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New York Jets vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers

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  • New York Jets vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers

    American Bowl, Tokyo

    New York Jets vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers

    Two years ago Herman Edwards took over as HC of the Jets and brought some zest to the table. New York became the first team in NFL history to win their division after a 2-5 start. But now in the big apple--the media capital of the world--the criticism has begun.

    After amassing the troops and going to the Playoffs two straight years, Yorkers are a little uneasy about the GM's allowing the release of 4 key players including WR Coles and OG Randy Thomas. Even some magazines are picking the Jets to finish 3rd or even last in their division.

    But I'm not sold. I don't buy it. The days of the Jets collapsing just when they are expected to do something are history under Herman Edwards, and the criticism will merely add fuel to the overall team incentive. I'm high on the Jets this season and figure them to be a Superbowl contender. In fact, they are my choice to go the the Superbowl (against the still hungry, still awesome Bucs). In any event, I don't want to get into my NFL Preview right now.

    I figure the Jets to still be chomping at the bits. And those are the kinds of teams I look at during pre-season. Second, anyone who has followed Pre-Season the last few years knows that Pennington is the KING of pre-season. While Chad won't play nearly as long as he has the last 2 years as a backup, he's probably good for an early score against a vanilla Bucs defense not out to break records (or bones).

    Third, the Jets have enough depth at the QB position w/Testaverde & Pennington to match the Buc's Brad Johnson (1 series?), Shawn King, and Jim Miller. The last quarter and a half will most likely belong to Simms and Bollinger, and it would be mere speculation to guess who does better.

    John Gruden's once winning pre-season record has become spotty the last 4 years, his fifty-fifty mark suggesting he puts little emphasis on the outcome. With the Bucs and Gruden coming off a Superbowl win, expect them to play soft in their pre-season opener with (obviously) nothing to prove. History backs that up as the Superbowl winners in the last 10 years are 1-4 ATS playing away from home in their 1st Pre-Season game the following season.

    The Jets on the other hand, well, you gotta' wonder if they don't wanna win this one. Besides the fact that Edwards (7-1 ATS pre-season), much like Parcells, prefers to keep the winning attitude in pre-season, add to that the possibility that just maybe the Jets would like to beat the team they could've played in the Superbowl. Maybe? Probably--even if it is pre-season.

    The thing that stands out to me is a team that is chomping at the bits to get back on the field and silence their critics vs last year's Superbowl winner. Sure it's only pre-season, but a quick score (or two) from Pennington to Curtis Conway against last year's Superbowl Champs certainly would not hurt. Watch Bollinger.

    2* New York Jets +3 over Tampa Bay Bucs

    Thank you for your time...

    David K. Toop
    contact: [email protected]

    "Hey dave, send me a FREE Sample Issue of your Spread Report Online including your analysis on Monday Night's Packers-Chiefs Matchup." >>> [email protected]

    "Hey dave, you're an idiot." >>> [email protected]

  • #2
    Pre-Season and Futures

    Pre-Season and Futures

    From my earliest years as a handicapper in the early 1980's, I remember a time when pre-season was actually meaningless. But in the era of free agency and the more recent WIN NOW mentality, things seem to be a bit different.

    I think a real turning point was in 1997. Prior to that season I believed that the 1997 Season would go on record as the most competitive in the history of the League. I do not have the stats on the year, but I distinctively recall that my projection was accurate. More overtimes, more 3-point games, and more 7-9, 8-8, and 9-7 teams than any time in history.

    Since then, I believe those afforementioned numbers have been surpassed. But my projections were not based on happenstance or a hunch. I believe the current and (then) new era of WIN NOW football began that season for a reason...

    The catalyst for the change were the 2nd-year success stories of the Jacksonville Jaguars and Carolina Panthers--both of which went to their respective Conference Championships in the 1996 season, each falling just 1 game short of the Superbowl.

    The world of NFL football changed then. No longer did owners want to talk about 5-year rebuilding plans. Put the thing together and make it work. Now. Don't tell me it cannot be done. It can be done--as evidenced by the success of the Panthers and Jags. If they can do it, we can do it.

    And so you have the modern day versions of teams attempting the same thing, e.g., the Raiders, Redskings, etc. Suddenly winning takes on a new level of job security. Not that it wasn't always that way, but that the time frame for success is significantly shorter now.

    Enter in the heightened importance of a winning attitude. Now, there are still coaches who simply don't think pre-season matters, and perhaps that is true to some extent--but they'd better follow it up by winning some regular season games. Apparently in recent history a winning attitude during pre-season has helped teams going into the regular season.

    Or, as some would suggest, perhaps it is simply that the better teams for the upcoming season manifest their 'betterness' during pre-season simply because, well, they ARE better, as opposed to the ideology that their pre-season success could be ascribed to a supposed winning attitude.

    But what does it matter? Whatever the reason, the numbers don't lie. Let's take a look at those numbers from the past 10 NFL Seasons...

    ***Here's a look at the 20 teams that finished undeated in Pre-Season the last 10 years:

    1.) Thirteen of them made the Playoffs that season. That's nearly two-thirds. Not bad since only about 1/3 of the NFL teams make the playoffs. Could be useful in division winners Futures.

    2.) Fourteen of the 20 teams finished above .500, three @ .500, and only three of the 20 below .500. Could be useful in Over/Under team wins Futures. In contrast...

    ***Here's a look at the 17 teams that finished winless in Pre-Season the last 10 years:

    1.) Fifteen out of 17 failed to make the Playoffs.

    2.) Only two of 17 had a winning season.

    There was a day when bad teams were actually a good play in pre-season, and early SB faves were potential suicide during the scrimages. But perhaps in the day of WIN NOW football, the better teams are showing their true colors a bit earlier than they use to.

    Another note of interest that may be telling the same story is how these teams do in Week One of Regular Season.

    There was a time when it was nearly ironclad that you could go against the undefeated pre-season teams in their opener and go with the winless teams. But the last 3 seasons tell a different story.

    From 1995-99 the results continued to mirror what had been a common pattern for years when going against the undefeated teams Week One and with the winless teams: 15-4 ATS

    However, during the last 3 seasons the results have totally flopped the other way with a record of 2-10 ATS. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. In any event, while the trend use to be a pretty solid investment, it no longer holds water.

    So there you have it. Some goodies for the upcoming season. Stay tuned for more Pre-Season and Regular Season Winning angles. Thank you for your time...

    David K. Toop
    contact: [email protected]

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    This system has not had a loser in over 20 years. It does not come up often, but when it does, you can BANK IT. Throw everything else out the window and cash your ticket! It was marketed in 1987 under the name the "Power Play" system. Two years later I published it in a publication nationwide and in Canada. The publishing of the system in 1989 brought criticism (in the form of calls to my home) from peers in the industry suggesting that I shoud not have printed it. I have posted it on the internet a number of times since 1998. Invariably when I post its play, there is a barage of replys as to why the posted selection won't win. But invariably it DOES win to the dismay of critics. Get it FREE, and when it comes up this year, BANK IT! >>> [email protected]

