Sports gaming is actually not about sports as much as it is about MONEY. It is no exaggeration when PRO INFO SPORTS declares the following: A profitable return on investment is just as dependent upon rational financial administration as it is upon HANDICAPPING acumen. In fact, the absence of sound money management or the use of a flawed system can negate even a long-term advantage in any type of investing and produce a net monetary loss.
Successful money management via any profitable method requires discipline. It is critical to first establish available risk capital. This is the amount of money assigned for investing. It should never be from funds reserved for basic living expenses. It is money that if completely lost would not alter one’s standard of living. Discipline is also required in sports gaming for investing the proper amount of each wager as determined by a profitable strategy and not deviating from the game plan. For maximum financial rewards, a suitable fiscal plan must be precisely planned, followed and executed.
After a thorough analysis, PRO INFO SPORTS has developed a powerful money management strategy. In much the same manner as we examine potential INVESTMENT opportunities, we gathered all pertinent information, computed and scrutinized the data, and have simply taken the most logical and lucrative position. Just as our HANDICAPPING opinions are often "contrarian", meaning opposed to the prevailing "wisdom" of the wagering public, our revolutionary money management system can be considered contrarian as well. Of course, whether it is considered conventional or not has absolutely no bearing on its success, as it is not based on emotion, biased opinions, or misconceptions, but wholly upon the cold, hard numbers. A layman audit of the data will demonstrate the superiority of the PRO INFO SPORTS money management system.
Looking at specifics, there are myriad and conflicting opinions in the sports investing industry regarding proper wager amount. Some endorse a "flat betting" system wherein the same amount is wagered on each game through a season. The variations on this strategy include wagering more on the "strongest" plays and lesser on the "weaker" ones.
Others advise wagering a set percentage of bankroll on each event. Differing opinions on percentage investing include what the fixed percentage should be (ranging from 1 to 15%) and how often the bankroll percentage should be re-calculated. While there is a measure of mathematical merit to some of these ideas, none solitarily go far enough in maximizing profits while also providing substantial downside protection. They are either too fiscally conservative, too risky, or in some cases even both.
To illustrate the latter, consider a "flat bettor" with a starting bankroll of $1000 who decides to wager $20 (2% of his starting bankroll) on each play through a season. If, due to poor investments, his funds were to decline by 50% to $500, his next $20 wager would constitute 4% of his bankroll. On the other hand, if he doubled his original bankroll to $2000, his next $20 wager would only be a capital risk of 1%. "Flat betting" or any such money management scheme that results in incrementally higher-percentage wagers the more you lose and incrementally lower-percentage wagers the more you win is obviously a fiscal failure.
PRO INFO SPORTS money management applies the superior investing principle of wagering a percentage of available capital rather than a constant flat dollar amount. Some "pros" try to combine the opposing theories by advising that a set percentage of a starting bankroll be wagered on games until the total funds are increased or decreased to a degree (50%, for example), at which point the percent is recalculated from the new bankroll amount. This is only a slight improvement on the aforementioned pure flat betting plan since, after the first wager is either won or lost in such a scenario, the distinct advantage of percentage betting is lost. The inherent flaw of flat betting (increasingly higher-percentage wagers the more money lost, and increasingly lower-percentage wagers the more money won) is then forced into effect. The illogical disparity only increases until the static percentage is finally recalculated from the new bankroll and not the one of days, weeks, or even months ago. Since percentage wagering is clearly superior to flat betting it is most financially favorable to reconcile the fixed percentage of bankroll before each wager to avoid the mistaken use of a flat betting scheme for any games.
Having established the superiority of percentage wagering over any type of flat betting, the consideration becomes one of what percentage is ideal and whether it ever varies with stronger or weaker plays. Most percentage bettors incorrectly presume that a winning percentage above 52.5% (the break even point due to the 10% sportsbook "vigorish") will ultimately return a profit regardless of what bankroll percentage is invested as long as it is consistently and continually applied, and, that with a better-than-52.5% winning percentage an increasingly higher percentage of bankroll wagered will produce increasingly larger profits.
