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    Has anyone ever heard of, Las Vegas Wise Guys? Before today I've never heard of them. I've done a search. Today is the first time they've been mentioned in this forum.

    Below is their posted record from THEIR website: In NO WAY am I endorsing, promoting or advertising for their service. IMO their record is PURE BS!

    2000 NFL Record 47-18-2 72.3%
    2001 NFL Record 60-22-0 73.2%
    2002 NFL Record 54-23-3 70.1%
    2003 NFL Record 24-26-4 48.0%

    2000 Col.Football Record 61-33-3 64.9%
    2001 Col.Football Record 69-18-0 79.3%
    2002 Col.Football Record 82-30-2 73.2%
    2003 Col.Football Record 42-41-1 50.6%

    2001 NBA RECORD 86-34 71.7%
    2002 NBA RECORD 90-28-3 76.3%
    2003 NBA RECORD 22-12-4 64.7%

    2001 College Basketball Record 71-19 78.9%
    2002 College Basketball Record 66-32-4 67.3%
    2003 College Basketball Record 42-27-4 60.9%
    Last edited by frankb03; 02-09-2004, 09:32 AM.

  • #2
    That record is BS


    • #3
      I know the record is BS. I'm wondering if anyone's heard of them. In today's service thread they are the best thing since sliced bread.


      • #4
        Originally posted by frankb03
        I know the record is BS. I'm wondering if anyone's heard of them. In today's service thread they are the best thing since sliced bread.
        No, and people tend to want too beleive a record like that is real so they can finally hit the big score.

        It's very simple e-mail them and ask them where they are monitored at.


        • #5
          I was getting their plays a couple of years ago and i lost my ass. They email all plays and a lot of times i didnt get the emails they said it was on my side so i changed email addrs same thing. When i did get the plays they lost when i didnt get them they always supposedly won mmmmmm


          • #6
            It is funny that people that never used there service seem to know so much about them.

            I was with them from 1 of march last basketballseason to the end of nba playoff.
            Everyday they update the record and not one day was the update wrong.
            I was with them all baseballseason and record is correct. when this footballseason started they warned customers that the main football guy was not going to be capping the first 2 months and told people to go with small bets. How many services tell people to NOT buy the service or at least go easy??
            After 7 weeks they where down about 16 units, that´s when I found this great board so I stoped betting there picks and made back some money betting HOMER´S very good college football picks(thank u homer)
            When the main football guy was back they turned it around. Still ended the season down a couple of games.

            What nobody seem to understand is that these guy´s who realy live in vegas and bet for a living(not like most services) bet alot more games then they give out to customers.

            I think they bet around 1200 basketball games last season winning 57% but
            only the best plays make it to there service.
            They only release the strongest picks cause they know most people cant stick to good moneymanagement and handle the big ups and downs during a whole season when betting alot of games like real pro´s betting 1% of the bankroll.

            Most people wants GOY and million star picks to "overbet" on and ask for guy´s like root and fiest then complain when they lose

            If you know anything about gambling or have real connections to people who bet big bucs in vegas then u should know the owner to lvwiseguys, he has been a big bettor for over 30 years in vegas along time before all sportsservices started and everyone who bet big in vegas know and respect this old man.

            I for one is glad to see Coonsis post these picks. I just cashed my ticket on Ffield winning SU with 10 points as a 9 point dog

            If you don´t like the service just don´t bet the picks, pretty simple.
            I like them cause they post few picks and realy wins. Throw in some top plays from leonard,turner and other GOOd cappers and
            the season should end with a nice profit.

            Keep them comeing coonsis!!!!!


            • #7

              If those records are correct then there's no reason not to continue paying for their service as they would be a gold mine to one's betting account.

              Are they monitored anywhere?


              • #8
                good post guys. We'll See.


                • #9

                  guys trust me, i'm with them. in football this year they sucked but in hoops and prior years in football they have been terriffic. i'll keep posting and you guys keep posting vsi's. they are almost similar.
                  who ever said winning isn't everything never won anything


                  • #10

                    Give me a fucking break! With all the BS you posted about I'm starting to wonder if you work for the service. There is not a chance that a service hits 57% of their selection BUT only release their best to their clients, hitting in excess of 70%. There's not a service that could ever hit in excess of 70% in all sports 2 or 3 years in a row. Their site is BS.

                    coonsis has been posting 3 weeks. Before today his only posts have been service requests. He claims he was a client of ATS that he's paid $1000s and ATS sucks. He also posted that VSI is the best and 'he's shopped around'.

                    Suddenly, today he's been a client at lvwiseguys for a year and a half but until today he's never posted one of their selections because he's gun shy. Why is he gun shy? Because lwwiseguys had a losing FB season. What a bunch of BS.

                    IF and that's a big IF. If you were a client of theirs you wouldn't be at this site requesting other service picks. coonsis first post was requesting psychis selections. Most of his begining post were requesting selection.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by goodboy
                      I was getting their plays a couple of years ago and i lost my ass. They email all plays and a lot of times i didnt get the emails they said it was on my side so i changed email addrs same thing. When i did get the plays they lost when i didnt get them they always supposedly won mmmmmm
                      coonsis and dajmen something wrong. goodboy claims they suck. You guys claim they hit over 70% something wrong.


                      • #12
                        we'll see for ourselves. Take it easy frankb03, just monitor them and we will know ourselves.


                        • #13
                          Take it from me, who has been following services for 25 years-that record is total bs-impossible. nobody hits 70% for any extended period of time.
                          That is the type of crap posted by Ty Gaston, Jack Price, Stu Feiner, ****** Demarco, etc.
                          BELIEVE me-if that service even came close to percentage stated, more than one person would be talking about them.
                          I have never heard of them until the last few days.
                          Last edited by savage1; 02-07-2004, 11:43 PM.


                          • #14
                            I never said they suck i just said i lost money with their plays because i didnt receive a lot of plays i paid for and when i did get plays they lost. I got tired of not getting plays when they win and getting ones that lose. If that was just a coincidence i dont know but i used to talk to their main handicapper all the time via instant messaging and he does know his stuff. His name is john arron. I do not talk to him anymore last time i heard he is hardly every in the office anymore and that is another reason i stoped getting their plays because most of the picks werent his and some of the handicappers they have are not that good. They only release their top plays and when i did get the picks and they lost they posted them as a lost. They do bet a lot more games then they release.


                            • #15
                              Saturday's Plays provided by coonsis

                              ga tech -2 Win
                              fairfield+8.5 Win
                              samford+10.5 Win
                              caveliers-4 Loss

                              3-1 +1.90

