When you guys start constantly phoning people, that is a sign your losing your ass. Telling people you got inside info, yea right like the coaches are going to let assholes like you guys know anything about the games. If you guys weren't so fucking lazy, maybe you would go get a real job like most normal people, but no your making more ripping people the hell off. I personally would like to run into a couple of you assholes, because I would definitely shut your mouths the hell up. I would kick the living shit out of you guys and then piss on you when your laying on your back on the ground with a bloody face. I think you guys are the lowest pieces of shit I ever talked to in my life. You know what, if you guys weren't hiding something, then why wouldn't you use your real names. So, if you have a terrible season and someone exposes you, you can come back under another name. May you all rot in hell and the story of the guy kidnapping the one scam artist, good for him. I hope the hell he pounded the bastard one good shot for every dollar he scammed from him!
Good bye Sports Scam Services
Good bye Sports Scam Services