If you played in any Free or Pay Pools, PLEASE READ.
Many are always confused with knowing when picks need to be in. This thread will list each deadline for you.
NFL Capping Contest
I set this up with a weekly deadline of 1 PM est. on Sunday. When there is a Thursday or Saturday game, Poolhost defaults the deadline to 1 hour before the 1st game of the week. That means picks for Week 1 need to be in by Thursday night @ 7 PM est. There is nothing i can do to change that. If you miss the deadline, you are out of luck. Plain & Simple. The Pool home page clearly tells you the deadline each week with a ticking clock.
FREE Survivor
This is also done through the Poolhost website and the same exact rules apply as in the Capping Contest above.
Pay Survivor
Picks need to be in by 12 PM est on Sunday (Unless you are using a game earlier in the week). That gives us 1 hour to put the thing together and send it out. Picks are emailed to me directly. The earlier the better, PLEASE!
NFL Three for All
The same exact rules apply as the Pay Survivor. All 3 Players MUST be turned in at the same time. If you are using a Thursday player, all 3 need to be sent. If all your players are going on Sunday or later, they all need to be in by 12 PM est. on Sunday.
College Football Top 25 Survivor
Picks must be in by 12 PM est on Saturday
NFL Pick'em pool
Picks for week 1 need to be in by 7 PM est on Thursday night. This pool allows you to pick just the Thursday game and go back later to pick Sunday's game. The final deadline for all picks being in each week is Sunday @ 12 PM est
Any Questions?
Many are always confused with knowing when picks need to be in. This thread will list each deadline for you.
NFL Capping Contest
I set this up with a weekly deadline of 1 PM est. on Sunday. When there is a Thursday or Saturday game, Poolhost defaults the deadline to 1 hour before the 1st game of the week. That means picks for Week 1 need to be in by Thursday night @ 7 PM est. There is nothing i can do to change that. If you miss the deadline, you are out of luck. Plain & Simple. The Pool home page clearly tells you the deadline each week with a ticking clock.
FREE Survivor
This is also done through the Poolhost website and the same exact rules apply as in the Capping Contest above.
Pay Survivor
Picks need to be in by 12 PM est on Sunday (Unless you are using a game earlier in the week). That gives us 1 hour to put the thing together and send it out. Picks are emailed to me directly. The earlier the better, PLEASE!
NFL Three for All
The same exact rules apply as the Pay Survivor. All 3 Players MUST be turned in at the same time. If you are using a Thursday player, all 3 need to be sent. If all your players are going on Sunday or later, they all need to be in by 12 PM est. on Sunday.
College Football Top 25 Survivor
Picks must be in by 12 PM est on Saturday
NFL Pick'em pool
Picks for week 1 need to be in by 7 PM est on Thursday night. This pool allows you to pick just the Thursday game and go back later to pick Sunday's game. The final deadline for all picks being in each week is Sunday @ 12 PM est
Any Questions?
