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Latest Jack Price Lie Aler

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  • Latest Jack Price Lie Aler

    Jack today claimed he has won 11 in a row in college basketball and has gone 21-3-1 in last 24 NBA for overall percentage of 91+%.
    Jack didn't give himself enough credit by not referring to even a better and more "impressive" stat than that:
    How about this-going back the last 365 days, Mr. Price has lied about his record on all 365 of those days for an outstanding percentage of 100%!!!
    Come on, Jack-don't be so modest and tell us all about your 100% record also.
    Last edited by savage1; 02-03-2004, 12:48 PM.

  • #2
    I dont know what to think about JP...

    I cant believe a 90% record, but I also remember when i was with the dolt about 3 yrs ago, he was pretty good at hoops.

    We gotta get access to his plays, but they arent online if I recall, if they were then they could be hacked and verified..this way he gets to claim wins that he gives out in a variety of ways..


    • #3
      Wallstreet-you may have got lucky with him, but EVERYONE knows he is one of the biggest scammers out there over time and is the buttend of many jokes all over the internet.
      Most people who have come up here and talked about their experience with Mr. Price stated that they lost money.
      You can't monitor him probably because the lowlifes who call him regularly don't even bother with threads like this and thus there are no posts.
      The best bet is that if several of his regular customers(if there is such an animal) posted his plays here, you could very well see both sides of the same game postedl;I am not making this up, and I have read stories where foksk were given different sides on the same game.
      Mr. Price was badly exposed on an HBO Special maybe 5 years ago where it was stated that at times he actually flipped coins in deciding who to give out.
      My own experience with him is simple:
      A number of years ago before I wised up, I needed a Sunday Night game as I was behind for the week.
      The ad stated I would gt side and total.
      I called;the bottom line is the picks split,a nd the next day he came up on comp. line and stated he wonj both;case closed.


      • #4
        You remember my story..called his 25 buck 900 line, said win or get the next week free..didnt win, called and they didnt know what the hell I was talking about..blah blah blah right??

        I ended up getting out with my cost and a little more. Lets say that he wasnt the worst I had tried back in the day.

        Keep the vigil on JP and I doubt any poster/non-poster pays for his plays unfortunately..


        • #5
          Wallstreet-No-he is not the worst capper but is one of the the worst liars-right up there with the likes of Ty Gaston, Stu Feiner, ****** Demarco, Jimmy the Fixer, etc.
          He has also been in and out of jail for assorted crimes, which tells you even more about his character.


          • #6

            Gaston is the worst IMO..he is a bad guy and a really shady character..nothing short of a chauvenistic pig..that show he was on, the jokes were so bad..a person who acts like that is a real creep.

            Funny how most of the people on your list are also on those stupid TV shows.. Fixer, JP, Gaston, Feiner etc..

            Until people quit supporting them, there is little we can do but try and help people know to avoid them.


            • #7
              Jack Price Experience

              A couple of years ago I saw an advertisement about calling him up and getting a free winner. I called and they said the would give me a free pick, but the real strong game they had going was a pay play. The total cost was $100 for a week of his service. The first play he gave me was a winner on Maryland over NC State. I bet $110 to win $100 on them. When I called back for my play the next day to California, this squirrelly bastard who sounded about half like a drunk and homosexual started giving me shit for not betting more money. I responded back with, why would you give a shit how much I bet on the game when I already paid you for one week of service. He said they like to keep track of their clients bets. So he gave me a team straight and had me parlay this team with 4 other games in 4 two team parlays. He proceeded to do this the rest of the week. I came out $500 ahead for the week. I called back and the squirrelly bastard told me to bet the whole $500 on BYU who was playing a mid major team, I think it was Marshall. He said after they win the game to call back and make arrangements to pay them the $500 for a month subscription. I tried to talk with the guy and he inpatiently said if you want to win money you will follow our lead. I thought bullshit, I'll play the game, but only played it for $110 to win $100. The game lost, so I thought screw these guys, they just lost a game that was suppose to be a sure winner. I didn't call them back. A couple of days later that little bastard had the nerve to call me up and say that I owed them $500. I told him first of all, I never agreed to subscribe for $500 , he was rambling on and I didn't get a work in edge wise with him. The stressful part of their service was getting the plays like 5 minutes before the game started and he was always rushing people with the play. After I told him I wasn't joining he said I would never be able to bet with the service again. I told him he sounded like a homosexual and that he was probably so cranky, because he didn't get a good hard stiff one that day. He called me a son of bitch and I laughed and said, I'd rather be a son of bitch that a homo and I hung up the phone laughing like hell at the squirrelly bastard.

              Their definitely a bunch of bullshit artist, you just got to be smarter than them and not fall for their sales pitches.

              Here's to you Jack Price, which probably isn't his real name!


              • #8
                Krunch-great story. I am sure there are thousands just like it.
                Price's real name starts withan M, something like Merullo-I am not sure.
                Price is a neurotic/psychotic compulsive idiot who needs a lot of professional help.
                I believe sometimes that the guy is so deranged that he really believes his own lies about his record and that he is #1 out of 5000 cappers, and that he feels this compulsive need to bother thousands of folks around the country on their cellphones to spread the "good word" or more appropriately the bullshit.


                • #9
                  Watch the service request thread. Everyday there's a newbie requesting the selections for the likes of Price, Lawrence etal.


                  • #10

                    Same outfit..

                    They did the same thing with me, the Fakers parlayed with like 4 other games. I also won with them in hoops, but I went in more than you story is more embarrasing..but net net I won and that is good enough. I will never call the guy again.

                    And I had to WU to some place in Calif..

                    I gotta give it to Jacko though, he is not as bad as Joe Wizzzzzzz



                    • #11
                      Frank-the difference between Jack Price and Marc Lawrence is this:
                      Price sometimes is a scammer, sometimes deliberate and sometimes unintentional, depending on whether he is in mode where he knows he is lying or in mode where he is delusional and believes he is the "Second Coming of the Capping Industry" and is not aware he is lying.
                      Lawrence on the other hand is a capper so caught up into meaningless and irrelevant trends and angles) that he can't see reality and why he is not a very good capper.
                      Wasn't it you who said that many of his trends are straight up rather than ATS?
                      Either way and for different reasons, I sure wouldn't risk any bet of any consequence on the opinions of either one of these dolts.


                      • #12
                        How about we move this over to the service section


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Bettorschat-call the mover if you must.
                            I do think it will receive more exposure if left here though.


                            • #15

