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NFL: 111 Wins, 27 Losses ATS

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  • NFL: 111 Wins, 27 Losses ATS

    OCT 13: RAMS (+8) 28, Raiders 13 Win

    NOV 3: Jets (+8') 44, CHARGERS 13 Win

    NOV 10: Colts (+9') 35, EAGLES 13 Win

    NOV 17: VIKINGS (+7) 31, Packers 21 Win

    DEC 1: Panthers (+7') 13, BROWNS 6 Win

    DEC 15: BEARS (+6') 20, Jets 13 Win

    DEC 22: Steelers (+4') 17, BUCS 7 Win

    These plays are from one of my latest research projects, the ATS Formula--just one of Six New Formulas and Systems slated for this year's Spread Report Online. Check out the huge margins of "Cover" in route to a perfect sweep last year while upping its 4-year mark to 26-7 ATS.

    Check it out:

    *NEW: Turnover Super System: 25-4 ATS!
    *NEW: Rushing Yardage System: 31-11 ATS!
    *NEW: ATS Formula: 10-0 ATS
    *NEW: Pass Yardage System: 54-17 ATS
    *NEW: Yds Per Pass Cmp Formula: 50-14 ATS
    *NEW: Rush Defense System: 29-5 ATS

    Combined with the Fantastic Four from last year...

    -NCAA ASR's: 30-17 ATS!
    -NFL Real Number Line: 60% on All Dog Plays!
    -NFL Turnover Formula: 118-79 ATS !
    -NFL Yardage Formula: 86-41 ATS!

    ....And as you can see, there's an entire wealth of exciting stuff there. But for more *spine-tingling* details regarding information on these new Systems and Formulas, stop by for a visit...

    Well, I've finally completed the "Consensus Plays" for the Six new Formulas. The results were mind-boggling. A four-star play means that four of the six formulas went in favor of the same team (or perhaps five in favor and one against); a three-star, a net of three in favor, etc. The four-star plays were all Dogs, 8 Straight up Winners; large victories; sizeable dogs. Here's the results...

    2002 NFL Results

    4* Plays: 9-0 ATS
    3* Plays: 12-1 ATS
    2* Plays: 25-5 ATS
    1* Plays: 65-21 ATS

    Total: 111-27 ATS (80.1%)

    When I get a chance, I'll post the week-to-week results, game-by-game.

    Those numbers are mind-boggling. What's even more mind boggling is the fact that the "Consensus Plays" had 16 consecutive winning weeks and no losing weeks (no plays week one) including 2 perfect weeks (6-0 and 9-0). The average number of plays were 8.6 plays per week.

    Those numbers may be astounding, but they do not surprise me. With 24 years in the business, I took a turn a few years ago in my approach and the systems and formulas I have developed since then are unbelievably strong stuff. Well-researched and well-reasoned. Anyone familiar with by background knows how adamant I am about my stuff making sense, being logical, having cause-and-effect.

    The formulas that I created during the off-season make sense. I think what makes the consensus plays so successful--besides the cause-and effect formulas and systems--is the fact that I come at the game from every angle with the multitude of formulas. They 'check and balance one another'.

    Beginning with a good line (real number line formula). Then mixing in Total Yardage Formulas, then Turnover Formulas. But this year I've added a whole slew of other formulas, coming at EVERY game on the board from every angle.

    I've added an additional Turnover Super Sytem. I've broken down the Yardage Formulas and Systems into variour categories. Pass Yardage, Rush Yardage, Rush Defense, Pass Yards per Completion, Average Rush yards Per Carry offensively, etc.

    For example, while my Passing Yardage System is simple listed as such, it actually is a four-fold System attributing "Credit" to the teams from four different angles. In all, my Nine Formulas and Systems are actually SEVENTEEN!

    But don't expect a 17* Play anytime soon. Like I said, the Seventeen Formulas come at the game from every angle attributing credits and debits to every team in every game. The final results gives an edge to a certain side in about 1/2 the games on the board. According to the strength of the "Edge", the game is appropriatedly rated. There's no second-guessing on my part. It is all clear cut. A play either makes the cut or not; and they are either rated a certain strength or not. No ambiguity.

