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2006 Football

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  • 2006 Football

    Sports Player,

    Betting on the outcome of Football games, is undoubtedly a fascinating form of recreation, that definitely enhances one's day-to-day existence. It also requires a consistent, well-disciplined approach, for any real expectation of a profitable season. With that having been said, I've listed three personal guidelines, that have to be considered an absolute must.
    1) Keep in mind that the concept behind winning, is to gather and analyze as much information as you can about a game. Look at the probabilities of each team winning, and subsequently apply your opinion vs the line. Luck, will no doubt, be a deciding factor in the outcome of some of the games, but it will balance out in the long run. The sooner that you accept that fact, the better off you will be.
    2) If you're doing your own handicapping, there can be no guesswork. Ignore the media hype, and you'll stay away from the "public" teams. Work with only the most reliable information, using multiple sets of lines, and make winning weeks the primary goal.
    3) You'll need to manage your bankroll, betting in proportionate amounts. The principle, is to reduce your bet size when losing, and to increase it when winning. "Minimize your losses and maximize your gains" is the same concept in slogan form.

    * I'm currently putting together, the MARGIN preferred email list, for the College and NFL UpDates, and Futures Plays. If you'd like to receive this Free information, simply email me with the word,Yes.

    Email: [email protected]


    The MARGIN Newslatter - The name you know, and you know you can trust.


    SaturDay, Aug.26

    Tennessee Titans, UNDER 38

  • #2

    Can't believe I did that, Oh well, here's the spelling correction.

    The MARGIN Newsletter



    • #3
      SunDay, Aug.27

      Chicago White Sox, Buehrle -1.40


      • #4
        MonDay, Aug. 28

        Florida Marlins, Johnson -1.15


        • #5
          TuesDay, Aug.29

          Arizona Diamondbacks, Gonzalez +1.10


          • #6
            ThursDay, Aug.31

            Kent State +15.5

            Detroit Lions UNDER 35

