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  • lockwinsports

    For those of you who are new to the site or have not heard about us, we are a no hype no bs handicapper. Our website is not flashy as flash is not going to win any games for our clients. We spend time capping every game on the board to give our clients the top game of the day.
    We do not hype any game, you will never hear us put out a 50000* lock of the year, underdog of the month, conference game of the month, etc. All these games do is make you risk a larger portion of your bankroll. We put out 1 game a day during the week and 2 games on the weekends, that’s it. We ask our customers to wager the same amount on every game. We are about making a profit week in and week out, and it is better to go 1-0 than 3-2. If you are looking for a service with huge swings, we are not it, we are simply consistant and if you care about turning a profit month in and month out, then we are that service for you.
    We do not BS. How many services claim a winning night and you have no way of proving it. How many services offer both sides of the game and then call and try to capitalize on the winner. We offer the same game to all our clients, and we post our selection approx. 5 minutes after it starts on our website, (past records page) so our record speaks for itself. Even if we wanted to bs, we couldn’t because our record is out there exposed to anyone who is interested.

    We offer daily selections through our phone line, weekly and monthly packages are available through our website.

    1-866-999-7348 Credit Cards accepted $ 15

    LOCKWIN.COM 1-866-999-7348

    Comp: NY Knicks

  • #2
    "For those of you who are new to the site or have not heard about us, we are a no hype no bs handicapper."

    All this with your 1st post?

    Excuse me while I


    • #3
      Just Curious....

      On your "past records" page, you only have November results posted. Where is the first 10 months of the year posted?
      Last edited by shoeman530; 11-04-2009, 03:06 PM.


      • #4
        We take down the past calendar every month and post our past records at the bottom of the page, unfortunately our web guy deleted it this past month and he needs to put it back up. We normally keep the past 3-4 months available to anyone. Although it is our first post on this forum, we have been around for a long time. We do not bash anyone or look to make enemies, if you are interested in using us great, if not we wish you luck. If you want, we will give you the rest of the weeks selections absolutely free, as a courtesy, play them, fade them or follow them its up to you, we are honest guys who do exactly what we say win or lose, we post our selection after tip off,

        Our email is [email protected]

        Good Luck