    As mentioned above the highest rated play last year was a four-star. They were 9-0 ATS, all dogs (mostly sizeable), and 8-1 SU with sizeable victories most of which covered by 2-3 touchdowns.

    Formula MONDAY NIGHT Games 8-1 ATS/SU last year with some Strong wins. Can't wait to post'em! Along with the game-by-game results. Hope to get to it tonight or tomorrow. That's the latest from the Toop Camp, and we'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, stop by the site for a visit...


  • #2
    Where is the documentation of this alleged 111-27 ATS in NFL?
    Most of us in this thread(including me) have been around the block and were not born yesterday.
    Records like yours do not exist, and as stated if you are going to make a claim like that, show all of us skeptics what legitimate source can verify it.


    • #3

      This probably should be bumped to the Sports Services area with the rest of the shills and the frauds.
      The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!


      • #4
        URL Posting...

        New to site but not to capping...wasn't sure if I could posting url for website at this forum or not. Administrator can move if necessary to services...



        • #5
          It was just moved and i'm wondering too savage cause nobody here that is a regular is new to gambling either which means why have i never heard of him before with a record like that?:confused: ..... but he didn't answer the question so maybe we will never know.


          • #6
            Wayne-trust me;I have been doing this and following sports services for many, many years and NO ONE and I mean NO ONE has a documeted record like he claims;if he did, it would be all over the news and bookmakers would be running for cover.
            Only the most naive and gullible person would believe that;the only person I know who claims to have a better record than this one is Ty Gaston(, who on his code zebra club claims a record like 104-6.


            • #7

              Hey guys...sorry so long to reply...been browsing other sites.

              Just to clarify, I've been doing this now 24 years and you can rest assured that nobody hits those numbers on a consistent basis.

              The numbers I've posted are from my latest research and developement (of formulas/systems) during the off-season and not a claim to how I have picked them.

              To make a long story short, I use to use a very subjective and unorthodox method of cappiing, but in recent years have made the switch to a more statistical base.

              Since making that switch, I started toying with all kinds of formulas & systems (which I personally develop) and applying them to various statistical categories while implementing my 20-year thought process into the mix, and the results have been astounding. But I'm just beginning to scratch the surface.

              Since I do all my work by hand, I'm really just getting started. Going into last year I had only a few. This year, I have Six New Formulas and Systems.

              My Yardage Formula (developed summer 2001 and 48-18 ATS) had a brilliant year last season in its first year versus virgin data going 38-23 ATS.

              My NCAA ASR's (average spread ratings [weighted]) got put to the test last year versus virgin data as well, going 30-17 ATS.

              Anyway, I've got to run off to an Employee's meeting. The Yardage Formula and ASR games were part of last year's Spread Report Online--and Online sheet I marketed in each of the last 2 years.

              My College Selections really stunk it up, but the rest of the sheet was pretty decent. Gotta' go...running late...



              • #8
                OK, but I have been doing this for close to 30 years, and anyone who has been around that if someone can hit 60-65% tops in NFL over any period of time, it is considered phenomenal.
                80% doesn't exist other than for a weekend or a month.
                If you are that good, you might want to try tio win the Hilton Contest in the NFL, where winner wins a nice hefty sum of money.


                • #9
                  Trust me this clown does not hit at the pace he claims!!!!!!!

                  If he did he wouldn't tell a soul....

                  You sound like all the stock tout shit I get in the mail.....190 winners and 10 losers...blah...blah..blah..

                  If you actually hit at that pace you would be a billionaire on an island somewhere with runners all over the world placing your money....

                  Or you back tested a couple of things that worked last couple of years, that surely will not work this year!!!

                  Come back in a month or so and post your plays just after start time. Iif you actually hit at the pace you claim, I am sure you will have offers in the millions of dollars to ride your tails....

                  But, I BET you wont..........and that is a LOCK if I have ever seen one!!!!


                  • #10

                    Absolutely, I could not agree more. If anyone claims to hit those kinds of numbers over the course of time, that would be a first. Run and run fast from them.