The potential financial pitfalls of this misconception can be illustrated by the following hypothetical example. Two friends in a casino are intrigued by a new card game called "Pick Your Percentage". The game features a dealer taking a single deck of cards and turning the cards face-up, one at a time, while the players wager on each card. All 10’s, face cards, and aces are winners for the house while the 2-9 cards are winners for the players. This would mean out of 52 betting opportunities the players would be guaranteed 32 winners against only 20 losers (a 61.5% winning percentage) . To play, each bettor simply has to declare a starting bankroll and what constant percentage of his bankroll will be wagered on each card. Believing it to be a "no-lose" situation, both gentlemen sit down at the table to play through a deck. The first man declares a starting bankroll of $1000 and a wager of 25% of bankroll per card. The second bettor also declares a starting bankroll of $1000 but states he will risk 50% of his bankroll on each card, assuming he will at least double his friend’s winnings. Despite wagering on the same exact cards as they are turned up, the 25% bankroll bettor ends the game with over $4000, while the 50% bankroll bettor has little more than $400 remaining of his original bankroll.
What the 50%-bankroll bettor (and the average sports investor) failed to understand is that for the greatest return on any series of wagering opportunities there is a precise percentage of bankroll that should be risked. Even with more winners than losers, betting considerably more than the "magic number" will ultimately result in a net loss. At PRO INFO SPORTS we have named this figure the "PEAK PROFIT PERCENTAGE" or "PPP". The sequence of winners and losers in the card game or in sporting events have no bearing, whatsoever, on the results of the application of the PPP principle. Using the same percentages, the outcome will be the same every time, regardless of win-loss pattern.
The PRO INFO SPORTS Peak Profit Percentage is determined by the expected winning percentage for a series of wagering events. In the card game model, the anticipated winning percentage for 52 bets is 61.5% which has a corresponding PPP of 23%. Any percent of bankroll wagered less or more than 23% in such a scenario will not be as profitable and, ultimately, gains are turned into losses if the PPP is exceeded too greatly. This is why the card game’s 25% (very close to the true PPP) player more than quadruples his bankroll while the 50% bettor loses more than half of his money. The Peak Profit Percentage concept can be a difficult concept to comprehend but the numbers do not lie. All professional investors (stocks, sports, etc.) should be mindful of this numerical phenomenon and use it to their profitable advantage.
Since the PRO INFO SPORTS Peak Profit Percentage is determined by anticipated winning percentage, having a realistic expectation in sports wagering is imperative. The "scamdicappers" claiming long-term winning opinions of 67% or better should not be relied upon for handicapping or investment advice. Of course these "experts" would never suggest a gamble of anything near 28% of a bankroll on one of their "superlocks" or "games of the year", yet 28% is indeed the PPP for a 67% winning expectation. Is it plausible for these individuals and organizations to be brilliant, borderline-psychic when it comes to handicapping but completely devoid of basic money management awareness? We find it much more likely that their true winning percentage is quite lower, if existent at all.
At PRO INFO SPORTS we are confident that we will to continue to offer our clients a winning expectation of 55%-60% which will produce solid financial gains. Looking at the figures within that range, a Peak Profit Percentage of 5% can be calculated from the low end (55% winners) and a PPP of 15% at the high end (60% winners). Taking the riskiest position with a $1000 bankroll (wagering 15% per game) would actually result in a net loss of $348 after 100 events if the winning percentage actually turned out to be at the low end of 55%. On the other hand, taking the most conservative position (5% wagers) with a $1000 bankroll will show a profit after 100 games, ranging from $148 (with 55% winners) to $944 (60% winners), so we find that there is no overall advantage of risking more than 5% of current bankroll on a contest.
Other "advisors", oblivious to the Peak Profit Percentage principle, contend that only 1 or 2% at the most should ever be wagered on one game, and that 5% of bankroll is much too risky. We would simply refer them to the laws of mathematics. Wagering 5% per event will only be a losing proposition if the winning percentage slides down to 53%, at which point a starting bankroll of $1000 would be trimmed by a mere $70 after 100 wagers. Placing 1% wagers with a $1000 bankroll and a 53% winning percentage would show a profit of only $8 after 100 events, while 2% wagers would return a net profit of just $4. A winning percentage of 52.5% (the break even point) or less will not show a profit regardless of how small the bankroll percent wagered is, so we find that there is no overall advantage of risking less than 5% per game.
This is representative of the comprehensive, analytical manner in which PRO INFO SPORTS narrowed the recommended individual wager amount to 5% of current bankroll, as calculated before each investment.
