I found this on a other forum;although the material is dated, some of these guys are still around.
I would add such noteworthies as Charlie and NSA to this list of beauts:
Handicappers Wall of Shame - The A List:
Article written by Tom Somach from the Las Vegas Sporting News
Everyone loves Top 10 lists.
So who are the Bottom 10 scamdicappers in the business?
MIKE WARREN SPORTS, BALTIMORE, MD. --- Look up "scamdicapper" in the
dictionary and you'll find Mike Warren's picture. He's the badest of
the bad, the most disrespected and disreputable sports handicapper of
them all.
He also couldn't pick a winner if his life depended on it.
He recently scammed an elderly Korean War veteran in Buffalo out of
big bucks by making bogus claims about his touting ability. Before that,
Warren was fined by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs for
deceptive advertising practices, according to the New York Post.
Warren also bilked people when he ran the now-bankrupt "Psychic
Hotline," a telephone service that charged callers to speak to fortune tellers.
Mike Warren isn't even honest about his real name, which is actually
Michael Warren Lasky.
is the second-worst tout service in America, almost as bad as Mike
Warren Sports. And guess who runs ATS? Robert Lasky, nephew of Mike (Warren)
The complaints about ATS have been numerous, including allegations of
credit card fraud, sneaky telemarketing scams and
phone pager bait-and-switch scams and the bilking of a set of Iowa
twins out of nearly $200,000.
JIM HURLEY'S NETWORK, JERICHO, N.Y. --- The third worst tout service
out there. And, to no one's surprise, it's also run by a Lasky, in this
case Brian Lasky, brother of Mike (Warren) Lasky. "Jim Hurley" is Brian's
alias and it's no wonder he uses one.
The "Network" is a typical Lasky con operation that's more interested
in (and talented at) ripping off customers than picking winners. But
then again, scamdicapping is the family business if you're the Lasky
Brian also employs some of the rudest clerks in the business.
STU FEINER(Your Source), FARMINGDALE, N.Y. --- After the Lasky Boys,
Stu Feiner is the biggest scamdicapper around. Sometimes called Mr Lisp
because of his Speech problems. He too has been fined by the New
York City Department of Consumer Affairs for deceptive advertising practices,
according to the New York Post.
He also has the distinction of having run the most annoying
scamdicapper commercials ever seen on television: his shouting about his touting
made one want to shoot the TV screen. HBO did a special last year on how STU
FEINER ripped a guy off for $60,000 thru credit cards and Western
about the scamdicapping business that makes it run in families? Kevin has earned the
nickname COFFEE CAKES because of his terrible ACNE problem, but what is Worse
than his looks are his outrageous claims to HIT 85% of his picks. But
just like Stu, Kevin makes outrageous claims about what little
handicapping success he has.
That's why Duffy has also been fined by the New York City Department
of Consumer Affairs for deceptive advertising practices, according to
the New York Post. What specifically did Duffy do to earn the fines? The same
thing Mike Warren and Stu Feiner did: he ran newspaper ads which contained
phony claims about his success in picking winners.
JACK PRICE, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. --- Next on our list of the Bottom 10
is Jack Price. This guy looks like a Walking GORILLA. A former Price
employee told the RGT Wager Watchdog that Price's
picks are often made by flipping a coin.
Price, whose real name is Mark Meghrouni, also used to run Paradise
Casino, an offshore sports book in Curacao that went out of business.
Last year, Price pled guilty in Federal Court to money laundering and
tax evasion charges, paid millions of dollars in fines and back taxes and
had a house and car confiscated, according to the Associated Press. In
addition, Price was sued by former NFL players John Brodie and Deacon Jones for
fraudulent use of the football players' names in connection with a
Price tout service.
DAN PASTORINI, HOUSTON, TEX.--Yes, it's the former Houston Oilers
quarterback, running his own tout service. Last fall, Pastorini had
to run an apology in USA Today, saying he does not use "inside" sources from
the NFL to make picks for his tout service. The NFL had sued Pastorini
after he made such claims in an earlier USA Today ad.
ED HOROWITZ, NEW YORK, N.Y. --- This guy calls himself "The
Professor." According to a story in Sports Illustrated, he is a former cocaine
addict who was once arrested in New York on gambling charges. That's
certainly someone you'd want to trust with your money, no?
JOHNNY DEMARCO, ATLANTA, GA. --- The real name of this scamdicapper
is John L. Edens. According to a story in Sports Illustrated, he told
people who called his free 800 line to call his for-a-charge 900 line for
picks, and if the picks lose, there is no charge. That's a lie, however,
because once a 900 number is called, the charge is automatic.
He once claimed to have gotten inside info from a college basketball
coach, but the coach denied speaking to him. He also claimed his tout
service was top-rated by a monitoring service, but declined to reveal
he was associated with the monitoring service.
OTHER Scamerable Mentions:
The DUKE from Baltimore MD
Dr Ron Bash
Jimmy the Fixer
Mike Wynn's
M&K Sports
Mike Anthony
Wayne Root
Jim Feist
Kelso Sturgeon
Article written by Tom Somach from the Las Vegas Sporting News
I would add such noteworthies as Charlie and NSA to this list of beauts:
Handicappers Wall of Shame - The A List:
Article written by Tom Somach from the Las Vegas Sporting News
Everyone loves Top 10 lists.
