Before you read on, there are requirements you need to meet before signing up.
NO. 1 - You MUST have at least 50 posts here at Bettorschat to enter. If you have less, than get involved with the site a little bit and sign up when you have enough. I talked with Monte about this and although he loves the pools i run here he doesn't like how half of the entries are people with only a couple posts that sign up simply to play in a free pool trying to win a prize.
No. 2 - PLEASE and i do mean PLEASE take 5 minutes of your day and click on a few banners at the Top of the page. I see 9 of them right now and it only takes a minute to click a couple on and see what they offer. Membership is FREE here and to run this site it is far from it. The Sponsors are the ONLY thing Monte gets in return here to pay for new servers along with monthly fees to keep the site running each and every day. Members, New & Old should really take 5 minutes not just for this pool but on a weekly basis to do this for the good of the site.
If you do not meet the requirements your post will be ignored and you will not be entered in the pool.
Now on to business .......
I did this here the last 2 years and i'm doing it again.
NFL "Survivor" Pool
The object of this game will be a little different than in years past. It will be a "Double Elimination" pool.
You must pick one NFL team to Win (No spread) each week without picking ANY team twice. If you pick a team twice it counts as an automatic loss and if you forget to make a pick you will be ELIMINATED! It is not fair to give someone a loss if they didn't even make the effort to pick a team when someone made a pick that loses and they have one less team to choose from in the future. So, if you fail to pick one week you are GONE, Period!
If you pick a team that loses you will then have one loss and one more means you are eliminated. Remember, Win or Lose, once you use a team you CANNOT use them again.
I will be keeping track of all picks in the weekly thread that i put up.
I expect 100+ people to sign up for this just based on the response i had in past years here.
I will start the player list here once it gets going!
Services WILL NOT be eligible for Prizes!
Tiebreaker - If after 17 weeks we have people still alive with 1 or no losses they will move on the the Playoffs. They will all get a clean slate (on teams, not losses) and they will be able to use any team in the playoffs one time each again. If you don't have a team to use in the Conference Finals or Superbowl and someone else does than your shit out of luck if they Win. If we still have people alive come Superbowl time and they are on the same team than total points in that game will decide it and at that point one loss or no losses won't matter, it will be a points tiebreaker and that's it!
PRIZE - $200
It was going to be a $100 prize split between wayne1218 & Spark but Monte said he would throw in a $100 too.
Good Luck, those of you that have played this in the past know we will need it!
NO. 1 - You MUST have at least 50 posts here at Bettorschat to enter. If you have less, than get involved with the site a little bit and sign up when you have enough. I talked with Monte about this and although he loves the pools i run here he doesn't like how half of the entries are people with only a couple posts that sign up simply to play in a free pool trying to win a prize.
No. 2 - PLEASE and i do mean PLEASE take 5 minutes of your day and click on a few banners at the Top of the page. I see 9 of them right now and it only takes a minute to click a couple on and see what they offer. Membership is FREE here and to run this site it is far from it. The Sponsors are the ONLY thing Monte gets in return here to pay for new servers along with monthly fees to keep the site running each and every day. Members, New & Old should really take 5 minutes not just for this pool but on a weekly basis to do this for the good of the site.
If you do not meet the requirements your post will be ignored and you will not be entered in the pool.
Now on to business .......
I did this here the last 2 years and i'm doing it again.
NFL "Survivor" Pool
The object of this game will be a little different than in years past. It will be a "Double Elimination" pool.
You must pick one NFL team to Win (No spread) each week without picking ANY team twice. If you pick a team twice it counts as an automatic loss and if you forget to make a pick you will be ELIMINATED! It is not fair to give someone a loss if they didn't even make the effort to pick a team when someone made a pick that loses and they have one less team to choose from in the future. So, if you fail to pick one week you are GONE, Period!
If you pick a team that loses you will then have one loss and one more means you are eliminated. Remember, Win or Lose, once you use a team you CANNOT use them again.
I will be keeping track of all picks in the weekly thread that i put up.
I expect 100+ people to sign up for this just based on the response i had in past years here.
I will start the player list here once it gets going!
Services WILL NOT be eligible for Prizes!
Tiebreaker - If after 17 weeks we have people still alive with 1 or no losses they will move on the the Playoffs. They will all get a clean slate (on teams, not losses) and they will be able to use any team in the playoffs one time each again. If you don't have a team to use in the Conference Finals or Superbowl and someone else does than your shit out of luck if they Win. If we still have people alive come Superbowl time and they are on the same team than total points in that game will decide it and at that point one loss or no losses won't matter, it will be a points tiebreaker and that's it!
PRIZE - $200
It was going to be a $100 prize split between wayne1218 & Spark but Monte said he would throw in a $100 too.
Good Luck, those of you that have played this in the past know we will need it!