True profitability in sports investing is realized through the consistent and constant compounding of modest gains through solid handicapping and optimal money management, not via a high winning percentage over few games. One difference between the previous card game and sports wagering is that while there is only one betting event at a time at the card table, there will often be multiple sports wagers to place at the same time due to over-lapping games. After determining that 5% of current bankroll is the PRO INFO SPORTS PPP, or proper investment amount, to wager per event, we resolved the question of how many such events would be financially prudent to wager simultaneously. It was calculated that putting at least 25% of a bankroll into play at one time on a consistent basis offers great potential for compounding profits, while placing upwards of 33% of a bankroll into jeopardy at once was simply too risky; thus we concluded that approximately 30% of a bankroll can be wagered at once if enough worthy investment opportunities are available at a given time.
All of the PRO INFO SPORTS INVESTMENT SERVICES involve multiple wagers at the same time, so it is important to invest the correct amount for each event and session/day. Using $1000 as a starting bankroll, the first wager placed during a session or day would be for $50 (5%); however, the second wager amount would NOT be $50 since when wager #2 is being placed the bankroll is no longer $1000 but actually $950. Mindful that the 5% rule (PPP) is in regards to current bankroll, wager #2 would be for $47.50 (5% of $950). As more 5% investments are made, the actual dollar figure of the bets decreases relative to the decrease in bankroll until the 30% bankroll figure is reached with the 7th wager. Instead of actually re-calculating the 5% of current bankroll before each wager for multiple investment opportunities, the following percentages/units of the starting bankroll can be figured initially and used (rounding off to the nearest quarter percent or "unit"): 5, 4.75, 4.5, 4.25, 4, 3.75, and 3.5 (a sum of 29.75% for the maximum 7 wagers). A starting bankroll of $1000 would result in (up to 7) wagers of $50, $47.50, $45.00, $42.50, $40.00, $37.50, and $35.00 for the session/day. On days when PRO INFO SPORTS has multiple investment recommendations we will assign our strongest game the #1 wager rank, with the "weakest" of our plays in the last numerical position, thus ensuring that the largest monetary wagers have the strongest opinions supporting them.
A record of just 4-3 on days with 7 plays generates a winning percentage of better than 57% and outstanding compounding returns for PRO INFO SPORTS clients. We feature 5-7 strong "Money Plays" every football Saturday and Sunday, and every NBA day as the schedules allow. Some days we may even have more than one 5-7 game session, such as a busy Saturday with morning, afternoon, and evening college football action.
It must always be remembered that sports gaming is to be approached on a professional level. Be mentally and emotionally prepared for the ups and downs that will occur simply due to the laws of averages and inherent with INVESTING. Applying PRO INFO SPORTS HANDICAPPING and money management skills on a consistent basis will ultimately produce outstanding returns for our clients.
For ALL of the day's plays, subscribe to the PRO INFO SPORTS GAMEDAY INVESTMENT E-LERT via one of the PRO INFO SPORTS INVESTMENT SERVICES. The GAMEDAY INVESTMENT E-LERT details each "Money Play" selection with comprehensive information, analysis and advice, along with opinions on remaining games. E-LERTs are issued the day prior to all football games, and the day of all NBA contests.
At PRO INFO SPORTS we are hard at work, preparing for the upcoming NFL and NCAA Football seasons. We are certainly looking forward to picking up right where we left off - IN THE MONEY!
Sign up with PRO INFO SPORTS now and take advantage of our JULY SPECIALS -
Clients who subscribe to the TOTAL SPORTS INVESTMENT SERVICES for ALL NBA, NFL, and NCAA Football Selections will SAVE $100 off the regular price and pay ONLY $375! This is the regular price for the NBA Season alone, so you will in fact be getting ALL NFL and NCAA Football Selections for FREE!
Sign up for the TOTAL FOOTBALL INVESTMENT SERVICES to get all NFL and NCAA Football Selections, and you'll receive the first month of the NBA Season for FREE.
Sign up for the NFL INVESTMENT SERVICES to get all NFL selections through the Super Bowl, and you'll receive the first month of the NCAA Football Season for FREE.
Likewise, sign up for the NCAA FOOTBALL INVESTMENT SERVICES to get all College Football selections through the National Championship Game, and you'll receive the first month of the NFL Season for FREE.
Again, these offers are only available FOR A FEW MORE DAYS. Sign up now and SAVE at:
The PRO INFO SPORTS GAMEDAY INVESTMENT FREE-LERT features a sample of the in-depth information, analysis, and advice available from PRO INFO SPORTS. If you would like to join the FREE-LERT mailing list, simply send us a note at:
[email protected]
JOIN the PRO INFO SPORTS team TODAY and start winning TONIGHT!
