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MLB 2nd Half Contest Week #9 Day 1 September 13th

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  • MLB 2nd Half Contest Week #9 Day 1 September 13th

    1. You must pick exactly 5 sides per week, Money Lines Only, No Run Lines.
    2. Pitching changes still count so take that into consideration
    3. If a game is rained out that does not count against your 5 picks for the week.
    4. Closing lines from scoresandodds will be used for grading purposes.
    5. Winner for the Second half of the season which is when the regular season ends just prior to the playoffs and will be the person with the most units won. In case of a tie a tie-breaker to be determined later will be made up.
    6. This contest is for regular posting members! If you're not a regular posting member you can play, however you must contribute outside of the contest! Which means posting plays, talking sports, talking non gambling. You cannot just go around wishing people good luck or gl.
    7. Only 1 entry per person per contest.
    8. You can make more than 1 side pick per day, but only 1 post per day. In other words if you make a side pick early in the day you cannot come back later that day to make another pick.

    9. Please try to keep your games in rotation order as it makes it easier grading them. Also make sure to keep up with how many games you have played for the week

    10. Weeks Start on Sunday and go through too the following Saturday.
    11. First week Starts on Sunday July 19th 2009
    12. There will be a thread for each day of each week for you to post play/plays you may have for that day in. Thread for Current day will be stickied into all sports discussion while other threads will be in the Pools, Leagues and Contests forum:

    Please support the site sponsors by signing up with them and making a deposit by clicking on the banners at the top of the site so we can continue to bring contests like this in the future....Thanks!


    MLB Signed by the following players:

    Greg Maddux FUTURE HOF
    Carlos Zambrano
    Mark Prior
    Kerry Wood
    Matt Clement

    Ball comes in a case with a Certificate of Authenticity.

  • #2
    PICK #1 Minnesota


    • #3
      Picks are #1( game #1- maine - kindrick) ny mets #2 pittsburgh #3 cin cinati #4colorado #5 tampa bay

