5 dimes a game wouldnt you tip? Of course not your just a motor mouth like savage1, buzzard, mvpwins.

      MVP wins; I make money from my site and my advertising, why in GOD's name would you ask me to post my plays at some stupid shit site, and have them give me 50% of money made off my plays, when I can keep 100% of people who buy from me, once again I dont pay anyone to monitor my picks, people can buy my picks by going to and following instructions


      • #18
        Daugherty- thanks-you made my point.
        It just shows that you can't have it both ways if you don't want to be called a hypocrite.
        If you can hit 70%+, god bless you.
        However, don't turn around in the next sentence and quote percentages showing how hard indeed it is to hit 70% and to refuse a challenge to attain that goal.
        Last edited by savage1; 03-17-2004, 06:13 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by mvpwins
          Hey TY,

          You can post your picks on a monitor site at no charge to you without anyone seeing them without paying.

          Go to:

          Sign up and post your picks and you can charge all you want for people to see them.......the best thing is regardless if they pay you on that site for your plays or not, YOUR PLAYS are monitored everyday that you post them.........I know you probably won't because you'll say they take 50% of any sales and you don't want that. But it costs nothing to put them there and at your price no one will probably purchase so you won't have to worry about giving 50% of your sales on that site.

          So there's your answer to your quote:

          " I don’t pay anyone to monitor my plays. Why would I pay someone to monitor my picks, then post em for all to see without paying for them, when I pay a lot of money for my information, doesn’t make sense does it.? "

          Will you do it now???

          Ty, the other option is to post games just at tip-off. On a 6:00 game, post the game at 6:05. Doesn't matter who sees the picks, they can't bet on them anyway. But, IF you do hit 70% of your games, maybe more people will sign up. Hell, if you can PROVE that you're as good as you say you are, maybe I'll sign up!


          • #20
            its guys like ty gaston that lead innocent people who are clueless about sports betting to the slaughterhouse...someone already said it....has he ever had a losing season...BE A FU-CKING MAN and own up to it....NO ONE wins in EVERY SPORT EVERY SINGLE YEAR!....ty gaston been doing this for what 20 years he says...thats hoops/football/baseball X20....60seasons total...100 if you break down football and hoops into college and pro....he has had to have had a few years where he DIDNT catch the breaks where everything that coulda gone wrong did...i had one of those years in football this teams lead by 28pts in the 2nd half only to blow it (miss vs sc and tb vs indy off the top of my head)..everything that could go wrong was brutal.......we all know these games dont play out as handicapped EVERY TIME...about 20-30% of the comes down to a coin flip and no FU-CKING way it always lands on the side of TY GASTON....that what i hate about these fu-cks like ty gaston, they promise 70% on their adds and their records....but on any given night take a look at how many close games there that are decided in the final 2minutes where either team can cover the spread...then ask can ANYONE guarentee they will win even 60% of their bets....
            the original "HuskerFan"


            • #21
              SaVAGE1 CANT YOU READ!


              I never refused his challenge I accepted it!

              BUZZARD; little do you know.... but you are not a proficient capper if your hitting 54%..... you definitely need my picks..... and no i dont have a BOILER ROOM, I have 11 offices nationwide, and as you stated your looking to make 5-10 cents on every dollar wagered, you will be broke in no time.

              As far as my winning percentages I SAID go to and click on VIP and Code zebra clubs and you will see the records in all sports. You have a runny nose, little one, quit playing on your own and come to the promised land Ty Gaston's Pro Scouts!


              • #22
                You aren't documented Ty, you are the motor mouth....................why waste time on this stupid little site if you have so many clients and win all the time? You insult every poster's intelligence with your outrageous claims...........sure there are new guys that probably sign up but also are brain dead.............and by the way going 8 for 10 doesn't mean you are an 80% capper..............................a compilation of at least several hundred plays would be needed and over a 1000 would be a good tell tale indicator of a tout's true won't post your picks because you and I both know you aren't a legitimate winner........................I know one of BW's runners so I get good stuff thrown my way at times. In fact let's see if even one poster from this site even claims to have signed up with many ghosts and shills are going to sign up to verify that...........................I don't even remember one poster here ever even post a paid pick from Ty Gaston.