Sports gaming is actually not about sports as much as it is about MONEY. It is no exaggeration when PRO INFO SPORTS declares the following: A profitable return on investment is just as dependent upon rational financial administration as it is upon HANDICAPPING acumen. In fact, the absence of sound money management or the use of a flawed system can negate even a long-term advantage in any type of investing and produce a net monetary loss.
Successful money management via any profitable method requires discipline. It is critical to first establish available risk capital. This is the amount of money assigned for investing. It should never be from funds reserved for basic living expenses. It is money that if completely lost would not alter one’s standard of living. Discipline is also required in sports gaming for investing the proper amount of each wager as determined by a profitable strategy and not deviating from the game plan. For maximum financial rewards, a suitable fiscal plan must be precisely planned, followed and executed.
After a thorough analysis, PRO INFO SPORTS has developed a powerful money management strategy. In much the same manner as we examine potential INVESTMENT opportunities, we gathered all pertinent information, computed and scrutinized the data, and have simply taken the most logical and lucrative position. Just as our HANDICAPPING opinions are often "contrarian", meaning opposed to the prevailing "wisdom" of the wagering public, our revolutionary money management system can be considered contrarian as well. Of course, whether it is considered conventional or not has absolutely no bearing on its success, as it is not based on emotion, biased opinions, or misconceptions, but wholly upon the cold, hard numbers. A layman audit of the data will demonstrate the superiority of the PRO INFO SPORTS money management system.
Looking at specifics, there are myriad and conflicting opinions in the sports investing industry regarding proper wager amount. Some endorse a "flat betting" system wherein the same amount is wagered on each game through a season. The variations on this strategy include wagering more on the "strongest" plays and lesser on the "weaker" ones.
Others advise wagering a set percentage of bankroll on each event. Differing opinions on percentage investing include what the fixed percentage should be (ranging from 1 to 15%) and how often the bankroll percentage should be re-calculated. While there is a measure of mathematical merit to some of these ideas, none solitarily go far enough in maximizing profits while also providing substantial downside protection. They are either too fiscally conservative, too risky, or in some cases even both.
To illustrate the latter, consider a "flat bettor" with a starting bankroll of $1000 who decides to wager $20 (2% of his starting bankroll) on each play through a season. If, due to poor investments, his funds were to decline by 50% to $500, his next $20 wager would constitute 4% of his bankroll. On the other hand, if he doubled his original bankroll to $2000, his next $20 wager would only be a capital risk of 1%. "Flat betting" or any such money management scheme that results in incrementally higher-percentage wagers the more you lose and incrementally lower-percentage wagers the more you win is obviously a fiscal failure.
PRO INFO SPORTS money management applies the superior investing principle of wagering a percentage of available capital rather than a constant flat dollar amount. Some "pros" try to combine the opposing theories by advising that a set percentage of a starting bankroll be wagered on games until the total funds are increased or decreased to a degree (50%, for example), at which point the percent is recalculated from the new bankroll amount. This is only a slight improvement on the aforementioned pure flat betting plan since, after the first wager is either won or lost in such a scenario, the distinct advantage of percentage betting is lost. The inherent flaw of flat betting (increasingly higher-percentage wagers the more money lost, and increasingly lower-percentage wagers the more money won) is then forced into effect. The illogical disparity only increases until the static percentage is finally recalculated from the new bankroll and not the one of days, weeks, or even months ago. Since percentage wagering is clearly superior to flat betting it is most financially favorable to reconcile the fixed percentage of bankroll before each wager to avoid the mistaken use of a flat betting scheme for any games.
Having established the superiority of percentage wagering over any type of flat betting, the consideration becomes one of what percentage is ideal and whether it ever varies with stronger or weaker plays. Most percentage bettors incorrectly presume that a winning percentage above 52.5% (the break even point due to the 10% sportsbook "vigorish") will ultimately return a profit regardless of what bankroll percentage is invested as long as it is consistently and continually applied, and, that with a better-than-52.5% winning percentage an increasingly higher percentage of bankroll wagered will produce increasingly larger profits.
