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2011 NFL "3 For All" Pool

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  • 2011 NFL "3 For All" Pool

    2011 NFL "3 FOR ALL”

    It’s the 8th Annual “High Stakes” Survivor like Fantasy League!

    Price: $50

    Deadline: Picks MUST BE turned in by 12 PM est. on Sunday. The 1st time you miss the deadline, it will be a warning. The 2nd time you miss it, it will be a Zero for the week.

    The Object is simple. Pick 1 QB, 1 RB, and 1 WR/TE each week without using ANY player twice. If at any point you use a positional player twice or forget to turn in your 3 players you will receive a zero for that position on your roster.

    The key to this League will be Strategy.

    WHY? Because this League will go through the Super Bowl, meaning you better have some players left come playoff time. RB’s and WR’s/TE’s will not be a problem come playoff time as teams have multiple playing but Quarterbacks will be and that’s where the strategy comes into play. If the Super Bowl arrives and you have used both Quarterbacks in the game than you better pick the best of the backups and cross your fingers. A lead at the end of the regular season will be nice and it will receive a prize BUT it doesn’t guarantee the ultimate prize and title of Champion.

    Scoring: Quarterbacks, Running Backs, Wide Receivers, and Tight Ends each receive the following

    Touch Down (+20 PTS.) = Rushing, Receiving, and Passing (Not on K or P return)

    Turnover (-10 PTS.) = Interceptions and Fumbles Lost

    Each Yard Gained (+1 PT.) = Rushing, Receiving, and Passing (Not on K or P return)

    Yes, if a Running Back or Wide Receiver throws a TD pass you get credit for it. Same thing happens if a Quarterback runs one in and so on. If they recover someone else' fumble for a TD in the End Zone, they do not get points.

    Payouts will be determined when the total number of entries is locked in. Split one with a friend or play one on your own.

    To turn in picks each week you will e-mail them to me at ***********************

    You are responsible for keeping track of who you have used so be careful of costly double picks!

    Everybody's picks are emailed out before the start of each week. You will know who people above and below you have BEFORE the games start on Sunday!

    We usually only average 20-25 people each year and i'm not sure why we can't get more because the people who play, all say they love it!

    If you are interested, Reply here and Email me ***********************

    Good Luck & Enjoy the Season!

  • #2
    In baby

    I love this league but I suck so bad

    Can't ever pick the right guys


    • #3
      I am in for this


      • #4
        Join Up!

        I'm in as usual Wayne.

        This is definitely my favorite pool of the year - if you've never played, check it out! You get to use a lot of strategy and it lasts all the way through the Super Bowl - I love it!


        • #5
          Nfl 3 for all pool

          I'm in Wayne.I will email you and send you a check shortly.Going to miss the survivor pool but I know its a pain in the butt especially when people don't pay up on time or are late with their picks and plead for forgiveness.Thanks again for all that you do in running these contests.



          • #6
            My favorite pool of all seasons. This is a ton of fun (& strategy), so if you are debating, get in!!
            Am I the longest tenured BC member?


            • #7
              I am in again, love this action!


              • #8
                Me and a friend are in!


                • #9
                  How many do we have by now?


                  • #10
                    No idea until opening day when people turn in picks.

