TOP CFB Cappers by Percentage
#1 Pure Lock 3-0 100% +15 units
#2 Dawg Pound 2-0 100% +6 units
#3 Ross Benjamin 9-3 75% +83.6 units
#4 Mikey Sports 13-6 68% +24.1 units
#5 Carolina Sports 8-4 67% +5.5 units
TOP CFB Cappers by Net Units won
#1 Ross Benjamin 9-3 +83.6 units
#2 Mikey Sports 13-6 +24.1 units
#3 C Star Sports Picks 21-12 +19.6 units
#4 Pure Lock 3-0 +15 units
#5 Triple Threat Sports 22-20 +13.8 units
TOP NFL Cappers by Percentage
#1 Ross Benjamin 7-0 100% +116 units
#2 Cincinnati Kid 2-0 100% +2 units
#3 Jim Kruger 2-1 67% +2.7 units
#4 Locksmith Sports 7-5 58% +6.2 units
#5 Carolina Sports 1-1 50% +1.7 units
Top NFL Cappers by Net Units Won
#1 Ross Benjamin 7-0 +116 units
#2 Locksmith Sports 7-5 +6.2 units
#3 Tom Freese 3-5 +6 units
#4 Jim Kruger 2-1 +2.7 units
#5 Cincinnati Kid 2-0 +2 units
You can join these guys along with the rest of our experts for MLB, NFL, CFB and don't forget the NHL will be starting up soon at where you pay only after you win.
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#1 Pure Lock 3-0 100% +15 units
#2 Dawg Pound 2-0 100% +6 units
#3 Ross Benjamin 9-3 75% +83.6 units
#4 Mikey Sports 13-6 68% +24.1 units
#5 Carolina Sports 8-4 67% +5.5 units
TOP CFB Cappers by Net Units won
#1 Ross Benjamin 9-3 +83.6 units
#2 Mikey Sports 13-6 +24.1 units
#3 C Star Sports Picks 21-12 +19.6 units
#4 Pure Lock 3-0 +15 units
#5 Triple Threat Sports 22-20 +13.8 units
TOP NFL Cappers by Percentage
#1 Ross Benjamin 7-0 100% +116 units
#2 Cincinnati Kid 2-0 100% +2 units
#3 Jim Kruger 2-1 67% +2.7 units
#4 Locksmith Sports 7-5 58% +6.2 units
#5 Carolina Sports 1-1 50% +1.7 units
Top NFL Cappers by Net Units Won
#1 Ross Benjamin 7-0 +116 units
#2 Locksmith Sports 7-5 +6.2 units
#3 Tom Freese 3-5 +6 units
#4 Jim Kruger 2-1 +2.7 units
#5 Cincinnati Kid 2-0 +2 units
You can join these guys along with the rest of our experts for MLB, NFL, CFB and don't forget the NHL will be starting up soon at where you pay only after you win.
You can also pick up free picks daily, interesting articles, Top Free play of the day, etc...
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