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Football and FUTBAL!!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ChuckLazar
    John, you have more skeletons in your closet, than anyone here!
    The Debacle with Wayne was a classic...

    And yet Chuck...I'm still right here. You can call it a debacle....I'll call it a business decision. Right or wrong...guess what...It was my choice.

    And that's ALL YOU GOT? Oh my goodness. That's priceless. I thought you actually might bring some challenge, but boy did I severely over-estimate you.

    Lets cut to the chase here sweetheart....if I was anything other then legit, then you know that I'd be exposed just as much as the other frauds that have come and gone. You see how these guys are with scams...they are RELENTLESS. In fact, they'd be worse to me because I'm able to mingle with the rest of the inmates.

    I've been here over two years and will continue to be here because of my reputation. I may not be the worlds best handicapper, but i'm one of the most honest there is out a fault.

    So keep trying there drama queen, and do your best, cause there is not a damn thing you can say that's gonna change a thing about me and the way I run my business.

    If I were you, i'd concentrate more on how you can continue to fudge your numbers and look like a complete moron, instead of trying to discredit me. Trust won't make a dent here.

    Now run along. There are games halfway over that you haven't posted yet.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TheRook
      And yet Chuck...I'm still right here. You can call it a debacle....Pretty luck, because I'm sure Wayne would have canned you

      I've been here over two years and will continue to be here because of my reputation. A reputation that got tainted because of a promise that was never kept

      . Trust won't make a dent here. You already did all the damage yourself, when everyone found out that you pay others(sometimes) for their plays.

      Your the greatest of all time, Bettorschat's Poster Child!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by ChuckLazar
        Your the greatest of all time, Bettorschat's Poster Child!!

        As usual....nothing but innuendos and baseless accusations that you have zero proof. I would think that someone with as LITTLE credibility as you have in this place that you'd know better then that. But then again, it's what makes this so much fun cause you actually think someone might believe you.

        Typical drama from the queen!

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        • #19
          John, I have a serious question for you.
          You say your honest, but I still want to know how many of your paid clients are happy being down over 14 units from getting your MLB service picks.
          I don't get it, but then again I don't know why anyone would pay money for losers!


          • #20
            you'd have to ask my paid clients that Chuck. But I do thank you for proving one of my points....

            If i wasn't honest, I'd be posting games halfway through, or flat out fudging my numbers like you....I mean people in here have done numerous times.

            But I don't do that. It's not been the great year in bases for me this year. But then again, it didn't surprise me that you would bring up the sport that I may not be making money in right now.

            You didn't happen as you were gazing at my website to see how we did in soccer this past year did you? You wanna do the math on that one for all to see? Here let me help you out a bit.

            English Premier League 2006-2007 Season: (2006-2007 Season Complete) 127-88-25 (59%) (+93.69 units)
            Spanish Premier League 2006-2007 Season: (2006-2007 Season Complete): 94-73-13 (56%) (+36.84 units)
            UEFA/ Country Cup Soccer 2006-2007 Season: (2006-2007 Season Complete) 105-76-27 (58%) (+47.64 units)
            Scottish Premier League 2006-2007 Season: (2006-2007 Season Complete) 29-20-5 (59%) (+10.16 units)
            France Ligue 1 2006/2007 Season: (2006-2007 Season Complete) : 3-9-2 (25%) (-4.35 units)
            Major League Soccer (2007 Season): (As of 6/17/2007) 14-17 (47%) (-3.80 units)

            Funny how that slipped past you.

            How bout football last year? Did you not have your glasses on there Chuckles?

            College Football: (2006-2007 Season Complete)
            82-68-4 (55%) (+9.04 units) (regular season complete)
            22-13-1 (63%) (+7.80 units) (Bowls + conference Championships)
            104-81-5 (56%) (+16.84 units) (Total Football)

            Pro Football: (2006-2007 season complete)
            106-92-6 (53%) (+2.73 units) (Total Football)

            What do you know....another profit.

            How bout soccer two years ago???

