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  • Mmm

    First of all thank you for putting this contest together and secondly I am sorry for asking you this question but I just want to help out by scoring correctly.

    I played today:
    ND 10* loss
    Vandy 5* winner
    Arz winner
    N Car winner
    Xavier loser
    LSU loser

    should my record be:

    2 W/ 2L/ +5*/ -10*

    total= -5

    Your bonus plays do not count toward your twenty per week...right? If this is correct I think that several have also posted their scores wrong including myself. I included my bonus plays in my W/L record and I noticed that some others did as well.

    I have as of right now:

    3W/ 3L/ +5*/ -10*

    total= -5

    Which scoring is correct?

    anyway sorry for bothering you but I just want to get this straight so you don't have to take on this extra job!!!HAHA


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  • #2
    MM's basketball contest

    First of all, I want to say thanks for starting this contest! Makes a boring weekend a little more fun!

    Okay, I played 5 games on Saturday and have 15 left to play for the rest of the week. I also played all my bonus plays today!

    Arizona 10* won = 10pts
    Illinois 5* =lost = -5pts
    LSU 3* lost =-3pts
    Butler lost = -1pt
    Ohio St won = 1 pt

    Total scoring for Saturday
    2 wins = 2
    10*wins =10
    total 12 pts for winners

    3 loses =-3
    5*loses =-5
    total - pts=11

    12winner pts - 11 losing pts= 1 pt scored for Saturday

    :D okay so I only scored 1pt, but I got 15 winners left for the week!


    • #3
      The Bonus plays are part of your 20 plays for the week. You can designate any three of your twenty as bonus plays. So a game that is a bonus play counts as a win or a loss in addition to the bonus points involved.

      For example, if you win a 10 Star you would get +1 for the win and +10 for the bonus win.
      Good luck,


      • #4
        Thank you John :

        fellas all you have to do is a very simple thing :

        Remember your plays are plays , they count here =

        Your bonus is bonus it counts here =

        Keep them seperate

        And then Add them together for your total only , that way no one has a odd total of games " everyone has to have 20 "

        And keep it simple to :

        4 - W / 3 - L / A + OR - BONUS TOTAL

        Added together here for a total

        That way everyone has 20 games , because not everyones going to use thier bonus , not everyones going to use thier bonus , not everyones going to use thier bonus ?

        Get my drift now ?

        Dont mix your games with your bonus !

        They are different and seperate ( TILL YOU ADD THEM )

        Otherwise you will work me to death keeping track

        Thanks again



        :cool: :cool: :cool:
        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


        • #5
          Ms Mafia, please......LOL

          I know you say not to mix them up, but then you say to add them together? And then that everyone has 20 games? But some people will have 21, some will have 22, and some will have 23, based on how you've worded it. A better way to put it would be;
          "everyone will have AT LEAST 20 games" unless your first explanation of the scoring is wrong.

          Let me ask Lewis' question again.

          "Your bonus plays do not count toward your twenty per week...right?"

          If they do, then that means BC's way of keeping his own score was correct, but then your way is wrong and the way I read it is wrong. Remember, you said that 12-8 example gave you 12 points, but then you added 13 because you won the 10 and 3 point games. Then you subtracted your losses, but that's a total of 23 games. Not 20.

          These guys aren't trying to be a pain, it's just that you word it one way in your example and then another way in your "everyone will play 20 games" comment. Please don't answer with that "everyone's not going to use their bonus", either. Because....
          1. Yes they will (at least I predict they will)
          2. That's not the question.

          The questions, and they are simple YES or NO questions, are ;

          Do the bonus games count towards your 20? Or do they count ON TOP OF your 20?

          The way BC scored his Saturday agrees with your "everybody plays 20 games" statement.

          But the way you and I and a few others scored it agree with your "First page" example. Which is correct?
          Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


          • #6
            I just read EZ Winners explanation

            And that's a better way of putting it. You can see why people read your example the way they did, right?

            I'll go back and edit my score to fit this new explanation.
            Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


            • #7

              everybody has 20 games period......................

              whatever that record is (wins-losses)..................after you get that number is when you ad or subtract the 3 bonus games, which are PART OF the 20 games



              • #8

                I just explained that. You get 11 points for a 10* win, not 10 points. That way the 3 bonus games are part of the 20 total. But check this out from MMM....

                "Bonus was never intended to take the place of " any " games played and never implyed to do so !"

                That implies you ADD the bonus games, not include them in the 20.

                But the way I just explained it is correct. Even if you play a bonus game, it is part of the 20 games total. It's just that you will score it twice. Once as 1 point won or lost, and then as 10 points won or lost (using 10* as an example).
                Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                • #9

                  Originally posted by ez winners
                  The Bonus plays are part of your 20 plays for the week. You can designate any three of your twenty as bonus plays. So a game that is a bonus play counts as a win or a loss in addition to the bonus points involved.

                  For example, if you win a 10 Star you would get +1 for the win and +10 for the bonus win.
                  thats why I said thank you John , he explained it quite well .

                  Your bonus games are " in fact " part of your 20 games played cash , but they are seperate ( how does this escape you ? ) and every post I have written ( about 30 now ) has said the same exact thing he said , exactly to the T

                  Games are games / Bonus is Bonus .... what I think you are failing to see is for my scoring purposes and the ease there of I want them seperate . It does ( from my point of view ) make it a ton easier on me so quit looking at from your perspective and look at it from mine and keep them seperate or cause me to have a nervous breakdown .

                  You may ( or may not ) depending on ones reading comprehension have caught me with my pants down but this is the way it will be regarless of whos right or whos wrong .

                  Done Deal !

                  Love Ya , and please quit looking at everyone else or your going to go crazy with me , I am wasting valuable time with this situation that I can be spending doing other things .

                  So it is now understood that its the way it is and I cant let myself care anymore how one looks at it or construes it ( interperts ) because this is now a mute point on my part and I cant think of any words that will explain it any better so I guess you all have found out just how stupid I really am .



                  :cool: :cool: :cool:
                  " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                  • #10
                    Look, you worded it wrong. You can backtarack and say you've said something 30 times, but then why do some pretty smart people not understand?

                    First you say you agree with EZ, then you say you don't agree, then you say you agree.....


                    If you would have simply said that the bonus games count as 1 game towards your total, but 2 games towards your score, it would have been just as confusing. That's why I don't blame YOU for the confusion, because wording it any way with this scoring system would have confused some people. See, If it's so simple then why are you avoiding my question. Monte scored it incorrectly, yet he read your posts. Then I went the other way, and you say THAT is incorrect. So there was hidden third way to score (Phil Jr and a few others did it right), but Jr doesn't count because he's sleepy.

                    I asked you 8 times a simple yes or no question, and you kept giving a flawed example instead of just saying "Yes" or "No".

                    So keep saying you said something 30 times, but your first time was dead wrong, or 75% of the people would have understood it, instead of 50%.
                    Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                    • #11
                      CEO :

                      LOVE YA !



                      :cool: :cool: :cool:
                      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                      • #12

                        Let's get some sleep.
                        Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!

