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2-0 on MNF last night, we keep on rolling

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  • 2-0 on MNF last night, we keep on rolling

    Were you a part of it??

    Friday: 6-0 in baseball/football (+6.00 units)
    0-2 in soccer (-2.43 units)
    Saturday: 6-4 in baseball/football (+1.57 units)
    4-1 in soccer (+4.57 units)
    Sunday: 8-2 in baseball/football (+5.80 units)
    3-2-1 in soccer (+0.85 units)
    +1.09 in Nascar!!!
    Monday: 3-2-1 in baseball/football (+0.80 units)

    NFL this year:
    Pro Football: (As of 9/18/2006)
    13-5-0 (73%) (+7.53 units) (regular season)
    24-14-1 (63%) (+8.81 units) (Exhibition Season)
    37-19-1 (66%) (+16.34 units) (Total Football)

    All in all +18.25 units gained this weekend alone! This month combined a STELLAR +30.74 units!!!

    Our biggest month to date is back in February where we gained +36.46 units, and my goal is to make September the best month in our history!

    Here's the one thing to remember. And this is very important.


    Our $25 bettors gained over $456
    Our $50 bettors gained over $912

    And that was just from Friday until yesterday!!!

    Some of our guys pick and choose what sports they want, and they still made a great profit this weekend and this month.

    What about baseball?? That was our bread and butter and we just could never get consistant profits with it this year. A lot of handicappers would have given up and just not made mention of it one bit. I was determined to right that ship and make a profit.

    In September we've gone 41-28-5 (59%) (+12.54 units). Now we still have the rest of September and the playoffs to go, so anything can happen, but we're DAMN proud to have scratched and clawed our way back and are now poised to get into profit mode for the year. We never had a 5 or 10 unit play to get the units back, we just plugged away with one unit plays per release.

    How about Hockey?!?!? Only 15 more days until the puck drops for real as exhibition games are already under way. Last season was just a dream season for us in the NHL

    Hockey: 2005-2006 Season Complete
    NHL: 226-175-13 (57%) (+47.10 units) (Regular Season Complete)
    Playoffs: 31-24-2 (56%) (+8.98 units)
    Olympics: 2-5 (29%) (-3.35 units)
    Total: 259-204-15 (56%) (+52.73 units)

    And remember again guys....ONE UNIT only per release.

    We have early bird specials for the hockey season that will go save you over 50% off the regular season price. After the puck drops on Wednesday the 4th, that's the end of it.

    Soccer again has just been on fire....most notable the English Premier League.

    English Premier League: (As of 9/17/2006) 20-7-4 (74%) (+22.48 units)

    Very important thing to note about this....we're still in the 1st full month of club soccer. This will go until May. That's 8 more months of great soccer action. You may not like it, you may not even watch it...but when you can profit like we are profiting....does it really matter??

    Guys, we have packages available for any and all guys who want to come on board. You can pick and choose your sports and package them together, or you can just take em all for a HUGE discount per month, or per season!

    Just send us an email at [email protected] and tell us where you want to start making your money.

    Tonight we're taking the Marlins -121 over the Mets.

    It's a nice system play that comes at the very most 8 times a year. We fade the team that just won their division or the wild card the next day. More times then not, we get a very tired, and a very lazy team who has nothing to play for the next day.

    Good luck to all that follow!

  • #2
    best of luck John


    • #3
      I agree with the Marlins play


      • #4
        thanks big w, and moony!


        • #5
          Rook---go to All Sports and answer Topplayer's question re pitching changes.....your podna Karl

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


          • #6
            Nice Thread John ... pretty soon we are going to have to call you Co-Captain jr ... hahahahaha

            Nice going buddy and good luck ...


            • #7
              Thanks kapt...

              and spark, could you tell I was a bit excited about things??



              • #8
                Originally posted by TheRook
                Thanks kapt...

                and spark, could you tell I was a bit excited about things??

                as well you should be ... Congrats


                • #9
                  Thanks joe....means a lot.