                    As I pointed out in my first Issue of the Spread Report Online last season, the magic of my (then) new Yardage Formula, Turnover Formula, NCAA ASR's, and NFL Real Number Line was the rationale.

                    Anyone who's followed my analysis' over the last 5 Seasons at ********* or has subscribed to the SRO--if nothing else--will testify to how adamant I am about my stuff making logical sense. It must have cause and effect.

                    As pointed out in that Week One Issue, I had full confidence in my 4 new formulas going into last season due to their sound reasoning. The results in their respective inaugural seasons were respectable.

                    College ASR's: 30-17 ATS--easily blowing away my actual selections
                    NFL Real Number Line: 59% All Dog Plays
                    Yardage Formula: 38-23 ATS (48-18 2001)
                    Turnover Formula: 64-60 ATS (55-19 2001)

                    The result I want to point out above is the Turnover results. I had mentioned from the outset that I believed the Turnover Formula and Yardage Formula at worst would break-even or perhaps be a juice loser and that they were worth backing (again, due to the solid foundation of rationale) since you would stand a chance at a break out season such as 2001.

                    My point is that I do not claim these results all the time, but only that I developed some neat stuff that makes sense, and that due to their sound logic, you stand a chance at a phenomenal season at minimal risk (a break-even or juice burning year).

                    As you can see, when you combine the two years for the Turnover Formula, the numbers are more realistic (119-79 or 60%) and yet still a nice winner.

                    Obviously the other three formulas had excellent follow up years and yet still believable numbers. I think the real magic with the Formulas is that they both compliment and counter-balance one another--if that makes sense.

                    The Six New Formulas/Systems in key Statistical Categories brings the total of Pro Formulas to Nine. In addition to that, some of the Formulas are "multiple formulas" but only listed as one.

                    For example, the Pass Yardage System is actually comprised of 4 strategic attitudes which nicely isolate the stronger plays while softening the weaker ones. Throw in a dash of the "Yards Per Pass Completion Formula", and you have the makings of a real nice play when they agree. So in reality the Nine Pro Formulas are comprised of 17 sub-formulas but listed in the same veign.

                    Point: No, of course I do not expect to hit those numbers every year. What I do expect is a winning season from the consensus of 17 Pro Points--all of which are well-reasoned and well-researched.

                    My research has been the staple of my success, often outperforming my actual selections. From my "Reasons for Winning" (market 1986) to my "Human Factor" and "Power Play" Systems (market 1987) to my "Yardage Formula" (2001), the groundwork is there...



                    • #11
                      Savage 1 Response of 7-7-2003

                      I have never ever claimed to be 104 wins and 6 losses, savage 1 must have made an error, my website clearly shows my documented records for last year in football, ncaa hoops and the nba are all documented on my site. With a very large client base that attends my site everyday it would be sheer horror to lose those website visitors and active clients by posting undocumented records. So savage 1 must have made an error
                      Ty Gaston


                      • #12
                        Savage 1 Hilton Contest

                        Myself and Tony Smith participated in the Hilton Contest last year each selecting 5 plays for the week one week he would pick 3 and me two and the next week vice versa.
                        We ended up 15th overall and got a check out of over 300 participants, that's in the top 5% of the people who entered, For those that go to my website at we always post our Hilton Games on the website under free picks during the football. Anyone who wants to document the Hilton championship from last year is free to do so as well. The proof is in the pudding, just as my free plays in baseball are everyday under free picks section of


                        • #13
                          Never Seen So Much Bull Shit In My Life... So Dave Im Guessin Your A Millionaire Right?? BUAHAHA
                          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                          • #14

                  , I'm not a millionaire Charger fan.

                            San Diego in a tough division. Chiefs could be good with a little help on defense and Johnson back up RB. Then of course the Raiders. As much as I love the Broncos, they could be cellar-dwellers this year. I got SD pegged to battle Oakland for 2nd in that division behind Chiefs...

                            Come Check out site Charger fan...good stuff...



                            • #15
                              No one cares about your formulas and research projects if you can't come up with independent, third party documentation of your records, which you haven't provided yet, despite requests to do so.

