2nd Annual CFB "Top 20" Survivor Pool!
That's Right, Top 20. Last year it was the Top 25 and this year we are making it a little harder. Only Top 20 Teams will be used so forget about teams 21-25.
Sportsbooks - Football season is fast approaching and anyone looking for a reliable Sportsbook doesn't need to look anywhere except the top of this page where the site sponsors are listed. All of those books are ones we trust and if you are interested in signing up with one of them, PLEASE Click on the banner above and tell them we sent you. This site is FREE to all members and the only thing that keeps it running is the Sponsors. Please click the banners above and give them a try.
Rules - You must pick one Top 20 team each week to Win (No Pointspread). I will post the Top 20 teams each week by Tuesday night. Those are the only teams that can be used. No other poll will count. You can't use any team more than once (Unless it goes to a tie breaker). If you pick a team twice or forget to make a pick, you are ELIMINATED!
Alert - Be careful. If you have a week with a bunch of teams not playing and you have used all the teams that are, you are shit out of luck. Strategy will come in to play in this one. The good thing is that many different teams come and go in the Top 20 leaving you options.
Tiebreaker - All the people left will pick all Bowl games from January 1st and beyond. That means every game on the board on and after January 1st. No spread will be used and the best record takes it. The additional Tie Breaker will be total points in the Title game.
Deadline - All picks for the week must be in by Saturday @ 12PM est. (Unless you use a game earlier in the week). The weeks will include Thursday-Sunday games only. No Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday games will count.
Start/Finish - This pool will start on Thursday September 3rd. It will last for 14 weeks. Week 1 will be 9/3-9/6 and Week 14 will be 12/3-12/5.
Prize - $100 Gift Card to either Home Depot, Wal-mart or Lowe's.
To Enter - Sign up in this thread.
Turning in Picks - Picks will be posted in a weekly thread that i provide. Late in the season, people will be able to email them instead.
Only 1 Entry Per Person!
Good Luck & Thanks for playing!
That's Right, Top 20. Last year it was the Top 25 and this year we are making it a little harder. Only Top 20 Teams will be used so forget about teams 21-25.
Sportsbooks - Football season is fast approaching and anyone looking for a reliable Sportsbook doesn't need to look anywhere except the top of this page where the site sponsors are listed. All of those books are ones we trust and if you are interested in signing up with one of them, PLEASE Click on the banner above and tell them we sent you. This site is FREE to all members and the only thing that keeps it running is the Sponsors. Please click the banners above and give them a try.
Rules - You must pick one Top 20 team each week to Win (No Pointspread). I will post the Top 20 teams each week by Tuesday night. Those are the only teams that can be used. No other poll will count. You can't use any team more than once (Unless it goes to a tie breaker). If you pick a team twice or forget to make a pick, you are ELIMINATED!
Alert - Be careful. If you have a week with a bunch of teams not playing and you have used all the teams that are, you are shit out of luck. Strategy will come in to play in this one. The good thing is that many different teams come and go in the Top 20 leaving you options.
Tiebreaker - All the people left will pick all Bowl games from January 1st and beyond. That means every game on the board on and after January 1st. No spread will be used and the best record takes it. The additional Tie Breaker will be total points in the Title game.
Deadline - All picks for the week must be in by Saturday @ 12PM est. (Unless you use a game earlier in the week). The weeks will include Thursday-Sunday games only. No Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday games will count.
Start/Finish - This pool will start on Thursday September 3rd. It will last for 14 weeks. Week 1 will be 9/3-9/6 and Week 14 will be 12/3-12/5.
Prize - $100 Gift Card to either Home Depot, Wal-mart or Lowe's.
To Enter - Sign up in this thread.
Turning in Picks - Picks will be posted in a weekly thread that i provide. Late in the season, people will be able to email them instead.
Only 1 Entry Per Person!
Good Luck & Thanks for playing!