So who are the Bottom 10 scamdicappers in the business?
MIKE WARREN SPORTS, BALTIMORE, MD. --- Look up "scamdicapper" in the
dictionary and you'll find Mike Warren's picture. He's the badest of
the bad, the most disrespected and disreputable sports handicapper of
them all.
He also couldn't pick a winner if his life depended on it.
He recently scammed an elderly Korean War veteran in Buffalo out of
big bucks by making bogus claims about his touting ability. Before that,
Warren was fined by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs for
deceptive advertising practices, according to the New York Post.
Warren also bilked people when he ran the now-bankrupt "Psychic
Hotline," a telephone service that charged callers to speak to fortune tellers.
Mike Warren isn't even honest about his real name, which is actually
Michael Warren Lasky.
is the second-worst tout service in America, almost as bad as Mike
Warren Sports. And guess who runs ATS? Robert Lasky, nephew of Mike (Warren)
The complaints about ATS have been numerous, including allegations of
credit card fraud, sneaky telemarketing scams and
phone pager bait-and-switch scams and the bilking of a set of Iowa
twins out of nearly $200,000.
JIM HURLEY'S NETWORK, JERICHO, N.Y. --- The third worst tout service
out there. And, to no one's surprise, it's also run by a Lasky, in this
case Brian Lasky, brother of Mike (Warren) Lasky. "Jim Hurley" is Brian's
alias and it's no wonder he uses one.
The "Network" is a typical Lasky con operation that's more interested
in (and talented at) ripping off customers than picking winners. But
then again, scamdicapping is the family business if you're the Lasky
Brian also employs some of the rudest clerks in the business.
STU FEINER(Your Source), FARMINGDALE, N.Y. --- After the Lasky Boys,
Stu Feiner is the biggest scamdicapper around. Sometimes called Mr Lisp
because of his Speech problems. He too has been fined by the New
York City Department of Consumer Affairs for deceptive advertising practices,
according to the New York Post.
He also has the distinction of having run the most annoying
scamdicapper commercials ever seen on television: his shouting about his touting
made one want to shoot the TV screen. HBO did a special last year on how STU
FEINER ripped a guy off for $60,000 thru credit cards and Western
about the scamdicapping business that makes it run in families? Kevin has earned the
nickname COFFEE CAKES because of his terrible ACNE problem, but what is Worse
than his looks are his outrageous claims to HIT 85% of his picks. But
just like Stu, Kevin makes outrageous claims about what little
handicapping success he has.
That's why Duffy has also been fined by the New York City Department
of Consumer Affairs for deceptive advertising practices, according to
the New York Post. What specifically did Duffy do to earn the fines? The same
thing Mike Warren and Stu Feiner did: he ran newspaper ads which contained
phony claims about his success in picking winners.
JACK PRICE, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. --- Next on our list of the Bottom 10
is Jack Price. This guy looks like a Walking GORILLA. A former Price
employee told the RGT Wager Watchdog that Price's
picks are often made by flipping a coin.
Price, whose real name is Mark Meghrouni, also used to run Paradise
Casino, an offshore sports book in Curacao that went out of business.
Last year, Price pled guilty in Federal Court to money laundering and
tax evasion charges, paid millions of dollars in fines and back taxes and
had a house and car confiscated, according to the Associated Press. In
addition, Price was sued by former NFL players John Brodie and Deacon Jones for
fraudulent use of the football players' names in connection with a
Price tout service.
DAN PASTORINI, HOUSTON, TEX.--Yes, it's the former Houston Oilers
quarterback, running his own tout service. Last fall, Pastorini had
to run an apology in USA Today, saying he does not use "inside" sources from
the NFL to make picks for his tout service. The NFL had sued Pastorini
after he made such claims in an earlier USA Today ad.
ED HOROWITZ, NEW YORK, N.Y. --- This guy calls himself "The
Professor." According to a story in Sports Illustrated, he is a former cocaine
addict who was once arrested in New York on gambling charges. That's
certainly someone you'd want to trust with your money, no?
JOHNNY DEMARCO, ATLANTA, GA. --- The real name of this scamdicapper
is John L. Edens. According to a story in Sports Illustrated, he told
people who called his free 800 line to call his for-a-charge 900 line for
picks, and if the picks lose, there is no charge. That's a lie, however,
because once a 900 number is called, the charge is automatic.
He once claimed to have gotten inside info from a college basketball
coach, but the coach denied speaking to him. He also claimed his tout
service was top-rated by a monitoring service, but declined to reveal
he was associated with the monitoring service.
OTHER Scamerable Mentions:
The DUKE from Baltimore MD
Dr Ron Bash
Jimmy the Fixer
Mike Wynn's
M&K Sports
Mike Anthony
Wayne Root
Jim Feist
Kelso Sturgeon
Article written by Tom Somach from the Las Vegas Sporting News