                • #23
                  This is stupid so maybe Ill end it!


                  I will post up 1000 - 5000 dollars (you do the same) at Olympic and you and I go head to head over lets say 20 games. Winner takes all - enough said?


                  • #24
                    Clients wont post what they for!

                    your intelligence is annoying. Clients who work with me from bettorschat won't post plays at bettorschat that they pay for because they pay for them, and wouldn't want to give a VIP or ZEBRA play to people on this site for nothing! And besides if anyone posted one of my VIP or CODE ZEBRA plays without my permission, they would be cut off and I would not refund thier money spent with either.

                    Snot nosed brat, you need a good spanking little one!


                    • #25
                      ATL wise guy

                      Post up 5000 grand at and its not a problem
                      Mr Gaston


                      • #26
                        your site only states a claim and does not show any of the games with the lines you for the last time what is your winning percentage? You skirt the issue everytime I you have ADD or are you just illiterate? Geez, is it that hard to answer a question without talking in circles? 5-10 cents per dollar wagered is very good and I am speaking about a volume of plays, not the lower number of games you see a true capper with an edge plays as many games as they have an advantage in because the more games they play the more they will win in the long run..........................playing smaller number of games means you aren't capitalizing on every edge.

                        I am not a tout and I don't need to be. Unless a person could track your plays there is no reason to pay you anything

                        And laying the odds you suggest I'd lose on the interest lost the time you made your 300 plays I would have more money by rolling my own BR over and getting interest.

                        Hurl all the insults at me you want, doesn't change the FACT you are not documented and can not prove or validate any of your claims....................nothing more left to say.


                        • #27
                          Ty-I will apologize as my last post went up at about the same time as yours, and I didn't get a chance to read it until after it was posted.
                          I don't want to sermonize, but I think you should really take what others are saying(even if you don't give a rats ass what I say) and use at least some of it as constructive criticism.
                          I don't think most folks by nature are mean spirited, but they do wanted to be treated with respect and not have their intelligence insulted.
                          Personally, from what I have seen, I don't think you are the worst capper by any means.
                          However, if you really feel that you are as good as you say, I think that you might listen to your potential clientele and others instead of continually trying to give the impression that everyone EXCEPT you is wrong.


                          • #28
                            Re: This is stupid so maybe Ill end it!

                            Originally posted by atlwiseguy

                            I will post up 1000 - 5000 dollars (you do the same) at Olympic and you and I go head to head over lets say 20 games. Winner takes all - enough said?
                            There you go.....the ****** has been dropped. Ty, ball's in your court.

                            Ty, I think you're missing a big point. You posting that you're "65% in this", "73% in this", etc, is nothing but numbers. I'm not even saying that you're lying (although I don't believe anyone can hit 65-75% of their picks every year in every sport. If I started a site and just made up numbers that I was 35-6 in the NFL this year and 56-11 in College Hoops, nobody would believe that. However, if I either had someone monitor them, OR posted my plays just after kick-off/tip-off, I'd have something to back it. Without it, all I have is magical numbers. That's what we see from you. Without having played all of those games, or seen documentation, why would I lay down $25K just because you SAY that you won 76.3% of your games. See my point? When you're laying down coing like $25K, it's hard to take someone's word from them that their record is what they say it is.


                            • #29

                              I'll post it up - that is not a problem. This will be fun but lets use a place/person we both know. I am not sending money to someone/something I dont know- like your millionaire sportsbook idea. We need to find a "neutral" ground and its on. I play poker and trade currencies for a living and love this matchplay idea!!! Lets get it on! Anyone with ideas that makes this fair please chime in.


                              • #30
                                lol.............millionairesportsbook isn't even listed on the Sportsbook review site...........................Ty you probably have a piece of it or are in bed with them as they are listed on your careful you might end up in jail like Jack Price and Kevin's illegal to own a piece of an online sportsbook in case you didn't know.

                                I'll post up at Olympic and we can go head to's about 2500 over the span of 100 games sound to you?

                                Olympic is as solid as they come..............millionairesportsbook, would never send those charlatans a penny.

