Rules :
20 games or totals must be played per week , a new thread will start each week to keep them in . All lines will be the final lines from Scoresandodds . com for everyone . For every game missed you will be charged with a automatic loss and " Please no edits " so we can keep this fair , if you change your mind because of any reason please do so in another post. Prize is a 100.00 cashiers check for the winner after 9 weeks of play supplied by me . The tally will be straight up wins and pushes will count as a half point to reward you for not losing that game and keeping the total number of games squared up for everyone , 9 weeks of 20 games is 180 games to be played and everyone must meet this or be spanked . I would like for everyone to keep thier own record ( which will be viewed by all ) and back-checked weekly by myself to catch any errors if they exist.
Added Bonus System :
Every week there will be available 3 bonus games for you to use a 10* , 5* , 3* selection if you wish to ( not mandatory ) and along with the normal scoring you can use these with your games of choice . But if you lose them they will count against your score also , so be carefull with them cause a bad 10* could wipe-out a whole week of winning but on the other hand a wise 10* could give you a extra week of winning . On pushes that bonus * are used , you still get a half point for your push but you have used your selection bonus for the week ( can only be used once a week ).
Example score :
Say I go 12 - 8 for the week , and I use all three bonus selections but lose my 5* selection and win my 3 * & 10* my score would look like this :
12 wins = 12
3* ==== 03
10* ==== 10
total ==== 25
minus -----
8 loses ===8
5* ======5
final ===== 12 points
Easy enough to understand and adds a longshot flavor to it !
Scoring Record should look like this :
10 - W / 10 - L / P - O / Bonus + or -
-------- then --------
Your final tally
That way the same amount of games are played for everyone and very easy to keep track of , meaning every week everyone should have the same " exact " amount of games . Bonus points of course will be different for each player as will final scores .
When using your bonus be sure to use it like :
LaSalle - 3 / 10*
Starts this Sat. 17th of Jan. and runs till Sun. 13th of March at which time the Classic Elimination Tournament kicks in ( or phase two ) that starts with Selection Sunday ( the 14th ) . You must participate in the first one to qualify for the second one . Then phase two or the classic elimination one kicks in and runs till the end of the Final Four ( April 3 to 5 ) at which time the best man standing ( or even reaching the national champ ) will recieve another 100.00 cashiers check supplied by me .
Let it be known by all that Monte has final say in this matter and we should all thank him for allowing this to be held here .
Please feel free to play because its only fun and we need to make sure Phil Jr. doesnt take the Crown or we could create a glutton
:cool: :cool: :cool:
20 games or totals must be played per week , a new thread will start each week to keep them in . All lines will be the final lines from Scoresandodds . com for everyone . For every game missed you will be charged with a automatic loss and " Please no edits " so we can keep this fair , if you change your mind because of any reason please do so in another post. Prize is a 100.00 cashiers check for the winner after 9 weeks of play supplied by me . The tally will be straight up wins and pushes will count as a half point to reward you for not losing that game and keeping the total number of games squared up for everyone , 9 weeks of 20 games is 180 games to be played and everyone must meet this or be spanked . I would like for everyone to keep thier own record ( which will be viewed by all ) and back-checked weekly by myself to catch any errors if they exist.
Added Bonus System :
Every week there will be available 3 bonus games for you to use a 10* , 5* , 3* selection if you wish to ( not mandatory ) and along with the normal scoring you can use these with your games of choice . But if you lose them they will count against your score also , so be carefull with them cause a bad 10* could wipe-out a whole week of winning but on the other hand a wise 10* could give you a extra week of winning . On pushes that bonus * are used , you still get a half point for your push but you have used your selection bonus for the week ( can only be used once a week ).
Example score :
Say I go 12 - 8 for the week , and I use all three bonus selections but lose my 5* selection and win my 3 * & 10* my score would look like this :
12 wins = 12
3* ==== 03
10* ==== 10
total ==== 25
minus -----
8 loses ===8
5* ======5
final ===== 12 points
Easy enough to understand and adds a longshot flavor to it !
Scoring Record should look like this :
10 - W / 10 - L / P - O / Bonus + or -
-------- then --------
Your final tally
That way the same amount of games are played for everyone and very easy to keep track of , meaning every week everyone should have the same " exact " amount of games . Bonus points of course will be different for each player as will final scores .
When using your bonus be sure to use it like :
LaSalle - 3 / 10*
Starts this Sat. 17th of Jan. and runs till Sun. 13th of March at which time the Classic Elimination Tournament kicks in ( or phase two ) that starts with Selection Sunday ( the 14th ) . You must participate in the first one to qualify for the second one . Then phase two or the classic elimination one kicks in and runs till the end of the Final Four ( April 3 to 5 ) at which time the best man standing ( or even reaching the national champ ) will recieve another 100.00 cashiers check supplied by me .
Let it be known by all that Monte has final say in this matter and we should all thank him for allowing this to be held here .
Please feel free to play because its only fun and we need to make sure Phil Jr. doesnt take the Crown or we could create a glutton

:cool: :cool: :cool: