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  • #16
    Originally posted by SportsAction365
    Do not avoid this question? Buddy, put down the TOUGH GUY juice. This is a service promo forum. We post promos like everyone else. I mean, good lord, get a grip. We don't use a monitor, nor is it required by law, lol! I mean, really, what the hell is this? Are we allowed to post promos or what? I mean, rip us if you want. However, to use the phrase "Do not avoid this question"? No disrespect, but we got more important things to do than to sit around playing Q and A all day. Again, feel free to rip us if you want. We don't care. However, put the TOUGH GUY juice down. This is gambling. It's suppossed to be fun. Some of you are wound too tight. Relax.

    Can you imagine if a lawyer presented something like this in a court of law;the judge would be rolling off the floor laughing and probably wonder whether the attorney got through grammar school let alone graduated from Law School.

    Lets examine some of the feeble "points" made here which are no more than weak rationalizations.
    "We post promos like everyone else."
    Sure,if it is a REAL promo.
    Using the logic, of this service I guess it would be ok for say a store like Best Buy to advertise a brand new Sony 50 inch Plasma TV set for $200, and when the customers come to the store to check it out, they learn it is over $2000.
    I guess the ends justify the means because they got the folks in the store even thought the ad was a LIE(just as the outrageous records claimed by this service).
    "We don't use a monitor, nor is it required by law."
    Sports gambling is illegal in 49 states, and sports services are thus in a gray area to begin with;how can there be a law if something is illegal to begin with?
    In addition, this "service" is essentially saying that since no monitors are required, it is ok to say anything you want to try to get people to buy your picks.
    I wonder whether this service would say that it is ok for any drug company to sell any new drug it makes, and that perhaps there should not be an FDA;if it sells, who cares. lol
    "We have better things to play Q and A all day."
    The implication of this would seem to be that the service doesn't have time to face up to the TRUTH/VERIFICATION of their statements/record and would rather spend its time with selling it picks-the old Machiavellian the "ends justify the means."
    "Gambling is supposed to be fun."
    Gambling is supposed to be fun, but it is NOT fun when someone is misled by the claims of a service like this, buys the picks and then loses!
    "Some of you are wound too tight."
    I am not exactly sure what this means-perhaps the word "tight" in this instance means that people should not demand accountability and/or question claims by folks which seem too good to be true.
    "Relax." Yeah relax all right and how about adding "have blind faith."


    • #17
      you kill me savage...

      keep it up


      King T Sports Handicapping Service


      • #18
        It looks like this cowardly service decided to give it up knowing he had no answers for the legitmate questions raised about his alleged 80% winning percentage.

