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New Poll Question

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  • New Poll Question

    Let's take a poll:
    Who do you believe is telling more of the truth the last few days:
    Me (and the other folks who said negative things about Mr. Gaston and his record, etc.) or Mr. Gaston.
    To keep poll simple, either vote Savage or Gaston.
    Lets add one more question for good measure:
    Mr. Gaston on website stated that he was 127-35 in NBA last year, 78.3% in his Code Zebra plays. Do you believe that and would you pay $25000 for a years service? yes or no.
    Last edited by savage1; 09-30-2003, 11:12 AM.

  • #2
    I will always say that an honest capper gets his plays monitored

    maybe Ty does get them monitored by a service

    so lets just leave it at that
    Last edited by Baseball_Nut; 09-30-2003, 11:55 AM.


    • #3
      I am going to ask Mr. Gaston the question openly:
      Are all of those 75-80% percentages for all sports as posted at zebra club) accurate, exact or are they exaggerations to try to get customers?
      Simply answer the question, yes or no;if answer is they are 100% accurate, where can one verify these extraordinary records?
      Thank you


      • #4
        Mr. Gaston-I know you are back, as I just saw another post.
        How about answering my questions as to your winning percentage. Real or "slightly" exaggerated?


        • #5
          Yes they are accurate

          I aint avoiding your answer, as I have answered all posts that you bashed me with, not every record is 80% as you claim. Let me ask you a question "is ty Gaston's winning percentages so high because he cheats and has information that others may lack?" Did he win 8 in a row in posts by accident? Maybe? I have never seen any other person post as many winners in a row as i Have on any of the cappers sites. Or the true question, is savage1 just jealous, and thats why he posts ludicrous statements of records that are supposedly on my site which in relaity arent on the site at all
          I noticed you claimed i hit 100%, then 95%, then 85%, now 80% winners come on read the website bud! It says no such thing
          what is the real reason why you continue to bash me? Jealousy if so vote ont he poll i not post anymore, its really no problem to me to not give anymore free winners if people dont want them, its really not a problem, or "do you want to see how many I can actually hit before you shut your frickin mouth?"
          Have a nice one
          sleep on that 8th winner, I just bought you dinner, you dont have to eat burritos today have a steak on Ty thansk Giants!


          • #6


            • #7
              Ok folks;he stated that his 75+% record this year for all sports is accurate; don't forget the 106-8 record he posted last year or the 31-2 this year on Code Zebra(witnessed by me);check it out yourself.
              Draw your own conclusions, and don't forget the vile and foul language and insinuations this guy uses to try to make his points.
              I sure wouldn't want a service which refers to someone as a jew bastard when someone questions him about something.


              • #8

                Nice site! Or was that your way of changing the subject. Lucky leo


                • #9


                  • #10
                    The subject is changed

                    Anyone I know wearing a thong tonight? Lucky Leo


                    • #11
                      Savage1 here ya go again!

                      read all the posts and tell me where i said jew bastard? Come on now let's not get ethnic, I never said such a thing to you or anyone else, I never posted or would say such a thing anywhere. Show me where I said it? NEVER HAPPENED savage1, thats why i answer to all your lies. I answered to the 31-2 ACTUAL record in last year's NCAA tournament, yes thats obviously tremendous and I was rolling! 8-0 last 8 here is that too hard to beleive also, despite seeing it with your own eyes?
                      What happens if i run to 13-0 or 15-0 or even 20-0 or even 31-2 as I did in the NCAA's basketball my best sport? It really dont matter savage1 if I go 100-0, you would still complain and you would stilll bash. I put a poll up I will do as people want, if they poll me to stop I will stop posting, no problem
                      Thanks Ty Gaston


                      • #12
                        This is going to go on forever. Can we agree to disagree?


                        • #13
                          I don't think that will work. Nut changed my mind, right now I could care less about Savage or Ty. Now lets go Houston and the Cubs. Lucky Leo


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Leo we are on the same sides again...... maybe we will keep the streak going!