The potential financial pitfalls of this misconception can be illustrated by the following hypothetical example. Two friends in a casino are intrigued by a new card game called "Pick Your Percentage". The game features a dealer taking a single deck of cards and turning the cards face-up, one at a time, while the players wager on each card. All 10’s, face cards, and aces are winners for the house while the 2-9 cards are winners for the players. This would mean out of 52 betting opportunities the players would be guaranteed 32 winners against only 20 losers (a 61.5% winning percentage) . To play, each bettor simply has to declare a starting bankroll and what constant percentage of his bankroll will be wagered on each card. Believing it to be a "no-lose" situation, both gentlemen sit down at the table to play through a deck. The first man declares a starting bankroll of $1000 and a wager of 25% of bankroll per card. The second bettor also declares a starting bankroll of $1000 but states he will risk 50% of his bankroll on each card, assuming he will at least double his friend’s winnings. Despite wagering on the same exact cards as they are turned up, the 25% bankroll bettor ends the game with over $4000, while the 50% bankroll bettor has little more than $400 remaining of his original bankroll.
What the 50%-bankroll bettor (and the average sports investor) failed to understand is that for the greatest return on any series of wagering opportunities there is a precise percentage of bankroll that should be risked. Even with more winners than losers, betting considerably more than the "magic number" will ultimately result in a net loss. At PRO INFO SPORTS we have named this figure the "PEAK PROFIT PERCENTAGE" or "PPP". The sequence of winners and losers in the card game or in sporting events have no bearing, whatsoever, on the results of the application of the PPP principle. Using the same percentages, the outcome will be the same every time, regardless of win-loss pattern.
The PRO INFO SPORTS Peak Profit Percentage is determined by the expected winning percentage for a series of wagering events. In the card game model, the anticipated winning percentage for 52 bets is 61.5% which has a corresponding PPP of 23%. Any percent of bankroll wagered less or more than 23% in such a scenario will not be as profitable and, ultimately, gains are turned into losses if the PPP is exceeded too greatly. This is why the card game’s 25% (very close to the true PPP) player more than quadruples his bankroll while the 50% bettor loses more than half of his money. The Peak Profit Percentage concept can be a difficult concept to comprehend but the numbers do not lie. All professional investors (stocks, sports, etc.) should be mindful of this numerical phenomenon and use it to their profitable advantage.
Since the PRO INFO SPORTS Peak Profit Percentage is determined by anticipated winning percentage, having a realistic expectation in sports wagering is imperative. The "scamdicappers" claiming long-term winning opinions of 67% or better should not be relied upon for handicapping or investment advice. Of course these "experts" would never suggest a gamble of anything near 28% of a bankroll on one of their "superlocks" or "games of the year", yet 28% is indeed the PPP for a 67% winning expectation. Is it plausible for these individuals and organizations to be brilliant, borderline-psychic when it comes to handicapping but completely devoid of basic money management awareness? We find it much more likely that their true winning percentage is quite lower, if existent at all.
At PRO INFO SPORTS we are confident that we will to continue to offer our clients a winning expectation of 55%-60% which will produce solid financial gains. Looking at the figures within that range, a Peak Profit Percentage of 5% can be calculated from the low end (55% winners) and a PPP of 15% at the high end (60% winners). Taking the riskiest position with a $1000 bankroll (wagering 15% per game) would actually result in a net loss of $348 after 100 events if the winning percentage actually turned out to be at the low end of 55%. On the other hand, taking the most conservative position (5% wagers) with a $1000 bankroll will show a profit after 100 games, ranging from $148 (with 55% winners) to $944 (60% winners), so we find that there is no overall advantage of risking more than 5% of current bankroll on a contest.
Other "advisors", oblivious to the Peak Profit Percentage principle, contend that only 1 or 2% at the most should ever be wagered on one game, and that 5% of bankroll is much too risky. We would simply refer them to the laws of mathematics. Wagering 5% per event will only be a losing proposition if the winning percentage slides down to 53%, at which point a starting bankroll of $1000 would be trimmed by a mere $70 after 100 wagers. Placing 1% wagers with a $1000 bankroll and a 53% winning percentage would show a profit of only $8 after 100 events, while 2% wagers would return a net profit of just $4. A winning percentage of 52.5% (the break even point) or less will not show a profit regardless of how small the bankroll percent wagered is, so we find that there is no overall advantage of risking less than 5% per game.
This is representative of the comprehensive, analytical manner in which PRO INFO SPORTS narrowed the recommended individual wager amount to 5% of current bankroll, as calculated before each investment.