            English Premier League 2006-2007 Season: (As of 12/30/2006) 74-48-14 (61%) (+67.04 units)
            Spainish Premier League 2006-2007 Season: (As of 12/21/2006): 45-19-6 (70%) (+34.91 units)
            UEFA/ Country Cup Soccer 2006-2007 Season: (as of 12/14/2006) 56-46-17 (55%) (+17.71 units)
            Scottish Premier League 2006-2007 Season: (as of 12/30/2006) 19-13-4 (60%) (+5.26 units)
            International Soccer: (as of 9/9/2006 0-1 (0%) (-1.00 units)
            Major League Soccer: (Season Complete) 32-25-3 (56%) (+9.61 units)
            Mixed Parlays: (As of 9/23/2006) 0-1 (0%) (-1.00 units)
            English Championship League 2006-2007 Season: (As of 9/22/2006): 6-11-3 (35%) (-5.39 units)
            German Bundesliga League: End of Season for Rooksports) 1-7 (14%) (-6.32 units)
            Italian Serie A: (End of Season for Rooksports): 5-10 (33%) (-4.92 units)
            Total Soccer for 2006 (as of 12/27/2006) 231-180-41 (56%) (+116.25 units)

            well....maybe that was a fluke....lets see the other sports....

            Pro Football: 2005-2006 YEAR COMPLETE
            66-48-5 (58%) (+13.20 units) (regular season complete)
            9-7-1(56%) (+1.75 units) ( Playoffs)
            17-13 (57%) (+2.70 units) (Exhibition Season)
            92-68-6 (58%) (+18.65 units) (Total Football)

            College Basketball 2005-2006 Season Complete
            123-125-3 (49%) (-14.30 units)

            College Football: (Year Complete)
            67-61-2 (52%) (+0.80 units) (Regular Season)
            10-17 (37%) (-8.70 units) (Bowl Season)
            77-78-2 (49%) (-7.90 units) (Total college football)

            Hockey: 2005-2006 Season Complete
            NHL: 226-175-13 (57%) (+47.10 units) (Regular Season Complete)
            Playoffs: 31-24-2 (56%) (+8.98 units)
            Olympics: 2-5 (29%) (-3.35 units)
            Total: 259-204-15 (56%) (+52.73 units)

            National Basketball Association 2005-2006 Season Complete)
            165-123-4 (57%) (+31.70 units) (Regular Season Complete)
            Playoffs: 30-19-1 (61%) (+9.10 units)
            Total: 194-141-5 (59%) (+40.80 units)

            You see there? Lots of profits. A few slips on the road there...but more then made up as a hole. You wanna ask me again why my paid clients are happy?

            I'll never claim to be perfect. I'll never throw out ridiculous 100 unit plays. But I'll ALWAYS be honest. I'll ALWAYS work my ass off to get the best plays out to my clients, and to this forum, and I'll NEVER lie or cheat to get ahead. Will it result in profits every day? No. Every week? Not all the time. Every month? Just about.

            This is why my reputation is where it is now, and the above reasons are exactly why yours is where yours is now.

            I have clients who don't pay seasonally...they pay yearly, and guess what sweetheart, they're just perfectly fine laying low during baseball season waiting for football and soccer to start up.

            So again Queen of Drama, your weak attempts at, at this point I have no idea what your trying to do are failing yet again.

            At some point you'll have to realize that it's time to take your drama and point it somewhere else, cause you are far too overmatched here. I've dealt with girls like you for years, and your so far from doing anything but continually embarrassing yourself, that I'm almost asking you for your sake to just let it go. I promise won't win.

            Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


            • #21
              Another nice win last night with Boston...although we had to sweat it out more then I wanted to.

              3-1 this week in the forum...we'll have another one up in a bit.

              Congrats to all that followed.


              • #22
                Chuck, you are the LAST person here who needs to throw stones.

                I could write a book on all the crap you have pulled. You should just stick to posting picks and leave everyone else alone
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ChuckLazar
                  John, I have a serious question for you.
                  You say your honest, but I still want to know how many of your paid clients are happy being down over 14 units from getting your MLB service picks.
                  I don't get it, but then again I don't know why anyone would pay money for losers!
                  You still didn't answer my question. Why would someone want to pay you money for picks, and also be down over $1400.
                  I bet there are some pissed off people out there.
                  244-252-12 (48%) (-14.34 units) (Regular Season MLB)

                  Also I can bet this record will also be down after losing your Star English Premier Capper (Homer)
                  2006-2007 Season: (2006-2007 Season Complete) 127-88-25 (59%) (+93.69 units)

                  Your the one who came into my thread 2 days ago and started bullshit drama, so I just brought it back here. Don't make this like your such a goody two shoes, when we all know your a backstabbing lier who cheated a little boy.Your time will come.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ChuckLazar
                    You still didn't answer my question. Why would someone want to pay you money for picks, and also be down over $1400.
                    I bet there are some pissed off people out there.
                    244-252-12 (48%) (-14.34 units) (Regular Season MLB)

                    Also I can bet this record will also be down after losing your Star English Premier Capper (Homer)
                    2006-2007 Season: (2006-2007 Season Complete) 127-88-25 (59%) (+93.69 units)

                    Your the one who came into my thread 2 days ago and started bullshit drama, so I just brought it back here. Don't make this like your such a goody two shoes, when we all know your a backstabbing lier who cheated a little boy.Your time will come.

                    1) who's down $1400? Does everyone bet $100 a game? No. Of course not. Don't be naive. And again, since you have comprehension problems, your question was answered when i told you that a majority of my clients are YEAR LONG CLIENTS. Not just baseball, but all sports. So in reality they are profiting just fine.

                    2) For the love of god, PLEASE get your facts right. You STILL have no clue, nor should you since it's none of your business regarding anything about my advisors. It's absolutely comical how cluesless you are about this.

                    3) I have just as many advisors in soccer as I had to start last season. Again...please get your facts right before you start spewing your filth here.

                    4) your right...I did go into your thread after you again made a mockery of this place by posting games that were HALF WAY OVER WITH. I mean if your not dissing this place by posting that you played certain games but didn't want to post them because of a BC jinx, or posting false tickets....its always something. I'm not the only one tired of it, but am just simply amazed you continue to get away with it. But to each his own.

                    Backstabbing liar....lmao. God's that's priceless. Coming from you it's just priceless. Honest to god you have no clue about anything that has to do with me or Rooksports. You need to
                    get some better contacts. Cause they are jsut as clueless as you are.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by TheRook
                      1) who's down $1400?I copied the 14 units off your site Does everyone bet $100 a game? No.I still don't understand why someone would pay you Hundreds of Dollars for Losers Of course not. Don't be naive. And again, since you have comprehension problems, your question was answered when i told you that a majority of my clients are YEAR LONG CLIENTS. Not just baseball, but all sports. So in reality they are profiting just fine.

                      2) For the love of god, PLEASE get your facts right. You STILL have no clue, nor should you since it's none of your business regarding anything about my advisors. It's absolutely comical how cluesless you are about this. In a few weeks it will all come out and you'll be the one eating your words.

                      3) I have just as many advisors in soccer as I had to start last season. Again...please get your facts right before you start spewing your filth here. Homer won the 93 units for you, no-one else.

                      4) your right...I did go into your thread after you again made a mockery of this place by posting games that were HALF WAY OVER WITH. I mean if your not dissing this place by posting that you played certain games but didn't want to post them because of a BC jinx, or posting false tickets....its always something. I'm not the only one tired of it, but am just simply amazed you continue to get away with it. But to each his own.
                      I posted my card and even said that a few have started (2 to be exact) and that I wasn't counting them. Why did I post it, you might ask, because I just copied and pasted it off my computer and didn't feel like deleting them out.
                      Backstabbing liar....lmao. God's that's priceless. Coming from you it's just priceless. Honest to god you have no clue about anything that has to do with me or Rooksports. You need to
                      get some better contacts. Cause they are jsut as clueless as you are. The man will be calling you out
                      Your as bad as Ace-Ace, who owes people. But then, it's none of my business.

