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Its 100 % official - lewis has gone service

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  • #76
    Originally posted by lewis View Post
    that comment meant that I wouldnt be a "TOUT" meaning someone who lies about their records, lies about their winning percentages, or scams people into buying their service because they have inside information...........I am going to run an honorable sports service that people can use if they want and if not thats fine..........I am not sure if the post I am talking about is in the thread here or at the ** and really I dont care because I know I wrote it and its there somewhere.........this is it for me about this situation and I wish everyone here at the BC good luck........

    OMG ...

    That's enough publicity for you tonight ... i am done in here ....


    • #77
      Originally posted by Spark View Post
      i do ...

      any more intelligent questions ????

      Last edited by harold_bush; 12-12-2008, 09:39 PM.


      • #78
        Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
        You know what harold ... i deserve that ...

        I was pissed off from this thread and when i read your I sorta took it out on you ...

        Sorry dude ...


        • #79
          Originally posted by Spark View Post
          i do ...

          any more intelligent questions ????
          Originally posted by Spark View Post
          You know what harold ... i deserve that ...

          I was pissed off from this thread and when i read your I sorta took it out on you ...

          Sorry dude ...
          No problemo Spark, no need to apologize. I probably should have just stayed out this thread since I really had nothing to add. This is a great site and like many others, I was just getting tired of all the drama lately. I didn't help by chiming in. Peace.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Spark View Post
            hey lewis .. i am far from being mighty ... but I will tell what I truly am ...

            Sincere, straight forward, very loyal to my friends and I do not lie ...
            RIGHT ON !
            (that's living in the REAL WORLD - too many clowns change in cyberspace)
            We may have started out bumping heads here but i believe what you said (above).
            I now have a new sense of respect for you based on just that alone (fuck everything else).

            Mr. Lewis,
            If you think you're so good that you can charge people to make money
            (do yourself a favor) start betting heavy on your own picks to make money.


            • #81
              I bet Lewis wishes he never made this post :

              Originally Posted by lewis:

              I was with them about 6 years ago. Their football picks were solid and won me quite a bit of money but their basketball picks were the absolute worst! I lost my entire bankroll and they still kept calling wanting to know if I wanted the baseball package or some other bullshit game of the year. I found out then that it is better to win or lose with your own picks because if you lose with their's then you also lose the money you paid them to get their so called locks. Anyway, I personally hate to see when the services are on the same play as me because you know your chances of losing just got better. I would never pay a service again!


              Last edited by GOLDENGREEK; 12-13-2008, 01:29 AM.


              • #82
                Classic 'tout' double talk bullshit -


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Spark View Post
                  Mike ... I am a Mod here .... jagoff Ripple stole over 100 addys from this site ... is that my fault??

                  that's what you are saying ... if you do not like GG that is fine ... but let's be realistic
                  I feel I am being realistic. He keeps making this big deal about Lewis getting these email addresses. I thought part of the duties of a MOD is to protect the members? He has been here long enough to realize what happens when everyone's addys are out there for everyone to see. It has nothing to do with me not liking him. Do I think he is a piece of shit....absolutley. But has nothing to do with me disagreeing with him which apparently makes me a jackass lol. Mr MOD seems to be 0-2 over there with this email address situation and bringing BB to their site. I'm sure the owner is still thanking him for that. BB went tout and advertised another site after they did a server upgrade and everything and GG had no problem with it. Lewis on the other hand has no right in his eyes.


                  • #84
                    I think this makes it official for sure - (fukin tout)


                    12-13-2008, 11:07 AM #2

                    Join Date: Sep 2004
                    Location: Texas
                    Posts: 4,797 Saturday early card


                    I have two 10* plays on the early card today...............There will be a total of 5-7 plays today depending on line movement........Go to to get the plays......

                    Free play

                    Delaware +2




                    • #85
                      Originally posted by FRITO View Post
                      I think this makes it official for sure - (fukin tout)


                      12-13-2008, 11:07 AM #2

                      Join Date: Sep 2004
                      Location: Texas
                      Posts: 4,797 Saturday early card


                      I have two 10* plays on the early card today...............There will be a total of 5-7 plays today depending on line movement........Go to to get the plays......

                      Free play

                      Delaware +2


                      We already know it's official as he admitted to it in this thread. All you're doing is giving him more exposure.


                      • #86
                        where's Wayne

                        Does anyone know where Wayne is or what happened to him?


                        • #87
                          he went service with lewis his right hand man
                          rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                          • #88

                            Are you serious?


                            • #89
                              no i believe him and kaptain are down in the cellar pounding the rum today
                              rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                              • #90

                                Just curious because I haven't seen his picks lately, he was great

