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Well unlike many services we only have 1 Play of Year in each Sports and as advertised we had ours earlier with a Easy Winners on Western Michigan. We will have a full card of NFL up and we have had a great year with our late Phone plays there, going 71% in Pre-Season and 59% so far this season, all documented by a major Monitor.So if you want to get on the winning track tomorrow sign up for our NFL Late Phones by going to website and choosing NFL Exective plays for $25. We are also off to a good start in NHL and if you would like 1 week of Free NHL late phones somply send request to [email protected]
S Miss +17 over Va Tech
Well unlike many services we only have 1 Play of Year in each Sports and as advertised we had ours earlier with a Easy Winners on Western Michigan. We will have a full card of NFL up and we have had a great year with our late Phone plays there, going 71% in Pre-Season and 59% so far this season, all documented by a major Monitor.So if you want to get on the winning track tomorrow sign up for our NFL Late Phones by going to website and choosing NFL Exective plays for $25. We are also off to a good start in NHL and if you would like 1 week of Free NHL late phones somply send request to [email protected]
S Miss +17 over Va Tech