That's funny cause i feel the same way about Stewart that you do Busch.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I feel the same about both of them
Just Kyle more so than Tony lately. I think it's from all of the fucking announcers wanting to impale his pole while announcing the race. Makes me sick
Oh, don't get me wrong, I feel the same about both of them
Just Kyle more so than Tony lately. I think it's from all of the fucking announcers wanting to impale his pole while announcing the race. Makes me sick
I'm sick of hearing Stewart bitch after EVERY god damn race. It doesn't matter if he is 2nd, 3rd or 4th. He bitches like a baby in every interview after!
I'm sick of hearing Stewart bitch after EVERY god damn race. It doesn't matter if he is 2nd, 3rd or 4th. He bitches like a baby in every interview after!
Yep, like a broken fricken record. I hope Goodyear gives the #20 team shit tires all year long after comments like that
He will be fined. If it isn't Goodyear, it's something else. I've never seen a guy finish in the top 5 as much as him and do nothing but bitch and moan after the race. Most guys are happy with that finish but not him, he always complains about something.
I'm sick of hearing Stewart bitch after EVERY god damn race. It doesn't matter if he is 2nd, 3rd or 4th. He bitches like a baby in every interview after!
Thats why I hate his ass.Finish second and call out goodyear for the tire.Goodyear ought to tell his ass to go use his Firestone or Hoosier tire next week at bristol and see how he finishes.He forgets that Goodyear and the fans and the media is the reason he is where he's at today.Same with Kyle,I was at the race yesterday and he was signing autographs at his trailer and had his sunglasses on,never looked up,some guy asked him "Kyle,you seem to have the trucks and the Cot figured out" and he(without even looking up) said "yeah,whatever" and kept signing.That guy was like what a dick,I was bragging on his cocky ass.Fuck Kyle and Tony
Really sucks to loose it the way it happened yesterday. I had him(99) in my $600 pool and had him bet with guy who had J.Gordon that would have paid me $320. But as they say that RACIN'.
Stewart said Bristol will be good...if they get the tires right!!!