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Newsletter with Specials

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  • Newsletter with Specials

    Could a Mod please delete my post in nomardog's thread under Best Service Around, I messed up submitting it. Sorry Newsletter for the week of December 15, 2003
    Monitored and Documented by ****************.com

    The best 2 words in sports betting are coming...

    Bowl Season. This is by far our most profitable post season in any sport. Last year we hit big with our 10 unit pick on the Maryland blow out and also a big win on the Ohio St. moneyline at +423 for a nice 20 unit win.

    The Bowl package price is $99.99. If you bought each game separate throughout the bowl season you would spend over $400.

    College hoops is probably our strongest sport along with football. We have started the season on fire and are going to continue that. College hoops packages for the whole season are only $199.99. Since the hoops season is already underway, we will offer you a cut in that price if you mention this newsletter to me before you buy it. I will drop the price to $125. This price is only valid to people who read the newsletter and tell me where they saw it at.

    Our Records

    College Football- 53 - 28 +51 Units

    NFL- 33- 25 +38 Units

    NHL- 8-4-1 +7 Units

    College Hoops- 28-15 +28 Units

    NBA- 12-7 +13 Units

    The Wizard pick - 1-1 +0 units

    5 Unit Plays - 8-2 this year

    4 Unit Plays - 8-3 this year

    We do not promise locks, game of the year, game of the month, inside info plays or any other marketing scam. We promise winners over a period of time and will always profit. has a new message board. Come join in and help us get this thing rolling by posting your picks and info.

    Feel free to contact me, at [email protected] if you need anything at all. Happy Holidays to all, and good luck with your betting.
    - Honesty and Integrity-

  • #2
    response to sports-playa

    This is my first year selling picks on the internet. The first monitoring service we were with was small and ended up shutting down during the season. This is why my record for the season isn't fully documented at ****************.com. Hope this helps.

    Also does anyone know any other reputable monitors, I would like to get on another one or two. Thanks Justin
    - Honesty and Integrity-


    • #3
      You need to be at and Do this and it's a good start.
      Also, nobody cares about last years bowl games, especially if you aren't documented. Don't even post your record. Because as far as everyone else is concerned, you are making up those numbers and using the "they shut down" excuse for why there is no proof. Quit touting yourself, you are new so you have to EARN your customers.
      If you want to get noticed in this business do 2 things:

      1) Pick a game and write a good analysis on it. Break it down as to why people should go with you on a particular game. Give stats, trends, or angles that help bettors side with you. ANYBODY can pick games, but only certain people can cap them!

      2) Quit touting yourself and a record that does not exist. I don't care if you went 245-1 at the "other" monitoring site. You can't prove it so act as if you have never made a pick before. Be a salesman dude, that's how you'll make money. I treat clients like I would want to be treated. They give me their hard earned money and I TRY to win for them. If I don't, so be it, they know the nature of this business. You think ALL stockbrokers suggest winning stocks or funds?? Hell no, we are just like stockbrokers without the long wait to reap rewards!!

      Just some basic advice dude! Good luck!

      The Ham mer
      "You're only as good as the effort you put forth!!"


      • #4

        Well thanks for the update on the monitoring sites. My monitor did shut down or got shut down, I dont know which one.

        I think I can still post some of my plays I made form last year, I dont think there is anything wrong with showing how I did, even if it wasn't documented.

        "Quit touting yourself, you are new so you have to EARN your customers" Are you implying I should tout another service besides my own? I thought the service section was for services to post their comp plays, records and specials.

        And I have customers so I do know how to treat them. I am just like all the other gamblers out there, I put my own money on my picks as well. I just choose to sell them too, to help people out, because there are not many reliable services in the industry.

        "ANYBODY can pick games, but only certain people can cap them!"
        If anyone could pick games, we would all be rich, so I dont think this statement is necessarily true. I cap all my games, I probably put 5-10 hours of work in every day at least just capping the games. And you have never seen my picks or writeups, so you really have no idea if I cap games. I dont think I have all my customers from picking teams out of a hat.

        What service do you work for? Just wondering...
        - Honesty and Integrity-


        • #5
          All I was doing was trying to give constructive criticism, so try not to be too defensive. It's pretty clear that you are new to this so I'd thought I'd try to help. If you aren't interested in help then I'm sorry. I'm monitored at where I'm #1 in college baskets, and #3 in the NHL overall. I'm also #3 in the NBA. At I'm #2 in the NHL and #5 in the NFL.
          There is a HUGE difference between PICKING games and CAPPING 2 year old girl can PICK games so if you think there is no such difference then you are new!!
          Also, if you truly think that people will take your record seriously after having no monitoring service than you really have issues.
          What was the name of this mystery monitoring site?
          I was trying to help, so don't come at me like you did. I come here to help people and that is ALL I do.
          I haven't seen 1 of your analysis, so until I do, I will question your ability!!
          Make some posts and go from there!

          Good luck,

          The Ham mer
          "You're only as good as the effort you put forth!!"


          • #6

            Well thanks for the info, I got a little defensive, it seemed like you were trying to bash me. I am thinking of joing, but I dont know if it would be worth it due to it being this late in the year. What is your service's site, I would like to check it out. Thanks, Justin.
            - Honesty and Integrity-


            • #7


              • #8
                My site is

                End of the year or not, you want to be monitored!

                good luck,

                The Ham mer
                "You're only as good as the effort you put forth!!"


