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NFL Pre-Season 19-8(70%) Monitored+ free plays

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  • NFL Pre-Season 19-8(70%) Monitored+ free plays 1-800-971-6381(recorded comp)

    70% in Pre-season NFL since start of last pre-season!! 2-0 last night as monitored at *************.com If you havent jumped on withus for the Pre-season now is a good time as you can get the rest of NFL Pre-season for just $69.99!! You will also get to choose a bonus week of regular season Pro or college or a week of MLB plays with this promo.Your choice.Simply paypal amount to [email protected] or go to website and use paypal boxes there.Yo can use any box as you will have to type in price manually,so it doesnt matter which box you pick.We are working on upgrading site now but you should still be able to navigate fairly easy. we are [email protected] for any questions

    MLB Comp La Dodgers -144 over Houston