True profitability in sports investing is realized through the consistent and constant compounding of modest gains through solid handicapping and optimal money management, not via a high winning percentage over few games. One difference between the previous card game and sports wagering is that while there is only one betting event at a time at the card table, there will often be multiple sports wagers to place at the same time due to over-lapping games. After determining that 5% of current bankroll is the PRO INFO SPORTS PPP, or proper investment amount, to wager per event, we resolved the question of how many such events would be financially prudent to wager simultaneously. It was calculated that putting at least 25% of a bankroll into play at one time on a consistent basis offers great potential for compounding profits, while placing upwards of 33% of a bankroll into jeopardy at once was simply too risky; thus we concluded that approximately 30% of a bankroll can be wagered at once if enough worthy investment opportunities are available at a given time.
All of the PRO INFO SPORTS INVESTMENT SERVICES involve multiple wagers at the same time, so it is important to invest the correct amount for each event and session/day. Using $1000 as a starting bankroll, the first wager placed during a session or day would be for $50 (5%); however, the second wager amount would NOT be $50 since when wager #2 is being placed the bankroll is no longer $1000 but actually $950. Mindful that the 5% rule (PPP) is in regards to current bankroll, wager #2 would be for $47.50 (5% of $950). As more 5% investments are made, the actual dollar figure of the bets decreases relative to the decrease in bankroll until the 30% bankroll figure is reached with the 7th wager. Instead of actually re-calculating the 5% of current bankroll before each wager for multiple investment opportunities, the following percentages/units of the starting bankroll can be figured initially and used (rounding off to the nearest quarter percent or "unit"): 5, 4.75, 4.5, 4.25, 4, 3.75, and 3.5 (a sum of 29.75% for the maximum 7 wagers). A starting bankroll of $1000 would result in (up to 7) wagers of $50, $47.50, $45.00, $42.50, $40.00, $37.50, and $35.00 for the session/day. On days when PRO INFO SPORTS has multiple investment recommendations we will assign our strongest game the #1 wager rank, with the "weakest" of our plays in the last numerical position, thus ensuring that the largest monetary wagers have the strongest opinions supporting them.
A record of just 4-3 on days with 7 plays generates a winning percentage of better than 57% and outstanding compounding returns for PRO INFO SPORTS clients. We feature 5-7 strong "Money Plays" every football Saturday and Sunday, and every NBA day as the schedules allow. Some days we may even have more than one 5-7 game session, such as a busy Saturday with morning, afternoon, and evening college football action.
It must always be remembered that sports gaming is to be approached on a professional level. Be mentally and emotionally prepared for the ups and downs that will occur simply due to the laws of averages and inherent with INVESTING. Applying PRO INFO SPORTS HANDICAPPING and money management skills on a consistent basis will ultimately produce outstanding returns for our clients.
For ALL of the day's plays, subscribe to the PRO INFO SPORTS GAMEDAY INVESTMENT E-LERT via one of the PRO INFO SPORTS INVESTMENT SERVICES. The GAMEDAY INVESTMENT E-LERT details each "Money Play" selection with comprehensive information, analysis and advice, along with opinions on remaining games. E-LERTs are issued the day prior to all football games, and the day of all NBA contests.
At PRO INFO SPORTS we are hard at work, preparing for the upcoming NFL and NCAA Football seasons. We are certainly looking forward to picking up right where we left off - IN THE MONEY!
Sign up with PRO INFO SPORTS now and take advantage of our JULY SPECIALS -
Clients who subscribe to the TOTAL SPORTS INVESTMENT SERVICES for ALL NBA, NFL, and NCAA Football Selections will SAVE $100 off the regular price and pay ONLY $375! This is the regular price for the NBA Season alone, so you will in fact be getting ALL NFL and NCAA Football Selections for FREE!
Sign up for the TOTAL FOOTBALL INVESTMENT SERVICES to get all NFL and NCAA Football Selections, and you'll receive the first month of the NBA Season for FREE.
Sign up for the NFL INVESTMENT SERVICES to get all NFL selections through the Super Bowl, and you'll receive the first month of the NCAA Football Season for FREE.
Likewise, sign up for the NCAA FOOTBALL INVESTMENT SERVICES to get all College Football selections through the National Championship Game, and you'll receive the first month of the NFL Season for FREE.
Again, these offers are only available FOR A FEW MORE DAYS. Sign up now and SAVE at:
The PRO INFO SPORTS GAMEDAY INVESTMENT FREE-LERT features a sample of the in-depth information, analysis, and advice available from PRO INFO SPORTS. If you would like to join the FREE-LERT mailing list, simply send us a note at:
[email protected]
JOIN the PRO INFO SPORTS team TODAY and start winning TONIGHT!